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Top ten military powers?

US is only superpower,and remain so before 2050,no country can overtake US
As for Russia,they are power no doubt,but they can't compare with US anymore

I agree,,, people just cant understand that the USSR is gone,,,Russia has only about 10 percent of the USA Economy and Military, the only way that Russia can remain world player in the military area is by selling military equipment world wide,,, but that means it gets into the hands of the USA that developes counter measures rapidly.
Just tell me in which area Pakistan top to Iran. I think it will be the Nukes other then that there is nothing anything you can bring to outperform Iran.

Irans military is divided between the Iran Guard and the Regular Military,,,Some of their generals have defected and there has been mass arrests of officer in the Regular Military that supported the oppositon in the recent election.. Irans air force is badly out dated
I would put Pakistan military far ahead of Irans.
I think the economic strength and internal capacity to build and sustain a war machine is extremely important in assessing military strengths. Judged by these criteria, I would not consider India or Pakistan in the top 10 list. Both are heavily dependent on others for most of their armaments and technology.

Haq's Musings: India-Pakistan Military Balance
I expect to see some major changes in USA forces in Afganstan in the next ten years I think they will be reduced to a few thousand Special Forces Troops and increases by the thousands in drones....any vehicle that does not have a special license on its hood will be a target,, any one that fails to go thru a check point on the borders will be a target,,, any one carrying a gun in a free fire zone will be a target.....of course if there are no attacks on american targets that will not be necessary but I figure its going to be war ever lasting I have given up hope of there ever being peace.
Top military powers can be categorized into 3 groups, with members within each group roughly 'equivalent':

(1) 'super'-powers:
USA - China - Russia

(2) 'continental'-powers:
India - Pakistan - Japan - France - UK - Germany - Israel

(3) 'regional'-powers:
Iran - Indonesia - Brazil - Mexico - SK - NK - Egypt - Turkey (and some others)

made some changes

(0)"hyper power"
USA- unmatched conventionally, nuclear equal with russia, unmatched navy, have world's TWO best air-force -> the usaf and usnaf, even though it imports alot of fuel its domestic production is one of the worlds largest, enough to keep the military rolling in an emergency. its current economy and federal spending is a concern however and if it continues, will have large consequences in the future. premier space power, ie: spy satellites, gps . has anti satellite capability. has UNSC permanent seat

(1) 'super'-powers:(random order)
China ->largest army(without conscription mind you), has UNSC permanent seat,massive modernization in every field, backed by world's fastest growing large economy. has to import alot of fuel, relatively poor quality of its navy is a major concern as well as certain areas of the military such as advanced jet engines, which will depend on whether the next gen project is successful in removing this weakness. is a space power, has spy satellites and planned gps like capability(currently local only), has anti-satellite capability.

Russia -> lots of fuel,smaller economy based on energy/defense exports, lack of funds, otherwise fighting with china for second place and for the time being china is in a better position, however russia has some very advanced weapons such as the s-400 sams and missile designs. is a space power has the glonass network. has anti-satellite capability, has UNSC permanent seat.

(2) 'continental'-powers:(random order)
India - large army, fast growing economy, military modernizations taking place, has some advanced projects in place with russia, however, poor infrastructure, red tape/bureaucracy and lack of a large domestic manufacturing base all hold back its potential, also majority of major weapons systems are purchased from other nations. domestic attempts to develop and manufacture advanced weapons in house has be met with very limited success. is a growing space power with increasing confidence in its own launch capability, is in commercial launch business. its navy is strongest(not counting usn) in its operating area

- large army, has a capable though not advanced airforce, the navy is rather weak but enough to deter naval blockades, has a growing aircraft manufacturing capacity, currently engaged in conflict against terrorist, while this may be a drag to the country, it does provide for valuable experience. in deals to attain more advanced jets such as f-16,j-10. has a capable missile force though domestic space(satellite) launches are not yet achieved

Japan - large economy, is an advanced nation with however a pacifist constitution. powerful navy able to compete with china and Russia by its own waters. has a large fleet of advanced aircraft. space power though mainly for civilian purposes. non-existent army due to defensive nature of the military
should the navy be defeated the country can face shortages of fuel, food, and many other essentials. aging population and economy has been lackluster for years.

France - designs own advanced aircraft with a powerful air force, credible navy with advanced ships, generally acts a part of another force rather than on its own(nato, UN ect.).has UNSC permanent seat

UK - navy power, has advanced air force in the characteristics of developed western nations, spearheaded the attack in the 1991 UN operation against Iraq, support force in 2003. has UNSC permanent seat. however the financial situation is urgent, even warranting talk of a credit/investment downgrade. north sea fuel sources are running out leading to total dependence on imports

Germany - some of the best tanks in the world, large economy. western developed power(air, navy, army), though the eastern half of the country still somewhat lags behind the western half. world is hesitant to rearmy germandy after ww2. has very capable engineers

Israel - very well trained and armed army. has a large, well trained airforce operating some very advanced aircraft. however it is surround by competitors if not enemies. has capable navy to guard its coast against its neighbors though it is not large. suffers constant terrorist/partisan attacks. its military has proven itself many times over the past decades.

