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Tomorrow when the war began

The fictional Asian invaders would most likely be Indonesians.

Australian media tends to be very friendly towards east Asian countries except for two: Malaysia and Indonesia. I will leave it for the readers to figure out how these two countries are different from the rest of east Asia.

Australian media is particularly vile towards Indonesia. Every time an Aussie drug runner gets caught in Indonesia, the entire Australian media goes into a frenzy of rabid racism against Indonesia.

One ex-whore caught red-handed and sentenced to 20 years in Indonesia has been turned into a national heroine and a martyr. Not one single law enforcement official, including the Australian Federal Police, believed her bullshit excuse, but the media routinely portrays her as a victim.

I disagree with malaysia they looked at well imo.goverment also has good ties with them and they are considered more modern or western.
and who the hell are you ? rather what the hell are you????

pakistan as a country have no problem with Australia. But some idiot mulla hate anything which doesn't have beard , dont have suicide belt and don't beat their wife.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol: hahahaha
Whats so funny? do you think your 3rd world regime has a chance of surviving?

if paksitan will only piss on srilanka - the whole country will go to ashes, just because u killed a few civilian carrying 1940's weapon doesnt mean you won the world war 3.

pakistan suppose to have the best friggin pilots in the world. their stratagies are top line. their army is suppose to kill till u die attitude holder.

at the same time india have some of the best equipment out there. and we fought bloody well with paksitan- so we are right there.

you must be bloody idiot if you think india and paksitan are like babies. they are way too much to handle for - australia without nato .
if paksitan will only piss on srilanka - the whole country will go to ashes, just because u killed a few civilian carrying 1940's weapon doesnt mean you won the world war 3.

pakistan suppose to have the best friggin pilots in the world. their stratagies are top line. their army is suppose to kill till u die attitude holder.

at the same time india have some of the best equipment out there. and we fought bloody well with paksitan- so we are right there.

you must be bloody idiot if you think india and paksitan are like babies.

I was saying Australia could piss on india and pakistan at the same time and both countries would go to ashers. i wasn't saying sri lanka could.

And Pakistan cant invade sri lanka, and neither can sri lanka invade pakistan. It will be seen as a threat to US dominance.

There's only 1 country that can initiate invasion wars.

LOL india has some cow piss, and some snake charmers thats about it. :lol: oh and about 3000 tons of human waste :rofl:
I was saying Australia could piss on india and pakistan at the same time and both countries would go to ashers. i wasn't saying sri lanka could.

And Pakistan cant invade sri lanka, and neither can sri lanka invade pakistan. It will be seen as a threat to US dominance.

There's only 1 country that can initiate invasion wars.

LOL india has some cow piss, and some snake charmers thats about it. :lol: oh and about 3000 tons of human waste :rofl:

oh so u are the love child of waltzing Matilda's father ?

what makes you think aus have such defence ? or expertise .

srilankan cant - bloody invent a good granade what makes you think they can fight a war ?

rather how will they fight it ???? with coconuts ? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

and just wait how indian industries are spreading in lanka - soon it will be all taken over .

and for paksitan - you have no idea about paksitan , just because the country is going through the mess u think so lightly of them, they are our rival for past 60 years we know how friggin hard they get up and rise to fight, they can bloody invade lanka ( if it will ever come to it - although i see no need - so just for the sake of your stupid argument) chew them and burp...
oh so u are the love child of waltzing Matilda's father ?

what makes you think aus have such defence ? or expertise .

srilankan cant - bloody invent a good granade what makes you think they can fight a war ?

rather how will they fight it ???? with coconuts ? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

and just wait how indian industries are spreading in lanka - soon it will be all taken over .

and for paksitan - you have no idea about paksitan , just because the country is going through the mess u think so lightly of them, they are our rival for past 60 years we know how friggin hard they get up and rise to fight, they can bloody invade lanka ( if it will ever come to it - although i see no need - so just for the sake of your stupid argument) chew them and burp...

Who said i was i thinking lightly, india and pakistan are both same to me lol. :bounce:
3rd world piss wars with sticks and bones aren't my problem :lol:

Hmm i think you dream too much, maybe i suggest you choose another diet instead of just cow piss. :bounce:

I think india better get away from the US strangle hold of india as a client state before you think about taking countries with your diseased coconut industries.
http://www.stockinfo.lk/topic546.html :lol:
Who said i was i thinking lightly, india and pakistan are both same to me lol. :bounce:
3rd world piss wars with sticks and bones aren't my problem :lol:

Hmm i think you dream too much, maybe i suggest you choose another diet instead of just cow piss. :bounce:

I think india better get away from the US strangle hold of india as a client state before you think about taking countries with your diseased coconut industries.
View topic - Indian coconut export may contain diseases SL scientist warn - Stockinfo.lk - Free Sri Lankan Investment Forum :lol:

honey i think u over worked you self. it happens to domestic help.

what makes you think Pakistan and india are poor, did we come to take any help from you ??? rather you are the one with bowl who went to paksitan and india last year get some help.

lanka has nothing to offer to world - if its wiped off tomorrow it wont make an iota of an difference so u know how important you existence is - now go n talk ot hand , and while u at it , go wash my laundry or else you wont get your monthly amount.
as for coconuts they might even be diseases intentionally to wipe somebody off.


back to topic.....

i got the movie wil lsee it ......

but normally i think aussie have some problem with china, majorly because of media - who dont like the communist country.
hard to get australian films on torrent , small population and distrubition.

ill look for you.

Ahhh small population. Just get some Indians and Chinese imported I am sure in a decade or so population wont be a problem.:lol:
honey i think u over worked you self. it happens to domestic help.

what makes you think Pakistan and india are poor, did we come to take any help from you ??? rather you are the one with bowl who went to paksitan and india last year get some help.

lanka has nothing to offer to world - if its wiped off tomorrow it wont make an iota of an difference so u know how important you existence is - now go n talk ot hand , and while u at it , go wash my laundry or else you wont get your monthly amount.
as for coconuts they might even be diseases intentionally to wipe somebody off.


back to topic.....

i got the movie wil lsee it ......

but normally i think aussie have some problem with china, majorly because of media - who dont like the communist country.

you have some problem you trying to prove your self worth to me, to justify your existence. :bounce:
Ahhh small population. Just get some Indians and Chinese imported I am sure in a decade or so population wont be a problem.:lol:

theres already projects to keep the population stable NOW(21million) to keep high standard of living, dont think we need a few hundred million chinese and indians haha.

PS did you read this whole topic lol
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you have some problem you trying to prove your self worth to me, to justify your existence. :bounce:

ganja chala juda banwane !!!!

what is there with lanka ? their land filled with mine ? or the country in civil war ?

hhahahaha:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: just to make their presence felt they have to have 5 feet long name to 4 ft tall mauled up dude.

darkness my dear friend darkness. :taz:
theres already projects to keep the population stable NOW(21million) to keep high standard of living, dont think we need a few hundred million chinese and indians haha.

want or not , we still going to get there. looool

hahaha joking.

the whole bloody sydney is filled with asians , there are areas like - chats wood , liverpool, willoughby, filled with asian population.

but the main reason for increasing asian population is ( believe it or not ) australia is most welcoming nation, they accept you. except for bloody redneck tassie.

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