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Top 10 future Weapons of TURKEY

China woke up 30 years earlier than Turkey. Thats the only thing that makes difference..Also we can add the massive population.
Turkey’s strategic objective to operate not only in the littorals but also on the high seas

Turkey’s Naval Forces aim to protect lanes of communication on the high seas to assure global maritime security and protect national interests under an austere defense budget as part of its new strategy

The Navy aims to advance its limited strike ability over the next 10 years through the acquisition of an Amphibious Assault Ship with F35B STOVL Fighter Jets, Air Defense Frigates and Air independent propulsion Submarines

Globally, sea trading routes are also a means of power transfer and the sea control of critical passages on these routes is an integral part of geopolitical competition. Nowadays, the high seas are among the most important elements of strategic competition

  • to eliminate threats to the homeland from the farthest distance
  • to support the development of bilateral or multilateral cooperation initiatives
  • to contribute to the development and maintenance of relations and regional / global stability,
  • to shape the behaviours of other actors by playing an active role during crisis management
  • to protect maritime rights and interests
  • Humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, and Search and Rescue operations
  • Sea control and power projection
  • Strike operations
  • to support military bases in Qatar , Somali , Sudan
TCG Anadolu can carry some 10-12 F35Bs That's not a meaningul force in my opinion. We couldn't tip the balance in any war with that. It would be far better to buy some SM2s and SM3s to protect our fleet.

It would be even better to buy 2 smaller LPDs or 4 LSTs. We could really dominate Greece with that

You pay 5-6 billion dollars for TCG Anadolu and 1 torpedo and it's dead.
I have never see a Turkish citizen with that kind of ridiculous claim. If they ever exist, they are probably not Turk, but some kind of Troll. Btw there is no problem between Chinese nation and Turkish nation, lets have joy from developments of both countries.

Look no further, that Berkant already says within 10 years it's able to match China. Oh besides Nukes, there's no special difference between China and Turkey in technology (see post number 21). I guess Turkey soon has it's own space station, own nuclear fusion reactor, own fastest super computer, own computer chips, own AI driving bus, own robotics, own railgun, own stealth fighter (oh wait it needs help from BAE Systems), own FAST radio telescope and plenty more hi-tech. WOW Turkey is really catching up fast, the rising super power
Look no further, that Berkant already says within 10 years it's able to match China. Oh besides Nukes, there's no special difference between China and Turkey in technology (see post number 21). I guess Turkey soon has it's own space station, own nuclear fusion reactor, own fastest super computer, own computer chips, own AI driving bus, own robotics, own railgun, own stealth fighter (oh wait it needs help from BAE Systems), own FAST radio telescope and plenty more hi-tech. WOW Turkey is really catching up fast, the rising super power
He is probably just a troll. There is no need to take one troll and generalise entire nation as that troll. Lets enjoy from the developments of both Turkey and China, instead of feeding trolls.
He is probably just a troll. There is no need to take one troll and generalise entire nation as that troll. Lets enjoy from the developments of both Turkey and China, instead of feeding trolls.
Looks to me he's a Turk is he not? THere are other Turks as well who made some silly claims about China, like China's economy is crashing soon. You have no idea how couple of Turks think they are more advanced than China is. What a joke.
I mean it's obvious that you don't want to see TCG Anadolu in our Navy's inventory, but i have to ask a source for this claim.
It's too late now, doesn't matter what I want. It's being built. Just wanted to add my opinion.

Don't remember where I read it, might be wrong. Don't quote me on that.
Still pretty sure we could buy 2 dokdos for the same money... would be more suitable for Aegean.

I just checked it... 5-6 billion dollars is wrong. I misremembered it, maybe I was thinking about America class or something.
Looks to me he's a Turk is he not? THere are other Turks as well who made some silly claims about China, like China's economy is crashing soon. You have no idea how couple of Turks think they are more advanced than China is. What a joke.
Lets say there are couple of Turks that claim stupid things. So? Stupid people do exist in every nation, China, Turkey, Japan, Korea, US, Germany etc, doesn't matter. Just ignore them and have fun from developments of both nations.
Looks to me he's a Turk is he not? THere are other Turks as well who made some silly claims about China, like China's economy is crashing soon. You have no idea how couple of Turks think they are more advanced than China is. What a joke.

So what if he is writing things like that, we are not complaining about dumb chinese members what write a lot of crap. Next time if we cath a stupid post from a chinese member i wil tag you:-).
Not to spoil the party but... Isn't Altay tank a copy of Korean Panther and Atak a copy of Italian Mongoose? Im sure the same thing goes for the rest too. They are just licensed copies
So what if he is writing things like that, we are not complaining about dumb chinese members what write a lot of crap. Next time if cath a stupid post from a chinese member i wil tag you:-).

So you admit that Turk is writing DUMB stuffs?
Not to spoil the party but... Isn't Altay tank a copy of Korean Panther and Atak a copy of Italian Mongoose? Im sure the same thing goes for the rest too. They are just licensed copies
weight class is different, configuration is different, fire control system is different.
joing development, not copy. stop trolling.
would be more suitable for Aegean.
I have my doubts if TCG Anadolu will ever sails in Aegean Sea, other than showing flags in peace times once or twice. It would mostly sail in Western/Eastern Africa coasts, or in North Sea during NATO exercises.

So you admit that Turk is writing DUMB stuffs?
You are still generalising entire nation, this is racist. Dumb people do exist in every nation. I still do not understand what are you trying to prove here? Just go to street in Beijing, you will find dumb people there as well.
I have my doubts if TCG Anadolu will ever sails in Aegean Sea, other than showing flags in peace times once or twice. It would mostly sail in Western/Southern Africe coasts, or in North Sea during NATO exercises.
initially the project was meant for an LPD which was meant to invade aegean islands. The project moved away from that.
Lets say there are couple of Turks that claim stupid things. So? Stupid people do exist in every nation, China, Turkey, Japan, Korea, US, Germany etc, doesn't matter. Just ignore them and have fun from developments of both nations.

Then don't tell me there are no Turks writing that kind of bullsh*t, they are not just trolls but Turkish idiots who think highly of themselves.

Yes like that that Chinese, so what the fak do you want to do about?:-)
What i want to do about it? Nothing, i simply bash stupid Turks with FACTS about how advanced Turkey really is compared to China. :rofl: Putting him on his place where he belongs.
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