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TLY Protests : Pak Army Rescued 73 Sikh Pilgrims From Pindi Bhatian Motorway

Try to point out the actual issues in this protest and you get labeled a LIBTURD
I've got used to it... Same thing happened with the Atif Mian case, people were justifying their reasons however once you talk about Article 27 and his rights you are immediately labeled as a "libturd".
What is the scale of this protest. People are saying everything is okay then why such rescues are needed?
The saddest part is the amount of sane people sympathizing or justifying their violence even on this forum! "Oh they are just passionate in their love", "the court has come to wrong decision so their violent reaction is understandable". Under no circumstance can thugs be allowed to smash and destroy random peoples property! Some of the stuff im reading i cant believe.
Btw court came to correct decision
I've got used to it... Same thing happened with the Atif Mian case, people were justifying their reasons however once you talk about Article 27 and his rights you are immediately labeled as a "libturd".
Not to worry. I get called that all the time. I now consider it a honour to be called a 'libturd'. Soon enough I am going to adopt that as a honourific title. Dear Libturds Diplomat and Kambojoric I am pleased to meet you ............
What is the scale of this protest. People are saying everything is okay then why such rescues are needed?

rabid mullahs have burned dozen of vehicles including Daewoo passenger bus on motorway, fired on bus killing two (Bus was also of mullahs although of other sect. so no hard feeling). destroyed the emergency phone poles on motorway. Govt. must blackout media, turn of cell phones and internet and beat sh!t out of these animals.
I love that guy('s intellect).
Hey Kedi you are one of the sharpest blades on PDF. Nice to see you here. I am going to open a thread on how to resolve this religious versus secular quicksand. I will tag you. Please do contribute.

fired on bus killing two (Bus was also of mullahs although of other sect. so no hard feeling)
Heathen savages ....
Hey Kedi you are one of the sharpest blades on PDF. Nice to see you here. I am going to open a thread on how to resolve this religious versus secular quicksand. I will tag you. Please do contribute.

Heathen savages ....
I've just opened a thread but I guess people didn't understand my argumentation. :/
Hey Kedi you are one of the sharpest blades on PDF. Nice to see you here. I am going to open a thread on how to resolve this religious versus secular quicksand. I will tag you. Please do contribute.

Heathen savages ....

Tag me too please.
The govt's non-existent de-radicalization and counter-narrative efforts are now bearing fruit.

How hard is it to present the SC verdict in a simplified way based on Islamic jurisprudence? Apparently too difficult for the govt.

How hard is it to put together quick videos showing their "love" for the Prophet through their destruction, exposing their blatant hypocrisy? Apparently too hard.

How hard is it to expose their general un-Islamic behavior?

I just don't get it.
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