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TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi arrested in Lahore, Protests, and related

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Chief of the banned Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) Muhammad Saad Rizvi has asked his followers to "immediately end all protests and road blockages", according to Special Assistant to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Political Communication Shahbaz Gill.

In Gill's tweet, "Hafiz Muhammad Saad Rizvi's latest statement", showed the photo of a hand-written note, dated April 15 (Thursday).

IK is nothing like Nawaz who had Army pay these guys to disperse (& then did propaganda over it) ... This is the second time IK has thrashed these guys and it looks like this party's end is here. Banning and most importantly killing their funding is the best approach - none of the sects/religious groups can survive without their funding!
The country is burning because TLP think they are better Muslims, PMIK claims his govedrnment are better Muslims [which is why he was dishing out scholarships on Rehmat-ul-Alamin. You had Buzdar, Mahmod Khan also dishing out in a televised ceremony Rehmat-ul-Alamin Scholarships in a desperate attempt to convey that they are better Muslims then TLP. This sort of environment leads to a pathetic national circle jerk with all trying to out do each other. The truth is nobody can judge who is a better Muslim. That will be decided after they go upstairs.

Even the media are at it. Go to 5:00 and you will see Mr Shakir indulging in it. This is first driven by fear and secondly to look good in front of the public. All this is not healthy for any society.

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a lot of the fake news are being circulated by all these status quo forces. one thing which is clear to all pakistanis , everybody at the top of the pakistani state is afraid of the religious parties who can muster a large support from the ppl. they will do anything and everything to block of the way of the upcoming party . islam threatens their ways of life , their trips to west , their visa for the kids and wives and their plots . this will not have happend without the approvel of the generals ,

it will be difficult for tlp and other religious parties to remain quite if this keeps going on ..religious parties are the only one who are loyal to nation unlike ppp or pmln but this behaviour of our generals is going to cost pakistani nation very hefty price.

on the one hand these munafiqs say west want to break pakistan by civil war and at the same time these generals keep asking for dollars and want their kids to study in usa en retire in west , an avarage foji is not to blame but generals are totally traitor .
I don't think most Pakistani's understand Turks. Honestly. I have been To Turkey fair few times. The problem with Pakistani's is when they hear "Turks" they think Ertugrul Ghazi, Ottoman Calipha or Sultan Erdogan.

But let me make this clear. 90% of Turks are gora Europeans. I don;t care about this "gora" thing but I know lots of Pakistani's do look at the world from this prism. Erdogan has been in power for 20 years now. For 10 of those years he has had absolute power. Since the last 5 years you might even call him a electeded dictator.

So here is a quick rundown of Turkey. The country is almost like any other European country. Istanbul is more like London then Islamabad. The Turks are a western people. Alcohol is on sale, pubs everywhere, women can walk around with mini skirts.

This love of the Turks by Pakistanis!! Oh please!!
I will concede that the Turkish leadership, especially under Erdogan, has let go of potential trade benefits with India to support Pakistan. And there is no other country who is doing so--except decades ago when Iran and some Middle Eastern countries supported Pakistan. But the world has changed a lot.

There are some things which we dont say in this forum or elsewhere. It maybe too embarassing for people to say or admit: MOST cultures are trying to be Western Europeans whether they know it or not. I am old enough to remember Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan doing a Chu en Lai of China in dress code. But look at what most of the Chinese and Pakistani political classes wear? Exceptions aside, it's Western. And there is nothing wrong with that.

In a rather expansive way, I'd say: The West is human heritage. Take the good part. Discard the bad part. Similar concept with the East. Indeed, some of my American friends are amazed (and impressed!) by how my family (and larger community) gels together to help each other out--a stark contrast from the America of today--an Atavism of human behavior!
a lot of the fake news are being circulated by all these status quo forces. one thing which is clear to all pakistanis , everybody at the top of the pakistani state is afraid of the religious parties who can muster a large support from the ppl. they will do anything and everything to block of the way of the upcoming party . islam threatens their ways of life , their trips to west , their visa for the kids and wives and their plots . this will not have happend without the approvel of the generals ,

it will be difficult for tlp and other religious parties to remain quite if this keeps going on ..religious parties are the only one who are loyal to nation unlike ppp or pmln but this behaviour of our generals is going to cost pakistani nation very hefty price.

