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Tipu Sultan was not Indian and a killer - BJP minister as Karnataka celebrate the Tiger of Mysore

Thi image is from Republic Day Parade tabuleu created by the Muslim Loving Karnataka Congress Govt who is celebrating Tipu Jayanti. The nationalist BJP has nothing to do with this. You wont find such images when BJP is in power in Karnataka
Agreed as i said earlier Congress perceived as Muslim/minority appeasing party while JP is as Hindu Nationalistic Party..The more BJP in power the more India will give rise to what India or Hindu nationalist politics..
Agreed as i said earlier Congress perceived as Muslim/minority appeasing party while JP is as Hindu Nationalistic Party..The more BJP in power the more India will give rise to what India or Hindu nationalist politics..

What is true is true. Congress works on Minority appeasement. BJP doesnt so that is why they say BJP is anti Muslm
What is true is true. Congress works on Minority appeasement. BJP doesnt so that is why they say BJP is anti Muslm
@Joe Shearer I hope this is what majority wouldn't perceive in next election...for betterment of this region..Otherwise the result won't seems to be different
@Joe Shearer I hope this is what majority wouldn't perceive in next election...for betterment of this region..Otherwise the result won't seems to be different
I have written a long post in another thread to help explain the rise of BJP and the love Hindus have for it. Cross Posting it here

The reason for the rise of the right is that there has been a repressed Hindu Anger.

For years Hindus were forced to feel ashamed of our culture and practices. We were looked down as week. the politicians pandered to the minorities for vote bank politics.

I will give you some examples

Ayodhya, Varanasi and Mathura are 3 of the holiest sites of Hinduism Equivalent to Vatican and Jeruselum for Christians or Mecca and Medina for Muslims. In each of these sites there were grand temples which were destroyed by Mughals and Mosques built in there places. It is 70 years after Independence and in a Hindu Majority country (80% Hindu Population) no temples have been restored on these sites. In 1992 the Babri Masjid at Ayodhaya was destroyed by angry Hindus but the temple was not built. The case is still dragging through the courts. (The Supreme Court is stated to hear the final petition starting from 5th Dec this year). Only the BJP has promised to build the Ram Temple. All other so called "secular" political parties are denigrating Hindus saying why do you want a temple there?
BTW the leftists are so worried about the proposed judgement in the SC case on Ayodhaya that they are writing op-eds asking the verdict to be delayed to after 2019 when Lok Sabha elections will be over. https://scroll.in/article/853507/wh...-ayodhya-dispute-before-2019-general-election
they want to deny justice to the hindus just to prevent BJP coming to power again

India is constitutionally a Secular country, but in this Secular nation different religions have their own laws. Till just a few weeks ago a Muslim man could legally divorce his wife just by saying the word Talaq (Divorce) 3 times. It is the BJP which is pushing for a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) which means same laws for all irrespective of religion. Irony is that UCC is basis of secularism and the secular parties are opposing it tooth and nail while a so called communal party is working towards it

Jammu Kashmir is the only Muslim Majority state in India. It has got a special status under article 370 of the constitution. All Indians have right to move and settle anywhere in the country except in Jammu Kashmir where they cant settle. A law passed by the parliament is automatically applied to all states of the country except Jammu Kashmir which has to again pass the law in its assembly before it can be applied there. BJP is the only party which is working to remove this Article 370 from the constitution.

I talked about Ayodhaya and Varanasi being very important to Hindus. For the first time a PM took part in Ganga Arti in Varanasi when Modi became the PM. He was not the first Hindu PM. All PMs before him except Dr. Manmohan Singh were Hindus. But Hindus have been pressured to repress their culture and identities. Ganga Arti is a beautiful part of the Hindu Culture but no PM ever did this.

Today is the festival of Diwali. It marks the return of Lord Ram from exile back to Ayodhaya. For the first time in years there was a grand celebration of Diwali at Ayodhaya. It was possible only because BJP govt under Yogi Adityanath is in power who is not ashamed to celebrate Hindu culture and heritage. Again it is not that CMs before Yogi Adityanath were not Hindus. They were Hindus but worked overtime to suppress the Hindus and pander to the minorities.

Hundreds of Hindu activists have been killed by leftists across India. but you dont see any protests and candle light marches for them by the "Secular Liberal" crowd and instead these murders are being marginalised saying that these are just political rivalries. On the other hand you see thousands of tweets, op eds in newspapers, television news debates if a single muslim is killed. I am not saying killing Muslims is alright but why give dispropotionate focus on Muslim deaths and suppress the Hindu deaths. Arent Hindu deaths as tragic?

Now for the first time there is a BJP govt with majority on its own and they are listening to the grievances of the Hindus. This is what the "liberals" like @Joe Shearer dont like because it affects the worldview they held for 60-70 years
I have written a long post in another thread to help explain the rise of BJP and the love Hindus have for it. Cross Posting it here

The reason for the rise of the right is that there has been a repressed Hindu Anger.

