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TLP massive jalsa in Faislabad

We all need to understand one basic thing first, and if we truly understand this, then WE will understand who TLP really is.

For decades. the Military through its agencies has created parties and organisations DELIBERATELY. IJI, MQM, Ethnical Parties in Sindh and KPK, JUI, PML-Q, etc. are examples of it. THIS IS THE WAY PAKISTAN MILITARY CONTROLS THIS COUNTRY; BY DIVIDING PEOPLE"S VOTES AND LOYALTIES BECAUSE THIS IS THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN CONTROL WHAT GOES ON IN PAKISTAN !!

It is a juggling act which the Generals in Pakistan are experts in. They have blackmailed sitting PMs using these techniques. They have ensured that NO ONE GETS THE MAJORITY IN THE GOVERNMENT !

We all need to understand one basic thing first, and if we truly understand this, then WE will understand who TLP really is.

For decades. the Military through its agencies has created parties and organisations DELIBERATELY. IJI, MQM, Ethnical Parties in Sindh and KPK, JUI, PML-Q, etc. are examples of it. THIS IS THE WAY PAKISTAN MILITARY CONTROLS THIS COUNTRY; BY DIVIDING PEOPLE"S VOTES AND LOYALTIES BECAUSE THIS IS THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN CONTROL WHAT GOES ON IN PAKISTAN !!

It is a juggling act which the Generals in Pakistan are experts in. They have blackmailed sitting PMs using these techniques. They have ensured that NO ONE GETS THE MAJORITY IN THE GOVERNMENT !


I respect your opinion always, but if we look at the history, there was a religious moderate party called Jamat Ulema e Pakistan, this party held conference in 1920, then 1935 and in 1945 it became part of Pakistan movement. They stood with Qaid e Azzam all the way, and defended him when fatwas were issued against him. They won alot of seats during elections in the new Pakistan and was the biggest Islamic party but after 1980s it started to decline as the Pakistan establishment funded and promoted JI, JUI, LJ, SSP, TJ, JD and different jihadi organisations. The JUP was too sweet and moderate and establishment wanted radical aggressive parties who wanted jihad.

After 2001 bombings on sunnis and shias, no anti terrorism religious party emerged because jihadis were too powerful.
Moderate Sunni Itthead Council came but punjab government smashed them to pieces.
MWM came for shia defence but radicals screamed Iran and this made MWM go quiet.

A vacuum was available to be filled and Tlp took it but instead of peaceful, lovey dovey intellectual party, it copied its method from JD, JUI, JI, SSP. It gave threats, made aggressive statements, massive protests to show establishment that they are the majority and will not be sidelined and they represent sunnis. They had huge following because JUP, Sunni ittehad council, Pmlq, PmlN etc failed to protect them from the radicals, they just filled the vacuum but realised by being sweet and peaceful you don't get much as proven by JUP, Sunni ittehad council etc. Tlp was Established by 2015 but for a decade before this small protests were held in Pakistan, fatwas issued by Tlp molvis but establishment and political parties couldn't care less because they were not a united force. So after 1 decade of frustration and small level protests they managed to unite in to Tlp.

The JUP is still here but its divided and kinda finished after 1980s, all the educated Ulema are either not in to politics or part of other political parties. There is a plan to counter TLP by creating a moderate party to divide Tlp votes. This plan is by the boots and all parties who will be part of it will be very close to the establishment, at the moment they are too scared because if the public clicks on then they will be in trouble so the molvis are hesitating.

So I don't believe Tlp is establishment created and Tlp itself is not a big party, the people who joined protests were the Pakistani public whom had enough, they felt they had no representative and found Tlp who condemned suicide bombings at Masjids, roads etc, a party who wanted action against terrorism, protection of the Islamic laws etc.

Tlp, just like IK is refusing to cooperate with the establishment. They want their demands met, at the moment they're quiet because big ulema told them to stop causing problems by protesting, and also during pti government people died. Establishment is trying to control them just like trying to control Pti.
When will TLP talk about their policy on economy, governance, law, justice, health, foreign, imports, exports, investment, security, defence? Etc.
They are selling religious sentiments, no one will give them damn shit when they will talk about foreign policy
There are times when spontaneous massive explosions occur and times when many will wish they did and they dont
I personally support TLP due to the opposition of interest/sood.
Strong stance against Blasphemy.
And their opposition of higher salary difference and unbearable facilities to the ruling elite including high rank officers.
Their believe in Islamic system (not in democazy where 51 s@tans can defeat 49 good willing people).

For people interested in money sources/funding:
We arranged a Jalsa at our hometown and funded it as well (I as a student and contributed equally). TLP is working greatly on local bodies where people eager to work for Islamic system are selected. It's been 5 to 8 years they are working on it. In every religious gathering our slogans are raised. free promotion!

Ask an ordinary man which system is better Democrazy or Islamic System you will get 99% of your answers at once.
You can hate TLP but it is crystal clear that nothing is better than Islamic system.

TLP Manifesto:




You have every right to disagree with TLP but these points are inevitable.
I personally support TLP due to the opposition of interest/sood.
Strong stance against Blasphemy.
And their opposition of higher salary difference and unbearable facilities to the ruling elite including high rank officers.
Their believe in Islamic system (not in democazy where 51 s@tans can defeat 49 good willing people).

For people interested in money sources/funding:
We arranged a Jalsa at our hometown and funded it as well (I as a student and contributed equally). TLP is working greatly on local bodies where people eager to work for Islamic system are selected. It's been 5 to 8 years they are working on it. In every religious gathering our slogans are raised. free promotion!