on the one hand these munafiqs say west want to break pakistan by civil war and at the same time these generals keep asking for dollars and want their kids to study in usa en retire in west , an avarage foji is not to blame but generals are totally traitor .
I am sorry but I disagree. Most parties are not loyal to the country but their own party benefits and personal benefits. The religious parties are directly and indirectly penetrated by outside forces and this is a well established fact that no one likes to talk about. They represent the useful idiots who are often used to stoke issues within Pakistan from Shia-Sunni sectarian, to Christian and Ahmadi pogroms, to blasphemy related unrest. And last but not least there is the TTP, another so called Talib outfit out to destroy the nation of Pakistan. If we dont contain this Frankenstein we wont have much of a country left. Doesn't mean other parties are saints, but lets not be naieve that religious parties are somehow benefacting our country called Pakistan. Religious politics and the fitna they bring will rip Pakistan into a thousand pieces.
I am sorry but I disagree. Most parties are not loyal to the country but their own party benefits and personal benefits. The religious parties are directly and indirectly penetrated by outside forces and this is a well established fact that no one likes to talk about. They represent the useful idiots who are often used to stoke issues within Pakistan from Shia-Sunni sectarian, to Christian and Ahmadi pogroms, to blasphemy related unrest. And last but not least there is the TTP, another so called Talib outfit out to destroy the nation of Pakistan. If we dont contain this Frankenstein we wont have much of a country left. Doesn't mean other parties are saints, but lets not be naieve that religious parties are somehow benefacting our country called Pakistan. Religious politics and the fitna they bring will rip Pakistan into a thousand pieces.
bro if you say that they are penetrated by outside forces .can i say it that our higher up generals are even more infiltrated? i mean after all they are the ones with children married and studying in the west . they are the ones who go on trips to western capitals and after retirement also shift in these foreign nations. lets not kid ourself , pakistani army after 9/11 has been filled wilt pro western generals and higher up command . only reason our generals dont go full throttle against islamic parties (like sisi, hafiz assad,saddam,khaddafi etc ) is because of 1 :we are made on the name of islam...2 our average soldier will never follow their command unlike punjab police who is dalal of highest order and 3 the biggest of all reason is our enmity with hindus . our generals know they will always lose war with india unless the religious ppl support them in war . they know these seculars and liberal will run away or will welcome indian tanks with sweets unlike religiously motivated ppl who will welcome those tanks with IED's. all the armies of the muslim nations are not to protect the ppl but to mantain the status quo and to make sure there is never as islamic party which can come to power in these nations. look from east to west and you see the same ..only exception is iran and we all know how that happend .
The greatest problem with having a Islamic Republic is how everything in the final analysis ends up with contest on who is a better Muslim, d*ck measuring contest. Everybody ends up pulling their d*ck out to prove who is more pious. Since nobody can call Allah down to decide the winner the d*ck measurement just goes on, and on

Watch how you speak with the name of Allah and your foul language in the same sentence... You and me are nobody ... Okay!
The greatest problem with having a Islamic Republic is how everything in the final analysis ends up with contest on who is a better Muslim, d*ck measuring contest. Everybody ends up pulling their d*ck out to prove who is more pious. Since nobody can call Allah down to decide the winner the d*ck measurement just goes on, and on.

The country is burning because TLP think they are better Muslims, PMIK claims his govedrnment are better Muslims [which is why he was dishing out scholarships on Rehmat-ul-Alamin. You had Buzdar, Mahmod Khan also dishing out in a televised ceremony Rehmat-ul-Alamin Scholarships in a desperate attempt to convey that they are better Muslims then TLP. This sort of environment leads to a pathetic national circle jerk with all trying to out do each other. The truth is nobody can judge who is a better Muslim. That will be decided after they go upstairs.

Even the media are at it. Go to 5:00 and you will see Mr Shakir indulging in it. This is first driven by fear and secondly to look good in front of the public. All this is not healthy for any society.

high on religious righteousness, even state cant challenge this ideology
Repeated flaming
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