For years Hindus were forced to feel ashamed of our culture and practices. We were looked down as week. the politicians pandered to the minorities for vote bank politics.

I will give you some examples

Ayodhya, Varanasi and Mathura are 3 of the holiest sites of Hinduism Equivalent to Vatican and Jeruselum for Christians or Mecca and Medina for Muslims. In each of these sites there were grand temples which were destroyed by Mughals and Mosques built in there places. It is 70 years after Independence and in a Hindu Majority country (80% Hindu Population) no temples have been restored on these sites. In 1992 the Babri Masjid at Ayodhaya was destroyed by angry Hindus but the temple was not built. The case is still dragging through the courts. (The Supreme Court is stated to hear the final petition starting from 5th Dec this year). Only the BJP has promised to build the Ram Temple. All other so called "secular" political parties are denigrating Hindus saying why do you want a temple there?
BTW the leftists are so worried about the proposed judgement in the SC case on Ayodhaya that they are writing op-eds asking the verdict to be delayed to after 2019 when Lok Sabha elections will be over. https://scroll.in/article/853507/wh...-ayodhya-dispute-before-2019-general-election
they want to deny justice to the hindus just to prevent BJP coming to power again

India is constitutionally a Secular country, but in this Secular nation different religions have their own laws. Till just a few weeks ago a Muslim man could legally divorce his wife just by saying the word Talaq (Divorce) 3 times. It is the BJP which is pushing for a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) which means same laws for all irrespective of religion. Irony is that UCC is basis of secularism and the secular parties are opposing it tooth and nail while a so called communal party is working towards it

Jammu Kashmir is the only Muslim Majority state in India. It has got a special status under article 370 of the constitution. All Indians have right to move and settle anywhere in the country except in Jammu Kashmir where they cant settle. A law passed by the parliament is automatically applied to all states of the country except Jammu Kashmir which has to again pass the law in its assembly before it can be applied there. BJP is the only party which is working to remove this Article 370 from the constitution.

I talked about Ayodhaya and Varanasi being very important to Hindus. For the first time a PM took part in Ganga Arti in Varanasi when Modi became the PM. He was not the first Hindu PM. All PMs before him except Dr. Manmohan Singh were Hindus. But Hindus have been pressured to repress their culture and identities. Ganga Arti is a beautiful part of the Hindu Culture but no PM ever did this.

Today is the festival of Diwali. It marks the return of Lord Ram from exile back to Ayodhaya. For the first time in years there was a grand celebration of Diwali at Ayodhaya. It was possible only because BJP govt under Yogi Adityanath is in power who is not ashamed to celebrate Hindu culture and heritage. Again it is not that CMs before Yogi Adityanath were not Hindus. They were Hindus but worked overtime to suppress the Hindus and pander to the minorities.

Hundreds of Hindu activists have been killed by leftists across India. but you dont see any protests and candle light marches for them by the "Secular Liberal" crowd and instead these murders are being marginalised saying that these are just political rivalries. On the other hand you see thousands of tweets, op eds in newspapers, television news debates if a single muslim is killed. I am not saying killing Muslims is alright but why give dispropotionate focus on Muslim deaths and suppress the Hindu deaths. Arent Hindu deaths as tragic?

Now for the first time there is a BJP govt with majority on its own and they are listening to the grievances of the Hindus. This is what the "liberals" like @Joe Shearer dont like because it affects the worldview they held for 60-70 years
Thanks for detailed explanation..But What you are implying here is simply a Hindu domination of India in a cultural plus religious way by subverting the cultural and people of opposite religion..
Hindus are oppressed ? Are not Hindus the most educated and elite class of India ? Are not Hindus made the core of every government department including military..Are not Hindus economically better then rest of the minorities? If answer to these are NO then for sure Hindus are not well protected by state
Thanks for detailed explanation..But What you are implying here is simply a Hindu domination of India in a cultural plus religious way by subverting the cultural and people of opposite religion..
Hindus are oppressed ? Are not Hindus the most educated and elite class of India ? Are not Hindus made the core of every government department including military..Are not Hindus economically better then rest of the minorities? If answer to these are NO then for sure Hindus are not well protected by state

You seem to have misunderstood my post. I am saying that Hindu culture and practices were being suppressed for decades after independence. And I have given plenty of examples to prove this.

The reason it is done was that the "Secular" parties were appeasing the minorities and the Hindus were being passive and not fighting back. Only a few times have Hindus fought back against this subversion. Once was when the Babri Masjid was taken down. Another time was when 59 innocent Hindus were burnt alive in a train which led to Gujarat riots as the Hindu anger boiled over. I have never seen any "liberals" talk about train burning. they talk about the Gujarat Riots as started by Hindus but never examine the triggering part.

