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To be a Muslim in India

Being Muslim in India has multiple benefit. Let me list few...

1. Free Water
2. Free electricity
3. Free Voter ID card (Easily made), Free Ration card (Easily made), Free govt document (Even Pakistani and Bangladeshi can get Passport).
4. Awesome Dubai/Gulf job
5. Continuous appeasement by govt.
6. Free Judiciary (NGOs )
7. Free to crib,
8. Freedom of birth (Free to give birth as many as one want, For non Muslim having more babies is shame)
9. Freedom to abuse Majority.
10. Freedom to do riots (Kashmir to Kerla)

and so on.....

last and not least cheap Beef... :enjoy:

You missed one most important thing....freedom to marry 4 wives....
agree with you completely ,and one more thing is their obsession with Pakistani names (names of cricket players,politicians), the worst i found is a Kerala guy with name "Zia-ul-haq"

I know one Saddam Hussein and Stalin...its a personality thing...nothing to do with religion or region....even non-hindus give their children hindu names or vice-versa if they like the personality....
I thank the Indians. The majority of Muslim Patels I have heard of are from Mumbai and it is the muslim branch I know of most rather than Hindus, muslim patels are generally from mumbai. I will have to update my knowledge base. Deep thanks to the Indians. Will research a bit more and come back to this next time.
In India, the Muslim lives on sufferance. It is the Hindu who has freedom to attack India and its culture, its vulgarity. The Muslim who objects to something, no matter that it is obvious and visible, must qualify his argument.Usually, the qualification demanded is that he show himself as patriotic. In India, this is a term which comes out of the negative sentiment. To be a patriotic Indian, one is not required to be taxpaying, law-abiding, well-meaning or philanthropic. Patriotism is demonstrated through hating a particular country. The reason the Indian Muslim lives on sufferance is also rooted in this.

You see, the Muslim is guilty of the original sin, by voting for Pakistan in the 1945-46 elections. He divided Mother India and his generations must carry this burden of Adam.Shahrukh Khan said this: “I sometimes become the inadvertent object of political leaders who choose to make me a symbol of all that they think is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in India. I have been accused of bearing allegiance to our neighbouring nation rather than my own country. This, even though I am an Indian whose father fought for the freedom of India. Rallies have been held where leaders have exhorted me to leave and return to what they refer to as my original homeland.”

He should have prefaced his remarks (which I find ordinary, inoffensive and accurate) as follows: “I don’t like Pakistan. My fans are mostly Hindus, whom I love more than Pakistanis.”
Having said this, he would not have offended us, no matter what he then unburdened.
Like children who need a pacifier, the Muslim offering opinion on prejudice must hold out this lollipop to Indians, whose natural view of him is coloured by his religion. At all points, he must remember this and mumble an Apologia Pro Vita Sua.

In not doing this, and I’m surprised he didn’t because he should know a thing or two about Indian public opinion, Shahrukh Khan opened himself to an attack which goes in this fashion: “Aren’t you grateful, are you not satisfied, that we gave you — you Muslim! — such fame, such success? You didn’t whine about this then, did you? Now, the Pakistanis are lecturing us because of your remarks. You should be ashamed.”The self-congratulatory assumptions we make about ourselves — secular nation! World’s largest democracy! — are not particularly reflected outside of the Constitution. We should think about that.

On Nidhi Razdan’s show on NDTV on the night of January 29, I was on a panel, discussing Narendra Modi as a prime ministerial candidate. In the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) corner was a woman called Meenakshi Lekhi. Midway through the discussion, she asked a soft-spoken man, Najib Jung, vice chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, if he thought Indian Muslims wanted Pakistan.
Why did she bring this up? I don’t know, and there was no occasion to. But it was dropped in casually because it’s the natural thing to say to a Muslim here — hey, are you guys Pakistan-lovers? Tell us the truth, now.As a writer, I can imagine the pressure on Muslim writers who are aware of India and the space they operate in. MJ Akbar wrote an unthinking paean to the BJP’s idiocy after Pokhran, and I suspect that wasn’t because he’s a fan of nuclear weapons. It’s all quite frightening, or should be. It doesn’t surprise me at all.

In India, it has always mattered who says something. What is said depends not on the intellectual content but which side it has blown from.How it is said is also always more important than what is said because the Indian is easily offended. Ashis Nandy shouldn’t have assumed that he could be subtle and clever only because it was the anglicised middle class he was speaking to at Jaipur.They are cut of the same cloth as other Indians. Quick to emotion, barely literate about anything whether their own culture or the West’s, and powered on and on by an asinine media.
To be a Muslim in India – The Express Tribune

Express tribune is obviously a pakistani media so we can get a lot of masala from this article. taking up small examples and naming the topic as (To be a Muslim in India ) sounds either hillarious or senseless. being a muslim in india is not as worst as being a shia /hindu/balochi and a mohajjirs in pakistan who are still living under a regret.

