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TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi arrested in Lahore, Protests, and related

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I todays suffered alot die to the protest and road block. It took me 6 hours to reach Nowshera from Pindi ( a typical journey usually take 2 hours). Road blocks near Taxila and Kamra.. thank God KP have some sense, no road block on this side of provincial border.
TLP has no presence in KPK religious scoiety where u hardly a see women without a burqa and mosque without people yet whats happening in punjab???

So basically lahoris are now more religious..when infact noone even fast in lahore ..what a joke is this?

Govt needs to be swift, brutal in punishing both on ground and social media agitators...enough is enough
Pakistan is 70% Brelvi and all the different Brelvi groups will support TLP. It is going to be very hard for the state to contain these lot. Maybe TLP won't be banned permanently after an agreement that they will not resort to any violence and will always protest with permissions in place.
Then God help this country and be ready for another militancy
We saw this script before
Pakistan is 70% Brelvi and all the different Brelvi groups will support TLP. It is going to be very hard for the state to contain these lot. Maybe TLP won't be banned permanently after an agreement that they will not resort to any violence and will always protest with permissions in place.
gov shouldn't have resorted to fire i personally think.Dust was starting to settle down.Now gov has enraged the largest religious group in the state.
.when infact noone even fast in lahore .
um where did u get that notion?
TLP has no presence in KPK religious scoiety where u hardly a see women without a burqa and mosque without people yet whats happening in punjab???

So basically lahoris are now more religious..when infact noone even fast in lahore ..what a joke is this?

Govt needs to be swift, brutal in punishing both on ground and social media agitators...enough is enough

Then God help this country and be ready for another militancy
We saw this script before

Why do you act like youve no idea about this situation?
I think its time for Maulana Tariq Jamil and other Ulema-e-Haq to come out in open support of IK and government and against these Ulema-e-Soo like Maulana Fazal and Mufti Muneeb who are just using the name of the Holy Prophet (SAWW) for their political gains. Otherwise I am afraid that goverment is losing this battle of rhetoric. People of Pakistan are mostly uneducated and want a short-cut to Heaven. While practising Islam and Sharia is difficult, it is easy to chant a few slogans and consider yourself an aashiq-e-rasool (SAWW) and guarantee yourself a place in heaven.
No other leader has so openly defended the Namoos of the holy Prophet (SAWW) than IK. IK is an ashiq-e-Rasool (SAWW) by all means and measures but unfortunately our illiterate people don't understand this.
TLP has no presence in KPK religious scoiety where u hardly a see women without a burqa and mosque without people yet whats happening in punjab???

So basically lahoris are now more religious..when infact noone even fast in lahore ..what a joke is this?

Govt needs to be swift, brutal in punishing both on ground and social media agitators...enough is enough

Then God help this country and be ready for another militancy
We saw this script before

We are alot of things but this we are not. Stop with your ridiculous asumptions just “because”.
Any alim associating himself to a sect is not of Ulema-e-Haq.

MTJ is of Deobandi and Brelvi say that Deobandi are Kafir so what he says about TLP etc won't have any impact.
Yes but he has a big following not only in Pakistan but in the entire Islamic world. His words mean something.
And all political leaders need support of Ulema. Just like there was support of Pir Jamat Ali Shah and Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani for Quaid-e-Azam when Ulemas of that time were trying to prove him a Kaafir. If people like Maulana Fazal and Mufti Muneeb (Butt hurt because he was thrown out of Ruat-e-Hilaal comtt.) are criticing the governement, why can't Maulana Tariq support him.
Yes but he has a big following not only in Pakistan but in the entire Islamic world. His words mean something.
And all political leaders need support of Ulema. Just like there was support of Pir Jamat Ali Shah and Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani for Quaid-e-Azam when Ulemas of that time were trying to prove him a Kaafir. If people like Maulana Fazal and Mufti Muneeb (Butt hurt because he was thrown out of Ruat-e-Hilaal comtt.) are criticing the governement, why can't Maulana Tariq support him.

It's all about money (chanda book)! None of these 'ulema' would support the government openly in fear of their people stopping giving them chanda. If Brelvi group can be controlled, then the rest are easy compared to this largest group.

Curse of these sects is that they are easily hijacked (due to their own extremist mindsets and teachings), and TLP seems to have been hijacked by other elements.
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