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Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World – 2011

LOL.. Pakistani ISI labeled as top spy agency by a blog .. Here's what About Us on the site says.. Make what you may of this.. :rofl:

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Check Post #6 or #5 by Pak47, it's your own incompetency to check his links also LOL

First they wanted to double deal with Talibans which they failed and talibs have been blowing up people in Pakistan ever since. It pissed off the CIA who intensified the drone attacks.

They tried double dealing with Osama. Osama is dead and the country had to face a huge national shame.

They tried double dealing in '71 and led to the disintegration of the country.

#they = ISI

#if such is the criteria to become no1 in intelligence then RAW should be awarded for it's laggardness


does an spy agency ever reveal it's real agenda's? you just got trolled by ISI LOLOL
Check Post #6 or #5 by Pak47, it's your own incompetency to check his links also LOL

Lets look at that post as well

10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World

Affiliated to REWRITE TECH
About | Rewrite Tech {Rewriting Technology is an initiative by a Pakistani technology enthusiast which is an amalgamation of all things technology that he has come across.} :rofl:

Top 10 Intelligence Agencies Of The World | RealMil

This is referring to the previous site smashinglists.com
{Here is a list of the 10 Best Intelligence Agencies of the World by Smashinglists.com}
:rofl: :rofl:

Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies

The above site says following about RAW.. Should give you some insight into its credibility

This agency is the Australian government intelligence agency which is responsible for collecting foreign intelligence. Its main purpose is the protection of country’s political and economic interests. :woot: :woot:

plus here is the domain ownership report
Registrant Name: Usman Siddiqui
Registrant Company: top20lists.com
Registrant Email Address: ups1984@gmail.com

Does the name tell you something :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Lets look at that post as well

10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World

Affiliated to REWRITE TECH
About | Rewrite Tech {Rewriting Technology is an initiative by a Pakistani technology enthusiast which is an amalgamation of all things technology that he has come across.} :rofl:

Top 10 Intelligence Agencies Of The World | RealMil

This is referring to the previous site smashinglists.com
{Here is a list of the 10 Best Intelligence Agencies of the World by Smashinglists.com}

Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies

The above site says following about RAW.. Should give you some insight into its credibility

This agency is the Australian government intelligence agency which is responsible for collecting foreign intelligence. Its main purpose is the protection of country’s political and economic interests. :woot: :woot:

plus here is the domain ownership report
Registrant Name: Usman Siddiqui
Registrant Company: top20lists.com
Registrant Email Address: ups1984@gmail.com

Does the name tell you something :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Range haaton pakde gaye pakistanis :tdown:
shame on them.
I would put the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) in this group. They are totally discreet / low profile but are able to preempt any threat to national security. FIs is charged with directing and conducting foreign intelligence operations. Its charge is the protection of Swiss banking, economic, political, technological, and military interests abroad. Data collected by the agency is reported to the political and military leadership of the Swiss Confederation via the National Security Council. FIS traditionally works in conjunction with other Swiss agencies,who are in a way its daughter organizations but work quite independently.

Read more: Switzerland, Intelligence and Security Switzerland, Intelligence and Security
we need a better intellegence agency damn but now we investing billions
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