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TLP massive jalsa in Faislabad

When will TLP talk about their policy on economy, governance, law, justice, health, foreign, imports, exports, investment, security, defence? Etc.
They don,t have knowledge and brain to speak about dire problems of pakistan only cheap slogans they shout to keep their shop busy with illiterate and simple customers and on n off this group black mail and pressurise govt.to bow to their religiously coated demands. They don,t have any solution for the grave problems pakistan facing now.
When will TLP talk about their policy on economy, governance, law, justice, health, foreign, imports, exports, investment, security, defence? Etc.
lol @ last hope of Pakistan. Gullible pakistani nation running after another wrong number.
It takes 60 - 70 lakh to do a Jalsa these days. 99% of TLP followers are poor class with no education. So question is Who is funding them?
It's not overseas Pakistanis. It's not educated and working class of Pakistan.
It's not business community. It's not mainstream Pakistanis.

lol @ last hope of Pakistan. Gullible pakistani nation running after another wrong number.
It takes 60 - 70 lakh to do a Jalsa these days. 99% of TLP followers are poor class with no education. So question is Who is funding them?
It's not overseas Pakistanis. It's not educated and working class of Pakistan.
It's not business community. It's not mainstream Pakistanis.

Doesnt it 60-70 lac..the cost is well above a crore

There may besome businessmen supporting them

They are pretty popular in punjab

More popular then PTI
Its PMLN TLP and then PTI
For ppl calling mullahs uneducated lots ...if you can have FA pass as your Army Chiefs or metric pass pm,ministers or politicians then Compared to those religious figures aka mullahs and molvis are much more educated. inshaAllah cleanshaves elite is digging its grave by misusing its power.

Tlp is second biggest party if not the first in punjab when one looks at the ground but we all know seculer elite will play dirty and steal their vote which in turn will invite the wrat of vast mejority of ppl who love Pakistan to be governed by rightious ppl and not cleanshave dollar loving elite.

Btw all those trending and tweeting about tlp are average cleanshaves who want their nation to progress , they look at the good intentions of its leadership and they know cleanshave abcd educated can never Come off their love for curruption,protocols and dollar .


We all know who regularised TLP….

PTI and Army on one page created a behemoth that will rupture us
Haha even you know they have large support but are afraid like all those western inplanted despots ruling nations of islam ,like Sisi,Assad,Abdullah of Jordan etc etc.
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Doesnt it 60-70 lac..the cost is well above a crore

There may besome businessmen supporting them

They are pretty popular in punjab

More popular then PTI
Its PMLN TLP and then PTI
Lol. Go out on street and ask 100 people who they support. you will get your answer and perhaps come out of your hallucinations (or not!).
why do you think every party is joined together and still running away from election?
why do you think all surveys point to PTI most popular political party and IK most popular leader.
There is a solid 60% support in favour of PTI right now which is only going to increase.
Dont know when you ppl will stop behaving like sheep.
lol @ last hope of Pakistan. Gullible pakistani nation running after another wrong number.
It takes 60 - 70 lakh to do a Jalsa these days. 99% of TLP followers are poor class with no education. So question is Who is funding them?
It's not overseas Pakistanis. It's not educated and working class of Pakistan.
It's not business community. It's not mainstream Pakistanis.


They have genuine grassroot level support, believe me locals fund them with loads of money, this is because TLP is against terrorism, supports the Islamic State v Secular State, supports the army against terrorism etc. Tlp spokesperson made anti Bajwa statements and he was pressurised to be removed because of it. Now all Pakistanis are speaking against Bajwa, so when bearded person does it then he's a traitor but Liberals can do it and its patriotism.

We all know the elite/establishment have sold out Pakistan and will do anything to make Pakistan in to Las Vegas. All establishment people are highly educated, you think Bajwa is uneducated fool.

Tlp is just a pressure group and so far haven't given solutions to the problems, even regarding blashphemy laws. Why not call for a special agency to deal with any blashphemy laws violations, special courts etc. This way all fitna will be over and done with. The Pakistani elite is also quiet, they are not stupid but just want cause as much fuss regarding religion so hatred and division is spread.
Pakistan the land of corrupt generals, politicians and these idiots who use Islam for personal gains. I think someone should conduct a study on how Pakistan has managed to survive this far. Every nut job imaginable has power in Pakistan.

Beghairat and kanjar brigade party that o ly comes out to defend Islam when their master orders them.
Where are they when Islam is insulted in India and Muslims slaughtered ???

These bastards only come out against Imran when they are paid for .
They have genuine grassroot level support, believe me locals fund them with loads of money, this is because TLP is against terrorism, supports the Islamic State v Secular State, supports the army against terrorism etc. Tlp spokesperson made anti Bajwa statements and he was pressurised to be removed because of it. Now all Pakistanis are speaking against Bajwa, so when bearded person does it then he's a traitor but Liberals can do it and its patriotism.

We all know the elite/establishment have sold out Pakistan and will do anything to make Pakistan in to Las Vegas. All establishment people are highly educated, you think Bajwa is uneducated fool.

Tlp is just a pressure group and so far haven't given solutions to the problems, even regarding blashphemy laws. Why not call for a special agency to deal with any blashphemy laws violations, special courts etc. This way all fitna will be over and done with. The Pakistani elite is also quiet, they are not stupid but just want cause as much fuss regarding religion so hatred and division is spread.
Sound like you are a hardcore TLP wala.
Go out and do your own survey. Don't know which world you ppl live in and as if its still not enough that jahil molvies who can't write own name, need to take charge of matters such as economy, politics, foreign policy, of a nuke armed 6th largest nation. They may have some acceptance of 1- 2% but that's in totally uneducated illiterate class of pakistan who thinks only with emotions and not brain or heart. You think politics is about gathering crowds only? TLP is a creation but in any case, When you are working with a mere 30, 35% literacy rate, TLP like janwars are possible in Pakistan and RSS in India. What are you so proud of here? It's not like they haven't shown their true face.

But Congrats for finding salvation in things like using religion of peace for violent politics, emotional blackmail of ppl, blockage, arson, destruction, of public property, cars, and putting up a fanatic face to world of Pakistan. I have seen with my own eyes kids dying because of not reaching hospitals because the jahil molvies were willing to let kids die than undo a blockade.
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