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Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World – 2011

This just makes me laugh ......what reasons but for nationalism can be given for placing ISI on the top spot ???
I mean we have had a thousand bomb blasts in Pakistan ..thousands of people dead.A large number of terrorist's who have found sanctuary on the afpak border ....which is getting Pakistan bombed by USA..cant do jack abt that.Basically the country is in a mess..How is it that u cliam ISI is the best ???....ohh 1 more thing...OBL! u couldn't find him under your noses...that's pretty shameful ...should drop ISI to 10 on that itself :lol:
What is it that ISI has done? ..is there something u are not bringing out .. if yes plz do let the wold know of its acts ..we are eager!
How RAW come into top 10? weird , our neighbors giving lot of credits to our intelligence agency actually they are not even worthy to comment. I knw abt Pasha after I joined in PDF , but who executing RAW nobody knws actually we don't bother abt that. PM office controlling RAW so its obvious hw it works.
raw played a big part seperating east pakistan, raw plays a major role in Bangladesh as well and around the surrounding countries bar china.
You are misguided
RAW:: A bunch of fat old lazy government employees
How RAW come into top 10? weird , our neighbors giving lot of credits to our intelligence agency actually they are not even worthy to comment. I knw abt Pasha after I joined in PDF , but who executing RAW nobody knws actually we don't bother abt that. PM office controlling RAW so its obvious hw it works.

True. Who is the current head of RAW?
LOL RAW meat attacked a wounded tiger that shows cowardness of RAW, RAW sucks.

ISI is awesome done everything for a country don't let Indian hindutva's get you down
^^^ yes an intelligence agency which can't even findout OBL;even he hide near to army base or may be ISI had ties with OBL.....and OBL raid...really awesome ISI
^^^ yes an intelligence agency which can't even findout OBL;even he hide near to army base or may be ISI had ties with OBL.....and OBL raid...really awesome ISI

RAW sucks cant even find all 26/11 perpertrators u are jealous RAW isn't on top that is what
LOL RAW meat attacked a wounded tiger that shows cowardness of RAW, RAW sucks.

ISI is awesome done everything for a country don't let Indian hindutva's get you down

Isnt ISI being accused both in Pakistani and American courts of murders and terrorism. Fat chance that an intelligence agency that is so in the public eye can be any good. And with almost everyday terror strikes within Pakistan, the Intelligence agency which needs to guard the country is certainly doing a pretty lousy job imo

LOL.. Pakistani ISI labeled as top spy agency by a blog .. Here's what About Us on the site says.. Make what you may of this.. :rofl:

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names tell u something?? :azn:
Isnt ISI being accused both in Pakistani and American courts of murders and terrorism. Fat chance that an intelligence agency that is so in the public eye can be any good. And with almost everyday terror strikes within Pakistan, the Intelligence agency which needs to guard the country is certainly doing a pretty lousy job imo

Yes like ISI did something like that on purpose this is just to divert attention mark my words u indians and whole world is getting trollled by ISI and you can't even realize it lol

give a terror strike news link that happened today or yesterday plz thank u.

we all know RAW cowardness while pakistan fighting a war in east pakistan RAW shows it's greedyness and cowardness and attacks a wounded tiger wow
^^^ yes an intelligence agency which can't even findout OBL;even he hide near to army base or may be ISI had ties with OBL.....and OBL raid...really awesome ISI

First they wanted to double deal with Talibans which they failed and talibs have been blowing up people in Pakistan ever since. It pissed off the CIA who intensified the drone attacks.

They tried double dealing with Osama. Osama is dead and the country had to face a huge national shame.

They tried double dealing in '71 and led to the disintegration of the country.

#they = ISI

#if such is the criteria to become no1 in intelligence then RAW should be awarded for it's laggardness

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