After looking at them we are million times happy in our homeland . had we been migrated to pakistan we would have met the same fate as a muhajir migrated from India or i mighte have got blown up by now some where in the streets of karachi , but we do not live under such state in India as a citizen we get all the basic needs and enjoy almost all fundemental ,consitutional and judical rights in this country. there are problems which i dont dissagree but more than that there many things which always makes us proud to be an Indian . like freedom of religion , freedom of expression we have our own muslim law board plus when it comes to educations we have one of the biggest universites in india which is ran by muslim crerics
Category:Islamic universities and colleges in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and when it comes to education Indian muslim are much ahead of pakistan and bangladeshis .

secularism might sound as a joke to most our neigbours but it helps in peacefull co existence among majority of a hidus and muslims .but wht about our neighbours who kill thier own people in the name of violence, provincial disputes ,sectrain issues and terroorism . its very easy to come up to a conclusion about Indian muslims without being to India and without asking Indian muslims about our living .:no: Such studies should not come up with baselsss concluions first they should find out how many Indian muslims
are willing to migrate or seeking asylum in Pakistan. this will never be asked as they will find them self under embaressmemnt a study should be made on if Indian muslims are living a worst life here then why they are not willing to migrate to pakistan .the only answer to this point we are more safe in this country compare to them .

Evil forces are existing in India in the form religious fanatics who try to divide us in the name of religion more than that the current congress govt plays a vote bank politics which keeps the minorites supressed in some areas but things are changing and taking a positive shape which will never be highlighted in the pakistani media .

Life is full of freedom here ,no regrets , full on fun .... JAI hind
Muslims are the worst on the economic, political, and social level in India

This is the exact reason Jinnah made Pakistan. We see it today in the form of Indian Muslims
Muslims are the worst on the economic, political, and social level in India

This is the exact reason Jinnah made Pakistan. We see it today in the form of Indian Muslims

How about Mujahhirs and balochis they are are worst on every level in pakistan hindus are not exception to the same . Chill mate self satsifaction is good but to an extent
Muslims are the worst on the economic, political, and social level in India

This is the exact reason Jinnah made Pakistan. We see it today in the form of Indian Muslims

Open the borders then see how many are ready to go in Jinnah's pakistan or how many are ready to come here :lol:.

Atleast here they dont fear of their life whether they will return home or not :whistle:
I thank the Indians. The majority of Muslim Patels I have heard of are from Mumbai and it is the muslim branch I know of most rather than Hindus, muslim patels are generally from mumbai. I will have to update my knowledge base. Deep thanks to the Indians. Will research a bit more and come back to this next time.

Patels are Gujaratis. You may heard of Ahmed Patel, presently one of the top influential persons in Congress Party
This is a wrong statement. Muslims supported Pakistan till 1980's until we with this attitude lost them. With that attitude we will lose the rest. Both my parents are from Lucknow. Father moved first, married mother later, both born in Lucknow. My firangi mahal house supported Pakistan very vociferously. It is the pinnacle of Ansari power. Research it. Hasrat Mohani stayed in our home as well as other muslim league leaders.

I am not an Indian muslim but this comment offends me slightly due to my loyalty to the Ansaris. Also @Icewolf said he is from Gujarat. Be careful what you say. Also @ajtr was an example. There are different cases everywhere. These guys should have been an asset in war. My links with them are breaking down which may be cause of my identity crisis or whatever people call it. lol.

Also this is what an Indian muslim who is Pakistani for last 2 years only (by passport) said:

Nuzab's provocative and communal speech both lauded and attacked

I know him personally. His name is Nuzair and is now leader here and part of resettlement policy of middle class and upper class families that come from India of Nationalist Pakistani's and humanitarian groups like Sufferers witness have moved many people.

Riots in Bihar was reaction to Noakhali riots. You are giving fake numbers about Hyderabad. Population of Muslim decreased in Hyderabad city because of the expansion of the city and arrivals of Hindu Telugus. Leave Indians, Pakistanis treated Biharis worse then enemies.

You are just giving one sides approach to events of 1947-48.
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Muslims are the worst on the economic, political, and social level in India

This is the exact reason Jinnah made Pakistan. We see it today in the form of Indian Muslims

and we see sunnis killing shias.
In India, the Muslim lives on sufferance. It is the Hindu who has freedom to attack India and its culture, its vulgarity. The Muslim who objects to something, no matter that it is obvious and visible, must qualify his argument.Usually, the qualification demanded is that he show himself as patriotic. In India, this is a term which comes out of the negative sentiment. To be a patriotic Indian, one is not required to be taxpaying, law-abiding, well-meaning or philanthropic. Patriotism is demonstrated through hating a particular country. The reason the Indian Muslim lives on sufferance is also rooted in this.