Ask an ordinary man which system is better Democrazy or Islamic System you will get 99% of your answers at once.
You can hate TLP but it is crystal clear that nothing is better than Islamic system.

TLP Manifesto:

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You have every right to disagree with TLP but these points are inevitable.
Kia kar rahay ho bhai...yeh tlp ke khilaaf bak bak karne wale abcd ko menifesto Urdu Main ?Ab yeh kese parhe ge... You should have used English because only then you will be taken as educated and serious person.
There are times when spontaneous massive explosions occur and times when many will wish they did and they dont
Look at this donkey calling for murder and terrorism against innocents ...and like always its tolerated by seculer kind...that why i find all religious / mullah haters biggest cunts on the payroll of their white master . Their thoughts ,their action are so much alike.

Btw best example of pakistani seculer kind.
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Look at this donkey calling for murder and terrorism against innocents ...and like always its tolerated by seculer kind...that why i find all religious / mullah haters biggest cunts on the payroll of their white master . Their thoughts ,their action are so much alike.

Btw best example of pakistani seculer kind.
Dont explode out of frustration
I personally support TLP due to the opposition of interest/sood.
Strong stance against Blasphemy.
And their opposition of higher salary difference and unbearable facilities to the ruling elite including high rank officers.
Their believe in Islamic system (not in democazy where 51 s@tans can defeat 49 good willing people).

For people interested in money sources/funding:
We arranged a Jalsa at our hometown and funded it as well (I as a student and contributed equally). TLP is working greatly on local bodies where people eager to work for Islamic system are selected. It's been 5 to 8 years they are working on it. In every religious gathering our slogans are raised. free promotion!

Ask an ordinary man which system is better Democrazy or Islamic System you will get 99% of your answers at once.
You can hate TLP but it is crystal clear that nothing is better than Islamic system.

TLP Manifesto:

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You have every right to disagree with TLP but these points are inevitable.
TLP need to fix their public reputation at least. Idk the reason why they didn’t protest when Indians committed blasphemy but, they were ready to protest to “save the constitution”. They aren’t doing anything rn while the ruling against riba is being challenged in Supreme Court by many banks while other religious parties are speaking up against it.
Or what about TLP and their relations with other sects? Pakistan is diverse many sects form it even in Punjab, south Punjab is mostly ahle Hadith and deobandi while many in central Punjab are also. All they’ve seen is videos of TLP rejecting azaan as well if it’s given by opposing sect.
Link to Khadim Rizvi him self rejecting azaan because it is given by so called “wahabis”:
How can people of Pakistan vote for TLP when many provinces and areas are majority “wahabi” according go TLP?
Or what about that deobandi bank worker who was shot and killed by a barelvi security guard and accused of blasphemy and protected by TLP, even tho the deobandi bank worker was not blasphemous and instead was popular using his social media to defend the honour of the prophet (ﷺ).

TLP have created a bad image for them self. If they want to get voted they need to fix this image and take into consideration the others sects in Pakistan even in Punjab because deobandi and ahle Hadith make a significant number in Pakistan.

Their believe in Islamic system (not in democazy where 51 s@tans can defeat 49 good willing people).
Islamic democracy system is possible
Dr Israr explained it very well.

You can hate TLP but it is crystal clear that nothing is better than Islamic system.
I agree. Islamic system is the best.
But question is how will tlp deal with people from other sects?
I’m not even tryna be anti tlp rn but just saying why would a ahle Hadith from south Punjab or a deobandi from central Punjab vote tlp when there’s videos of Khadim Rizvi rejecting azaan given by them and there’s many incidents of tlp members killing them in false blasphemy cases.
Tlp if they want to win, have to gain their trust. Or make alliance with other religious parties of other sects.
Dont explode out of frustration
Why ? our Future is bright and your kind will run and take refuge like the cult of Shah of Iran or ghanis! Mark my words, islam and their representatives aka mullahs will be in driving seat in Pakistan in time , no doubt about that.
You don’t have a future terrorist
Terrorizing transgressors and oppressors is what we do.
As for future: Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer. - Sahih Muslim 2956
We don’t seek a future in this temporary world, rather our future is in the next world.

Ofc someone like you won’t be able to comprehend but, unlike you, we don’t wish death for a fellow Muslim rather we pray to Allah that Allah guides them.

May Allah guide your lost soul
Just a bunch of illetirate brain washed grave worshippers who spout the prophet pbuh name as a form of worship
Do they forget Allah swt as I don’t hear them mention the almighty in there daily rantings .
Making mockery out of the call to prayer .

We have these guys in the UK with there green turbans they keep roza on eid which is forbidden celebrate prophet birthday with green bunting draped around there homes calling it an eid when it is not .

They’re the biggest crooks from all the sects here and the youngsters don’t want nothing to do with them

Just one example there are many more they are predators of the highest order also

Here’s another example of these scum shining the Pakistani Muslim name in the UK
The form shows that Javed Akhtar the son of Sufi Abdullah (Ghamkol sharif) has assets worth 32 million pounds and their hav been passed onto his children after death.

Ther were always rumors of Javed owning properties but dis is crazy.

The wahabis are sharing this everywhere. Sunnis have been duped and Junaid is comparing his dad to Hazrat Abu bakr and Hazrat Usman radiyallahu anhum

Junaid Akhtar who does not even have farz ain knowledge and is known to make mistakes in Rabana Atina duas is the new pir for the tariqah and has been showing the letters to mureeds and saying that he is not scared of anyone because his dad left him 32 million

The ulaaama e kiram have to take the Masjid and assets off this corrupt family who have rinsed our communities. I used to go to Javed and ask him to hire a librarian and open a full time library in mosque and he would say that they dont have the money.


It’s always about the money guys with these TLP scum
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