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To whom does the term 'Aryan' belong?

:)))) hehehe ok so according to Indian genetic study acnestors of Hindus also migrated from Central Asia :D


Again not correct, India was a mixed race some of them migrated from Central Asia, and some from Africa etc...etc....
Rig veda people worshipped Nature that includes cow. Only in special rituals they used to eat.

Some how you want to convert Vegetarian Hindus to Non vegetarian ones, Don't do that with your poor logic :D

The Practices evolved unlike your faith which follow the book strictly. In Hinduism we evolve and add what is good .

:lol: well the vedic people worship nature also they worship god in pure form not in idol form and also they slaughter cows :))

as far as vegi or not vegi that choice of food but you indians have made it some religious thing which is NOT.
:lol: well the vedic people worship nature also they worship god in pure form not in idol form and also they slaughter cows :))

as far as vegi or not vegi that choice of food but you indians have made it some religious thing which is NOT.

How do you decide which form of worship is pure and which is impure?
Now why should we get rid of something which is part of our history just because tribals from mountainous Pakistani North West are propped up by weird racial supremacist theory peddled by Nazis? AryaBhatta is mentioned in every other Indian epic, Aryan in Indian context simply means people living in AryaBhatta, that is Indo-Gangetic valley.

:P the invasions are also part of your history does it make you mongols or afghans?

and Pakistan's Northwest is proud of what we are we do not try to become dravidian to claim dravidian rich culture just by rubbing shoulders with dravidians.
:lol: well the vedic people worship nature also they worship god in pure form not in idol form and also they slaughter cows :))

as far as vegi or not vegi that choice of food but you indians have made it some religious thing which is NOT.

Rig Vedic people evolved and changed their practices. To tell Rig Veda is not a religious text, it is more of a collection of Scientific knowledge, GOD worship, and traditions followed by the people in those days.

We Hindus Respect Nature and don't do any harm to it, we respect tree, animals which support human life, we also respect Rivers who are essential for us to survive.

In modern day we see organizations like Green Peace etc. But Hindus already follow these good practices.

:P the invasions are also part of your history does it make you mongols or afghans?

and Pakistan's Northwest is proud of what we are we do not try to become dravidian to claim dravidian rich culture just by rubbing shoulders with dravidians.

Hey Purushapura dude...

Go through the history of your Purushapura (peshawar) , That region is ruled by Hindus Later by Bhuddists.

The great Sanskrit poet Panini is from your place.

There is also a ancient mathematician from your place.
@Spring Onion

There are 1028 hymns in the Rigveda, most of them dedicated to specific deities.

Indra, a heroic god, slayer of Vrtra and destroyer of the Vala, liberator of the cows and the rivers;

Agni the sacrificial fire and messenger of the gods; and Soma the ritual drink dedicated to Indra are the most prominent deities.

Invoked in groups are the Vishvedevas (the "all-gods"), the Maruts, violent storm gods in Indra's train and the Ashvins, the twin horsemen.

There are two major groups of gods, the Devas and the Asuras. Unlike in later Vedic texts and in Hinduism, the Asuras are not yet demonized, Mitra and Varuna being their most prominent members. Aditi is the mother both of Agni and of the Adityas or Asuras, led by Mitra and Varuna, with Aryaman, Bhaga, Ansa and Daksha.

Surya is the personification of the Sun, but Savitr, Vivasvant, the Ashvins and the Rbhus, semi-divine craftsmen, also have aspects of solar deities. Other natural phenomena deified include Vayu, (the wind), Dyaus and Prithivi (Heaven and Earth), Dyaus continuing Dyeus, the chief god of the Proto-Indo-European religion, and Ushas (the dawn), the most prominent goddess of the Rigveda, and Apas (the waters).

Rivers play an important role, deified as goddesses, most prominently the Sapta Sindhu and the Sarasvati River.

Yama is the first ancestor, also worshipped as a deity, and the god of the underworld and death.

Vishnu and Rudra, the prominent deities of later Hinduism (Rudra being an early form of Shiva) are present as marginal gods.

The names of Indra, Mitra, Varuna and the Nasatyas are also attested in a Mitanni treaty, suggesting that the some of the religion of the Mitannis was very close to that of the Rigveda.
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:lol: well the vedic people worship nature also they worship god in pure form not in idol form and also they slaughter cows :))

as far as vegi or not vegi that choice of food but you indians have made it some religious thing which is NOT.

Vedic people were people of Indian subcontinent and they were exactly like what people of subcontinent are now, some had monotheistic view, some polytheistic some atheistic. As I have told you earlier which seem to have fallen into deaf ears that Idol worshiping was introduced to subcontinent by a branch of Budhhism which flourished in present day Pakistan. Concept of idols came to Hinduism quite late.

Anyway shouldn't you be more worried about history of Uzbek, Kirgiz etc?
:lol: well the vedic people worship nature also they worship god in pure form not in idol form and also they slaughter cows :))

as far as vegi or not vegi that choice of food but you indians have made it some religious thing which is NOT.

some of the current day indians and pakistanis are the descendents of the vedic people
:lol: well the vedic people worship nature also they worship god in pure form not in idol form and also they slaughter cows :))

as far as vegi or not vegi that choice of food but you indians have made it some religious thing which is NOT.

Food has nothing to do with religious beliefs.It has more to do with local culinary habits and culture.Cow slaughter were banned back in the days because cattle were important for agriculture.What is the big deal of idol worshipping,Its not like it is any different from Monotheism,Deities are still subjects of human imagination.
Vedic people were people of Indian subcontinent and they were exactly like what people of subcontinent are now, some had monotheistic view, some polytheistic some atheistic. As I have told you earlier which seem to have fallen into deaf ears that Idol worshiping was introduced to subcontinent by a branch of Budhhism which flourished in present day Pakistan. Concept of idols came to Hinduism quite late.

Anyway shouldn't you be more worried about history of Uzbek, Kirgiz etc?

So idolwoshiping is NOT part of original hinduism and we can shun the idols?
:P the invasions are also part of your history does it make you mongols or afghans?

and Pakistan's Northwest is proud of what we are we do not try to become dravidian to claim dravidian rich culture just by rubbing shoulders with dravidians.

What kind of stupid question is that? If invasion gave identity to a group of people then you would have been Indian, Persian, Arab, Mongol, Turk, Kushan, English, Russian, American - oh dear I ran out of breath! :lol:

So idolwoshiping is NOT part of original hinduism and we can shun the idols?

There is no original Hinduism. We are not people of the Book. Hinduism is the collective term used for all folk religions of subcontinent.
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