You see, the Muslim is guilty of the original sin, by voting for Pakistan in the 1945-46 elections. He divided Mother India and his generations must carry this burden of Adam.Shahrukh Khan said this: “I sometimes become the inadvertent object of political leaders who choose to make me a symbol of all that they think is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in India. I have been accused of bearing allegiance to our neighbouring nation rather than my own country. This, even though I am an Indian whose father fought for the freedom of India. Rallies have been held where leaders have exhorted me to leave and return to what they refer to as my original homeland.”

He should have prefaced his remarks (which I find ordinary, inoffensive and accurate) as follows: “I don’t like Pakistan. My fans are mostly Hindus, whom I love more than Pakistanis.”
Having said this, he would not have offended us, no matter what he then unburdened.
Like children who need a pacifier, the Muslim offering opinion on prejudice must hold out this lollipop to Indians, whose natural view of him is coloured by his religion. At all points, he must remember this and mumble an Apologia Pro Vita Sua.

In not doing this, and I’m surprised he didn’t because he should know a thing or two about Indian public opinion, Shahrukh Khan opened himself to an attack which goes in this fashion: “Aren’t you grateful, are you not satisfied, that we gave you — you Muslim! — such fame, such success? You didn’t whine about this then, did you? Now, the Pakistanis are lecturing us because of your remarks. You should be ashamed.”The self-congratulatory assumptions we make about ourselves — secular nation! World’s largest democracy! — are not particularly reflected outside of the Constitution. We should think about that.

On Nidhi Razdan’s show on NDTV on the night of January 29, I was on a panel, discussing Narendra Modi as a prime ministerial candidate. In the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) corner was a woman called Meenakshi Lekhi. Midway through the discussion, she asked a soft-spoken man, Najib Jung, vice chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, if he thought Indian Muslims wanted Pakistan.
Why did she bring this up? I don’t know, and there was no occasion to. But it was dropped in casually because it’s the natural thing to say to a Muslim here — hey, are you guys Pakistan-lovers? Tell us the truth, now.As a writer, I can imagine the pressure on Muslim writers who are aware of India and the space they operate in. MJ Akbar wrote an unthinking paean to the BJP’s idiocy after Pokhran, and I suspect that wasn’t because he’s a fan of nuclear weapons. It’s all quite frightening, or should be. It doesn’t surprise me at all.

In India, it has always mattered who says something. What is said depends not on the intellectual content but which side it has blown from.How it is said is also always more important than what is said because the Indian is easily offended. Ashis Nandy shouldn’t have assumed that he could be subtle and clever only because it was the anglicised middle class he was speaking to at Jaipur.They are cut of the same cloth as other Indians. Quick to emotion, barely literate about anything whether their own culture or the West’s, and powered on and on by an asinine media.
To be a Muslim in India – The Express Tribune

I did not read your article fully...But as a muslim i must say what i feel...
Trust me, Muslims in India are far far far more safe and enjoying their freedom, There are many Hindus who fought against Majority and given us justice many times..U need to bilive me...we are far far more safe and good that many other countries.

Now look at yourself, There was a lengthy thread running here in pdf about muhajirs identity, descrimination etc. Think about it once, Those are the muslims who migrated from India, who supported pakistan as Nation. They are muslims just like other majority in your country..Their culture and living is no much difference, They pray to one god, follow same prophet....Even after this still there are descrimination against them....correct? There is very very little reason which can bring this descrimination....

But look at India....
Here we muslims are minority, living with Hindus who doesnt have much common things between us...despite that kind of support and respect we get from them are really great...U may not be able to understand it.
May be there are few cases of discrimination which is still ok, ...surely any other country could not have avoided. Because bad guys will be there every where. You cant expect every one to be good.

Now suppose Indian muslim complain about descrimination (Including me)....it only means...We give India rating 5 out 5. But there are very few lapses exists which if improved....India can be even, (much more) good for us....Just like a apraisal process even if a employee gets 5/5, still some improvements points will be mentioned :-)

Also, among this lapses there are lapses for which muslims themselves might have been responsible...

So pls...before thinking about Indian muslims...try to fix Muhajirs problem...fix your image...
@doublemaster, what these people fail to see is that India belongs to Muslims as much as Hindus. Our failures are joint. India's failures are failures of hindus and muslims and india's successes belong to hindus and muslims. They only look at the issues - the friction and suspicion in some places and people that does exist. But they do not see how much more difficult India's idea is, even without the horrible baggae of parition, yet we have not failed as badly as pakistan, with their almost fully muslim islamic state where state religion is islam. One would have thought pakistan would be easy to manage and india will collapse under her diversity.
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