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TLY Protests : Pak Army Rescued 73 Sikh Pilgrims From Pindi Bhatian Motorway

الحمد للہ سکھ بچ گئے لیکن بے چارے مسلمان چھوٹے بچوں سمیت انہیں سڑکوں پر پھنسے ہوئے ہیں
الحمد للہ سکھ بچ گئے لیکن بے چارے مسلمان چھوٹے بچوں سمیت انہیں سڑکوں پر پھنسے ہوئے ہیں

Dusre Musalmanun ne he ghera Hua he unhein.

Ye Sikh mehmaan the hamate....this is extremely shameful.
Dusre Musalmanun ne he ghera Hua he unhein.

Ye Sikh mehmaan the hamate....this is extremely shameful.
Muslmano ka he to masla ha jigar... Muslims killed Muslims much more then Kafirs.. Its time to finish these fake mullas like Bangladesh did..
Why did they need rescuing? Was it a natural calamity or some form of terror attack?

Just A Safety Precaution

The saddest part is the amount of sane people sympathizing or justifying their violence even on this forum! "Oh they are just passionate in their love", "the court has come to wrong decision so their violent reaction is understandable". Under no circumstance can thugs be allowed to smash and destroy random peoples property! Some of the stuff im reading i cant believe.

And It Is This Mentality That Let Loose A Wave Of Terror Attacks In Pakistan.If Zarb e Azb Had Started From Day One
Rizvi and co mullas should be tied from their balls and beat the crap out of them , idiots have made our lives miserable,
Good work. I hope the government acts soon and sends these TLP goons home or to prison.

No shot in the firing squad if Imran is smart with this Chinese trip he better learn from them how they deal with scums like these in Xinjiang
Even some pedophiles are passionate in their love; doesn’t make what they do right.

Not to worry. I get called that all the time. I now consider it a honour to be called a 'libturd'. Soon enough I am going to adopt that as a honourific title. Dear Libturds Diplomat and Kambojoric I am pleased to meet you ............
LOL, hello from one libturd to another!

This sits well with the situation:
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