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Tommorrow Conflicts, the real conflict.


Jul 5, 2011
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For the past 10 years, I've been observing some strange media trends especially in the western medias and how they're trying to demonizes China by turning their people perceptions against China. I'm beginning to wonder "Is the West trying to go to war with China after they have finished to used it like they did with Germany and Japan by turning them back to how they want them to be? Could China be the last obstacle for the West to fully dominate the world as they're preparing themselves to implement weapons in space?"
For the past 10 years, I've been observing some strange media trends especially in the western medias and how they're trying to demonizes China by turning their people perceptions against China. I'm beginning to wonder "Is the West trying to destroys China after they have finished to used it like they did with Germany and Japan by turning them back to how they want them to be? Could China be the last obstacle for the West to fully dominate the world as they're preparing themselves to implement weapons in space?"

If anyone wants to "stop" China from becoming a great power, they are already too late.

The West is in relative decline. They will be happy with mutual trade, and maintaining their diplomatic position in the world.
For the past 10 years, I've been observing some strange media trends especially in the western medias and how they're trying to demonizes China by turning their people perceptions against China. I'm beginning to wonder "Is the West trying to destroys China after they have finished to used it like they did with Germany and Japan by turning them back to how they want them to be? Could China be the last obstacle for the West to fully dominate the world as they're preparing themselves to implement weapons in space?"
You said it right to the full US-led Western countries to block China's development and progress. Public media so that they pioneer weapons. China seeks a multipolar world order, but the U.S. is full of obstacles.
Countries will always tweak the media to their perspective. It's the normal thing for them to do.

I would not fear the West trying to draw China into a conflict that much. The striking difference between today and seventy years back is that we have nuclear weapons. They know that drawing China into a conflict will cause them as much harm (if not more) as it causes China.

Deterrence is the most powerful peacekeeper today. There is one reason why they have not made any aggressive moves towards North Korea yet, and that is because North Korea has something which most countries do not: nuclear weapons.
china will never have the power us has. all of your work is from us and eu companys. you ahve an ageing population , a credit bubble and a housing bubble. your gdp growth is fake , prim pumping building citys no one uses or ask for it will collapes.

Same can be said about the US....
birth rate decreasing
Gov agencies providing services closing
Gov spending more than it can afford
Jobs being outsourced at the expense of Americans
Poverty increasing
Can the US survive another Global depression
Debt in trillions
I believe that China is still a long way from competing against the US. However, they are capable of creating asymmetric situations that benefits them. So do not underestimate China. At the same time, I hope no one underestimate the US. These are the two countries that ensures peace and development in the world right now.
USA has a tradition of demonising the communists, they have been doing this for ages.
For the past 10 years, I've been observing some strange media trends especially in the western medias and how they're trying to demonizes China by turning their people perceptions against China. I'm beginning to wonder "Is the West trying to destroys China after they have finished to used it like they did with Germany and Japan by turning them back to how they want them to be? Could China be the last obstacle for the West to fully dominate the world as they're preparing themselves to implement weapons in space?"

It is not just the last ten years ..... it has been going on for about a century
Opium wars
Boxer war
Taiwan representing the whole of China in UN till 1972
And now this.

The only exception I think of is the allied support of China during WWII
Wow. A sinophile starts what can be aptly described as a flamebait thread, a few chest thumping comments down the line, the bots get to work attacking anyone who deviates from their propaganda instilled brainwashed worldview.

Good jobs BOTS.

If your country is so great, if you cannot take criticism which you learnt from your revered party, then, Go Back.

Actually, the Indian posters in this thread haven't attacked anyone yet. :)

Of course, with the sole exception of you, the one who can't even register the difference between criticism and bias.
If you havent noticed yet, this is a flamebait thread. You start by comparing post WW-II demilitarization and defanging of fascist/imperialist/nazi regimes of pre-WWII Germany and Japan to that of present day China?

Yes that is what his point is .... The western media just stops short of comparing modern China with Imperialist Japan and Nazi Germany.
if Germany or Japan had developed enough A-bombs that could put human civilization into nuclear oblivion, i bet the yesterday conflits themselves would not have happened, let alone the tommorrow conflicts the op suggested.

whether we like it or not, the mutually assured destruction is the one and only obstacle against "total dominance", be it by any party with such ambition.
if Germany or Japan had developed enough A-bombs that could put human civilization into nuclear oblivion, i bet the yesterday conflits themselves would not have happened, let alone the tommorrow conflicts the op suggested.

whether we like it or not, the mutually assured destruction is the one and only obstacle against "total dominance", be it by any party with such ambition.
Interestingly, both of these nations were close to acquiring nuclear capability by 1945. Hitler specially laid out a plan to nuke the New York City. Thank God, these nations were successfully stopped in WWII.

However, the case of US-Japanese conflict during WWII suggests that if Germany and Japan had acquired nuclear capability a lot earlier, they would have not hesitated to use nuclear weapons during WWII just like the US. Even the doctrine of MAD would not have stopped the nuclear nations from destroying each other and the world. The madness had to stop.
There is a very curious thing about the West, when it looks to the world, it does not want to see the world, it wants to see a reflection of itself - if there is success, then it must look like it in the West --- and with China, well, the West does not see itself reflected - it sees another civilization, another history, another peoples, it see a narrative in which the West is not the ideal -- these things scare the West.
There is a very curious thing about the West, when it looks to the world, it does not want to see the world, it wants to see a reflection of itself - if there is success, then it must look like it in the West --- and with China, well, the West does not see itself reflected - it sees another civilization, another history, another peoples, it see a narrative in which the West is not the ideal -- these things scare the West.

That's true. Humans by nature fear the unknown, and fear those who are different.

China's current system is as "different" as it gets, from the system of "liberal democracy" that is idolized by the West.

And even more shockingly, China's economy is doing extremely well. It turns their world-view upside down.

To their credit, they are still putting most of their emphasis on economic cooperation. And in return, China mostly follows the rules of the current international order, as personified by the United Nations, the IMF, the World Bank, etc.
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