If only you could achieve that in reality
I think you should open a history book and see what mujahideen have achieved while, you’re kind was busy begging peace with oppressors and ready to become slaves for them
all that you can do is vent at women or kill innocents at best.
We follow what Islam has told us. We treat women with respect unlike you who would rather sexualize women and unlike the society you beg for us to be like. The society you beg for us to be like was still determining if women are humans are not just 100 or so years ago.
As for killing innocents, the America you take pride in being has killed 2 million civilians in Iraq alone. The America you take pride in being, was the only country in the world which nuked another country and killed millions. The America you pride your self in being was dropping deadly nerve gas on Vietnamese farmers. The America you pride your self in being was busy using thermobaric munitions on afghan farmers and carpet bombing their villages.
Aren’t you the one who wants people to be killed based on their different views?
TLP supporters differ from you yet you want them dead then you act as if your some peace lover. Wannabe American showing his American side lol.
And of course someone as ignorant as you would blame us for the wrongdoings of khawarijites. The America you take pride in being supported and allowed these khawarijites to rise. Go look through a history book and see the rise of Daesh or Al Qaeda in detail.
Then like a chameleon change colors and drop a verse or hadiath like chameleons do with their tail to distract predators and run away
Perfect example of your self actually.
Aren’t you the one who one day takes pride in being American than the next day act all Pakistani and sometimes act a bit Islamic.
Your changing colours like a chameleon is witnessed by many on this forum and open for people to see in your previous posts.
Unlike you, I don’t change up and actually stand by what I say and keep my narrative consistent.
And neither do I support TLP nor do I support any khawarij group like Daesh.
I support true mujahideen.
Your ignorance is what leads you to calling people terrorists. I can’t even label you something cuz your always switching up every post. Talk about changing colours, LOL.
Anyways, all I can do is pray for your guidance.