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TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi arrested in Lahore, Protests, and related

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Ahmadis already perform Hajj and Umra from Western countries each year. So Saudi Arabia recognizes Ahmadis as Muslims if they come from Western countries, but not from Pakistan. Makes sense? No? 😜

Next time declare yourselves as Ahmadi on the Visa application form! KSA doesn't recognise Ahmadis as muslim, you deceive and get in.
Those rights of state are derived from Quran and Sunnah. Now go argue with Allah, if you dare.
Then stop calling Pakistan a democracy as normal democracy ensure equal rights for all its citizens. It doesn't single out Ahmadis or others for oppression by deriving from Quran and Sunnah.
Nope. UK constitution gives complete freedom of religion to all its citizens and doesn't single out Ahmadis as they did in Pakistani constitution. Hence UK is a peaceful religious society unlike Pakistan where state has to consistently intervene in religious feuds of the idiots like TLP.

And it doesn’t allow private individuals and groups to go against it state principles. Same in Turkey, Malaysia, UAE, etc. they don’t leave vacuums to be filled by private groups.
Well in 1800s America Mormans were basically driven out of the NorthEast for their Heretic sect most of them went out west and settled in Utah interesting note like Ahamadis they are big into "humanitarian" work and business not praising any of them but just observation
Mormons today are integrated into wider American Christian society. There is no persecution. Majority of them voted for Trump just like other White Christians.
Then stop calling Pakistan a democracy as normal democracy ensure equal rights for all its citizens. It doesn't single out Ahmadis or others for oppression by deriving from Quran and Sunnah.

I support the law declaring Ahmadis as non-muslim but I do not support your oppression by public (as per Quran and Hadith).
Ahmadis can declare a new name to their religion and take all minority rights that come with it. You can't have a fake prophet and proclaim to be muslim at the same time. Hypocrisy is on your part, not on part of Parliament. It was your ulema who declared all none believers of Qadyani has prophet to be Kafir, in Parliamentary committee on this topic.
Even if Qadiani ulema declared all non Ahmedis Kafir, what gave Muslim ulema, politicians the right to declare all Ahmadis Kafir in country's constitution? How much IQ do you need to understand this simple question? Qadianis never asked to declare all non Ahmedis Kafir in country's constitution. It was Muslim Ulemas demand all along that resulted in current extremely radicalized Pakistani Muslim society.
I support the law declaring Ahmadis as non-muslim but I do not support your oppression by public (as per Quran and Hadith).
Even if Qadiani ulema declared all Muslims non Muslims, what gave Muslim ulema the right to declare all Ahmadis non Muslim in country's constitution? How much IQ do you need to understand this simple question?
BTW thank you both for taking the discussion of bringing authority over groups and individuals into a tangent🤦‍♂️
Even if Qadiani ulema declared all Muslims Kafir, what gave Muslim ulema, politicians the right to declare all Ahmadis Kafir in country's constitution? How much IQ do you need to understand this simple question? Qadianis never asked to declare all Muslims Kafir in country's constitution. It was Muslim Ulemas all along.

You guys I have noticed are quite good at twisting words. Once you proclaim a new fake prophet, you are out of Islam and no longer call yourselves muslims. How much IQ do you need to understand such a simple rule?
Pakistan would cease to exist if secularism is imposed.
Pakistani state is nearly bankrupt thanks to Mullahs imposed version of Islam is still kicking in Pakistani streets since 1947.
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Mr Qadyani should have stuck to the nonsense of Hanafi sect and Sufism (where their so called buzurg just stopped short of declaring prophethood yet claimed Kahf blah blah), and started a new sect. Declaring himself as prophet was going to result in non-muslim declaration.
Gosh these last few pages are ridiculous. Guys claiming not to be fanatic mullahs declaring each other this and that. Take a chill pill gents.

The majority of the differences between deobandis and barelvi are exaggerations of mistakes by scholars and misinterpretations which have been repeated often enough to be matter of fact.

The fact people like you are arguing about it is sad.

Meanwhile it seems PMIK really blundered this time and the political knives are out. PDM is dead but individually they're all attacking the govt.

The media is playing its two faced game, a lot of TLP social media is being driven by PMLN (including street agitation), JI and JUIF are now scoring political mileage off it, PPP questioning govt decision making in parliament.

Now senior barelvi ulema are calling for a shutdown. Even if awam doesn't want to, who's going to go out and risk getting caught in the crossfire?

What a mess.
Mr Qadyani should have stuck to the nonsense of Hanafi sect and Sufism (where their so called buzurg just stopped short of declaring prophethood yet claimed Kahf blah blah), and started a new sect. Declaring himself as prophet was going to result in non-muslim declaration.

Bro did you just refer to the teachings of imam Abu Hanifa as nonsense?
Next time declare yourselves as Ahmadi on the Visa application form! KSA doesn't recognise Ahmadis as muslim, you deceive and get in.
Why? Ahmadis never call them as such. They have always maintained they are a sect in Islam since their inception in late 19th century. You think a Hindu or Buddhist would be able to perform Hajj without being recognized as Kafir on the spot? Yet millions of Ahmadis have performed Hajj and nobody found out about it as their rituals are no different than Sunnis.
Pakistani state is nearly bankrupt thanks to Mullahs imposed version of Islam since is still kicking in Pakistani streets since 1947.
It's deceleration by Pakistan Govt not Saudia Govt to declare urself who You are. If Saudi Govt wanted this carzyness than they will never allow iranian at Hajj and Umra but end of the day its money and business
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