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To whom does the term 'Aryan' belong?

Or it might be their unfamiliarity with gangetic plain.For example the absence of vyaghra(tiger) which comes into picture much later in Atharva veda when the population shifts more towards south east.

Not very clear that. Tigers at that time were spread out in a far larger area & there are many seals of Harappa and Mohenjodaro containing pictorial representations of the tiger. The name Vyaghra is an Aryan name of purely Indo-European etymology and has cognate forms in Iranian babr and Armenian vagr. Difficult to explain with that hypothesis.
@ExtraOdinary, add to my previous post on beef, it was very clear that both Buddhism & Jainism had a profound impact on Hinduism. The Jain philosophies of vegetarianism must have appealed as also both those religions disapproval of sacrifices.
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Not very clear that. Tigers at that time were spread out in a far larger area & there are many seals of Harappa and Mohenjodaro containing pictorial representations of the tiger. The name Vyaghra is an Aryan name of purely Indo-European etymology and has cognate forms in Iranian babr and Armenian vagr. Difficult to explain with that hypothesis.

It is difficult to tell now whether tiger was being mentioned by vagr or babr,or they designated wolves by those name .But it seems to be odd the Rgvedics did not even mentioned it.On the other hand,lion known to Indo-Iranians before they got separated finds profound presence in Rgveda.
Plus if I remember correctly a number of you Indians said that India is secular then why this issue with Beef? :pop:

The reason non-vegetarian food is prohibited is because it is considered Rajasic, ancient followers of Sanatana Dharma did eat non-vegetarian food because they lived in a different Yuga, in which Dharma stood on at least 2 legs which didn't hamper spiritual progress, now this is Kali Yuga, Dharma is standing on only 1 leg, in this Yuga such food will hamper spiritual progress, hence it is not advised.
The reason non-vegetarian food is prohibited is because it is considered Rajasic, ancient followers of Sanatana Dharma did eat non-vegetarian food because they lived in a different Yuga, in which Dharma stood on at least 2 legs which didn't hamper spiritual progress, now this is Kali Yuga, Dharma is standing on only 1 leg, in this Yuga such food will hamper spiritual progress, hence it is not advised.
@curioususer interesting :pop:
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The Indus valley civilization details show they used to eat beef. and do NOT worship cows.

Can you mentioned if any hindu idiol/deity was exacvated from Indus valley sites?.

You wont find Hindu deities there, but the godesses of the Indus vally was probably the ancestor or prototype to Hindu godesses like Lakshmi, etc.



Indus fertility goddesses







Maurya, Sunga, etc Yakshis(fertility goddesses)

These in time probably became Hindu deities like Lakshmi, etc.
The land was called Aryavarta, you don't get much more of an identity than that.

Only one part of the land. Fact is that Indo-European influence in India has established itself due to elite dominance. Aryan has never been part of India's national identity.
Only one part of the land. Fact is that Indo-European influence in India has established itself due to elite dominance. Aryan has never been part of India's national identity.

There really wasnt a national identity back in those days to begin with.
That is what I say. Iranians always called themselves Iranian (i.e. Aryans), and has been part of our national identity ever since.

I doubt Parthians, Persians, Kurds, etc, etc, etc. and all those other Iranic people give to fucks about this Aryan nationalism back then. Or wanted to united, etc.
I doubt Parthians, Persians, Kurds, etc, etc, etc. and all those other Iranic people give to fucks about this Aryan nationalism back then. And wanted to united, etc.

Who cares? We still car ourself Iranian (Aryan) and still refer to us country as Iran (Land of the Aryans).
That is what I say. Iranians always called themselves Iranian (i.e. Aryans), and has been part of our national identity ever since.

Throughout history world had known your country as Persia. It was during Pehlavis in 1930s you adopted the name Iran.
Throughout history world had known your country as Persia. It was during Pehlavis in 1930s you adopted the name Iran.

Iranians never referred to their country as Persia. Foreigners did. Iranians always called their land Iran.
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