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"signed by Queen Elizabeth II at Government House, Canberra. Enabling legislation to bring the UK and Australian Acts into force was passed by the parliaments of the United Kingdom and each of the Australian states."

Show me a federal law Australia passed on its own without the Queen having to sign it, represented through the Governor general.

The signing of the laws that are passed are purely ceremonial. Not 1 law passed by the parliament has ever been refused.

Claiming Australia is not an independent country because of 1 ceremonial thing is simply stupid. The seat of power in Australia is the government, not the Queen or Governor General. It may have been in the 1800's, but we are in 2011. It's all ceremonial now.

Also heres a fun fact for you, The Governor General is actually picked by the Prime Minister, not the Queen. The Queens signs off on it of course, for ceremonial purposes.
aussie dont hav a strong defence , majouly because they dont have much enemy- all around u have sea so no enemy.

also its a land too far away.

apart from that they are american love child now a days, totally depandent on american. their own research and development is zilch in defence sector , and what ever is there is all open to united states.
Correct, we ceased being a colony as soon as we became federated.

Wow you truly have no idea do you? The governor general is purely a ceremonial role these days, she has never interfered in defence deployments or laws (even though she has the power).

All laws are made by the parliament and all defence deployment and decisions are made by the government and the prime minister.

Wrong. The British Empire and the British Commonwealth doesn't exist anymore. It is now called the Commonwealth. We all share the same head of state by the British government has no power in our country or any other country.

Exactly, going by current law, Australia is not an independent country, its a constitutional monarch.

What your stating that she never 'interferes' its simply a rumor, say may not interfere by she must sign any documents and 'approve' them.

What you are stating is true, she is a puppet on the end of the governments stick, but shes a puppet that must be there according to current legislation.
aussie dont hav a strong defence , majouly because they dont have much enemy- all around u have sea so no enemy.

also its a land too far away.

apart from that they are american love child now a days, totally depandent on american. their own research and development is zilch in defence sector , and what ever is there is all open to united states.

you are insane!:bounce: not only that you are illiterate too. Its not worth arguing with you.

Australia part of a group of countries, that have the greatest influenetial role in the world. Not to mention they invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. lol. who are you to say they don't have strong defence?
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Exactly, going by current law, Australia is not an independent country, its a constitutional monarch.

What your stating that she never 'interferes' its simply a rumor, say may not interfere by she must sign any documents and 'approve' them.

What you are stating is true, she is a puppet on the end of the governments stick, but shes a puppet that must be there according to current legislation.

It's a constitutional monarchy yes, but it's still independent. We our own military, our own government, all decisions to do with out country are made by our government with no input or interference from the monarchy or Britain. Thus we are independent.

As i said, The monarchy is purely ceremonial.

How is saying the queen never interferes in our government a rumor? It's a fact. She doesn't sign any laws as previously stated. The Governor General does on her behalf, but once again, it's purely ceremonial. They can't say "No we arent accepting this law"

You are ignoring the monarchy's role as a ceremonial institution and instead implying/claiming it is actually governing our country and having input to how our country is run.

This is not true and now we have cleared it up for you.
It's a constitutional monarchy yes, but it's still independent. We our own military, our own government, all decisions to do with out country are made by our government with no input or interference from the monarchy or Britain. Thus we are independent.

As i said, The monarchy is purely ceremonial.

How is saying the queen never interferes in our government a rumor? It's a fact. She doesn't sign any laws as previously stated. The Governor General does on her behalf, but once again, it's purely ceremonial. They can't say "No we arent accepting this law"

You are ignoring the monarchy's role as a ceremonial institution and instead implying/claiming it is actually governing our country and having input to how our country is run.

This is not true and now we have cleared it up for you.

Australian Defence Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Commander-in-Chief Governor-General Quentin Bryce as Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia's representative
Australian Defence Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Commander-in-Chief Governor-General Quentin Bryce as Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia's representative

No, that's not check mate. Once again you point out a ceremonial role and totally ignore it is a ceremonial role.

All defence force decisions and deployments are made by the defence minister, the prime minister and the chief of the defence force.

The Governor-General has no say whatsoever in our defence force. Her role is purely ceremonial.

I wonder how many more times i am going to have to say her role is ceremonial before you'll understand?

omg he ment we're not an independant country , i thought he ment our military isnt independant l0l.
We are an Independent country, as i explained above. Also, he is syaing our military is no independent. He is claiming Queen Elizabeth makes all the decisions of the defence force while our government does nothing.

I hate repeating myself, i have repeated myself to this guy 5 times now. Hopefully he understands by now.
No, that's not check mate. Once again you point out a ceremonial role and totally ignore it is a ceremonial role.

All defence force decisions and deployments are made by the defence minister, the prime minister and the chief of the defence force.

The Governor-General has no say whatsoever in our defence force. Her role is purely ceremonial.

I wonder how many more times i am going to have to say her role is ceremonial before you'll understand?


are you totally out of your mind? :bounce: they have the finial say, after the house of reps passes the bill, the Queen has the final say lol.

The queen has even sacked a prime minster in the past. what was his name again?
are you totally out of your mind? :bounce: they have the finial say, after the house of reps passes the bill, the Queen has the final say lol.

This will be the 5th time i have said it now.

THAT IS CEREMONIAL. They cant actually refuse to sign it.

This is the last time im going to repeat myself. You keep saying the same things over and over, i answer them and correct them and then you ignore my posts and repeat the same thing.

I will no longer be repeating myself as it's obvious you will never understand and you will just keep repeating your idiotic, incorrect crap whilst totally ignore my posts which is factual, plus i am a real life Australian.
"signed by Queen Elizabeth II at Government House, Canberra. Enabling legislation to bring the UK and Australian Acts into force was passed by the parliaments of the United Kingdom and each of the Australian states."

Show me a federal law Australia passed on its own without the Queen having to sign it, represented through the Governor general.

Hell bent on again and again proving u r a fool,because it was nothing more than ceremonial,the ceremonial monarch of Australia is not more powerful than their Australian govt,just as the same it is in UK,gone r the days of Monarch being the supreme power,now ur claim is about a lady who cannot decide day to day matter's in UK controls Australia:lol:

Now do u know that Australian's themselves selected Elizabeth to b their ceremonial monarch by the power of voting(i said power of voting).

I am sure u did not even properly read the last article but for more information refer this(if ur conspiracy fetched mind allow it)

This the answer to ur question

Governor-General of Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia is the representative in Australia at federal/national level of the Australian monarch (currently Queen Elizabeth II). He or she exercises the supreme executive power of the Commonwealth. The functions and roles of the Governor-General include appointing ambassadors, ministers and judges, giving Royal Assent to legislation, issuing writs for elections and bestowing honours. The Governor-General is President of the Federal Executive Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force. All these things are done and all these posts are held under the authority of the Australian Constitution. Further, the Governor-General acts as vice-regal representative to the Australian Capital Territory.

Elizabeth had no say in Ausralian matter's,her post is just ceremonial,it is infact the Governal General who actually executes the power,who in turn can only act under the supervision of aussie govt,basically mean Australian govt control the nation,not some monarch.
yes ofc we are , the queen has no power here , if she rejected anything we would be a republic in no time.also australia does develop and research on a number of defence projects.

btw We build many of our own ships and submarines and radars and Nulka and jointly develop satellites and missiles

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