(3) 'regional'-powers:
Iran -
Indonesia -
Brazil -
Mexico -
SK - much smaller military compared with its principle threat, north korea, however the military planning is including us support

NK - large army and airforce. however without its nukes it is actually one of the weakest military powers in its region, with russia and china to the north and SK with US military to the south, all assessments see that in event of a war seoul will be flatten by artillery alone but other-wise the north is deprived of fuel and food cannot fight on for long and the quality of its equipment lags far behind all of its neighbors.
Egypt -
Turkey -
(and some others)-
very well written post .....congratulations..
but imo france and britain as of now are better than india and pakista...
however in future this may change.
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Irans military is divided between the Iran Guard and the Regular Military,,,Some of their generals have defected and there has been mass arrests of officer in the Regular Military that supported the oppositon in the recent election.. Irans air force is badly out dated
I would put Pakistan military far ahead of Irans.
Regular army since the after elections said they would not interfere and act against people, as it is not their job.
But it is long story. Regular army was the shah army which still worked for Iran after revolution. There are two reasons why guardians became much more important : bani sadr = iran had to create army to fight saddam army who was invading iran + religious army means fiedlity to the leader more sure.
army changed a lot after war especially bassijis who have a lot of profits. and since ahmadinejad pasdarans are getting the most powerful control of economy.
but from inside i can say you that the regular army is down.
about pasdarans they have far less possiblity than Pakistan and even Saudis. Iran having big problem with pieces to replace fr the planes. it is a big catastrophic situation.
So what we see from Iran is mostly a lot of blabla. We only can be good to resist and make hell to invaders. But we have no possiblity to attack. The only possibility to show we would be strong is having nukes. but it is another story...

Middle Powers (missing 3-6)
South Korea (Nukes, P5 Seat, Population) -3
Pakistan (Blue Water Navy, Economy, P5 Seat) -3
Iran (Nukes, Blue Water Navy, Population, Economy, P5 Seat)-4

what do u mean by this that pakistan have no nukes
yaar uffffffffffffff simple very simple answer of this third

India is the BIG super power
India is regional power
Su30 MKI superior to all Aircrafts even JSF 35 and F22 but not Super hornet because Indians dont want to under estimate Super hornet because SH also chances to join IAF fleet
India have the most powerfull cartoonish oh means best Media ever
even u guys knows hidden truth even NASA made by Indians lol
India now adays very busy in development of 7 generation Fighter LCA Tejas with the most powerfull technology "Hidden Techs".
India making world top best Tank Arjun lol

Simple why you always people under estimate India ?? kindly in TOP TEN powerfull list always start from 2nd not from first because no one can beat India in everything..

Just india have one problem "Cry baby" lol


(2) 'continental'-powers:[/B
India -

its navy is strongest(not counting usn) in its operating area

Exactly 2 boats kick so called most Strongest Navy lol

Continental power ? wow new thing added in my knowledge.

Much Continental power even kuch baat manwanay aur kehnay kiliye itne himat nahe kay kudh kahay Russia aur America say kahta hey insay kaho ye kardain jesay kay aaj kal Russia say kah raha hey kay insay kahoo stop bla bla blaa WHAT A CONTINENTAL POWER! lol


Now waiting for this post "Trolling by Pakistani"

When we say something so thats Troll but when Indian say something that is "Figure and facts" ya ya ya lol
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Originally Posted by Neo

Middle Powers (missing 3-6)
South Korea (Nukes, P5 Seat, Population) -3
Pakistan (Blue Water Navy, Economy, P5 Seat) -3
Iran (Nukes, Blue Water Navy, Population, Economy, P5 Seat)-4

what do u mean by this that pakistan have no nukes

Sweetboy, its other way round, i.e. Pakistan do not have "Blue Water Navy, Economy, P5 Seat" capability or status at the moment.

The list in the front of the country name is the capability or status that country dosen't have.:wave:

Hope its cleared now. :tup:

i think u guys forget one more important ARMY who fought with Super Powers, and Brock the Super Power ,,
Exp: BRITISH , U.S.S.R and now U.S.A and an other roman forces,
now a days we know them as a name of TALIBAN (AFGHANISTAN) who dint attack any other country (Not a T.T.P),,,,
Taliban don't neither has a advance weapons nor arsenal collection but whole world accept there skills, i m not a taliban but turth is turth ...
they has a guts to fight with Super Powers . . .
now U.S.A wants to run from Afghanistan just because of TALIBAN ,,,

they are the men who can die but cant leave as a bondman.

i can't comments about others :)

and sorry for my poor ENGLISH


<(_|_)| AKBAR

Top M2, with superb full-spectrum military tech, population, strategic depth, resource, and morale
1. USA
2. Russia

3. China (large population and superb mobilization, good economy)
4. Germany (economy, tech, resource)
5. Japan (superb tech, good economy, devotion, but no resource and strategic depth)
6. UK
7. Israel (no space and small population)
8. France (miserable war history though)
9. India (good economy)
10. ??

/Pakistan - not rich enough... /Brazil/Turkey/South Korea /North Korea - poverty-stricken...
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Dont think Japan should be in the top 10 as they have a adopted a lot of constitutional restriction after WW!! in regards to military

Brazil and Iran should def be in the top 10. Brazil is a big expoter of military weapons.
Dont think Japan should be in the top 10 as they have a adopted a lot of constitutional restriction after WW!! in regards to military

Brazil and Iran should def be in the top 10. Brazil is a big expoter of military weapons.

We are talking about capability and potential. Peace Constitution could be changed anytime. Don't forget how Germany came to power before WWII.

Iran's economy and tech are not good enough...
We are talking about capability and potential. Peace Constitution could be changed anytime. Don't forget how Germany came to power before WWII.

Iran's economy and tech are not good enough...

Fair enough mate...but i still thing to be in the top 10, tech and ecomomic might is important because conventional troops are no use in a inter continental war.

And yes donot forget that Germany came to power because of the huge economy boost the Nazi did in the 1930. Massive expenditure in Weapons.

Dont think Pakistan can make it in the top 10 with your critirea as right now there is a huge civil war in the entire country yet the military does not have the capability to stabilise it.
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