I dont know whether you have read the Harry Potter books. In it there is a line in Hogwarts crest "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus" It translates to Never tickle a sleeping dragon
You know what happens when the dragon wakes up.

The fact that Hindus are economically well off as compared to minorities does not mean that their culture and practices are not being suppressed by the "Liberals"

The rise of the Hindu Culture does not mean subversion of Muslim Culture. They can co exist BUT they must respect the Hindu Culture. If they cant then it is a problem

The BJP has risen because of this subversion of Hindu Culture. The pendulum is swinging rightwards and that is a good thing
I heard few years back that scientific APJ Abdul Kalam used to research on Tipu Sultan weaponry and missiles which Tipu has invented to fight with British india.. and from that Kalam gets things to built some missiles for india..

Albait: after few years APJ Abdul Kalam will also be pronounced as an outsider and a invader...

Your story is a grossly misunderstood way of acknowledging Congreve rockets, that were used against Tipu.


See what I mean?

@Joe Shearer I hope this is what majority wouldn't perceive in next election...for betterment of this region..Otherwise the result won't seems to be different

I have certain two-legged swines on an ignore list and have read nothing between your three posts. I don't know what you are referring to; thankfully so, if I can imagine which of the heroes it might be.
Thanks, but no, thanks.

Dunno what you're referring to, chief.
Ok ..My bad i just read on some previous thread about your opinion..

You seem to have misunderstood my post. I am saying that Hindu culture and practices were being suppressed for decades after independence. And I have given plenty of examples to prove this.

The reason it is done was that the "Secular" parties were appeasing the minorities and the Hindus were being passive and not fighting back. Only a few times have Hindus fought back against this subversion. Once was when the Babri Masjid was taken down. Another time was when 59 innocent Hindus were burnt alive in a train which led to Gujarat riots as the Hindu anger boiled over. I have never seen any "liberals" talk about train burning. they talk about the Gujarat Riots as started by Hindus but never examine the triggering part.

I dont know whether you have read the Harry Potter books. In it there is a line in Hogwarts crest "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus" It translates to Never tickle a sleeping dragon
You know what happens when the dragon wakes up.

The fact that Hindus are economically well off as compared to minorities does not mean that their culture and practices are not being suppressed by the "Liberals"

The rise of the Hindu Culture does not mean subversion of Muslim Culture. They can co exist BUT they must respect the Hindu Culture. If they cant then it is a problem

The BJP has risen because of this subversion of Hindu Culture. The pendulum is swinging rightwards and that is a good thing
I got it what you are trying to say..
@H!TchHiker As you can see our great intellectual liberal runs away from debate when confronted with reality.

they keep on whining about rise of sangh parivar without acknowledging or debating the reasons for the same.

I know he has me and other "Sanghis" on Ignore because he cant counter us. That is his favorite method. Either Ignore or give Negative Ratings.

If you want an answer feel free to copy paste my post. I doubt he will answer.

BTW you can let him know that I am reporting his post for abusive language. I know nothing is going to happen because he is a darling of the Pakistani Mods but still I will exercise my right of reporting him
@H!TchHiker As you can see our great intellectual liberal runs away from debate when confronted with reality.

they keep on whining about rise of sangh parivar without acknowledging or debating the reasons for the same.

I know he has me and other "Sanghis" on Ignore because he cant counter us. That is his favorite method. Either Ignore or give Negative Ratings.

If you want an answer feel free to copy paste my post. I doubt he will answer.

BTW you can let him know that I am reporting his post for abusive language. I know nothing is going to happen because he is a darling of the Pakistani Mods but still I will exercise my right of reporting him
Lol why do you think so ? I found him truly Indian as much as any body else and debating with him is quite difficult since his knowledge and experience is far greater than many of the member here ..Me and you can disagree with him but can't reach up to his intellectual
I read his answer at one of the old thread ..
Problem is nobody has denied the right of Hindus to freely practice and build as many as temple they want..As per Indian constitution every body has equal right to practice....Issue is now a group of people in India started to believe they can spread there ideology with power..I mean let the court decides..The same court were there in previous years...If it is so much necessary to destroy 1 place of worship to build other..Why the mob justice to prevail ?
Lol why do you think so ? I found him truly Indian as much as any body else and debating with him is quite difficult since his knowledge and experience is far greater than many of the member here ..Me and you can disagree with him but can't reach up to his intellectual
I read his answer at one of the old thread ..
Problem is nobody has denied the right of Hindus to freely practice and build as many as temple they want..As per Indian constitution every body has equal right to practice....Issue is now a group of people in India started to believe they can spread there ideology with power..I mean let the court decides..The same court were there in previous years...If it is so much necessary to destroy 1 place of worship to build other..Why the mob justice to prevail ?

I'm sorry, who is this? Should I open it up and take a look? Do you think the concealed matter is worth recognising?

Meanwhile, there are two incredible pieces that have really rocked me. Irfan Baloch, refusing to participate in a debate between the style of warcraft practiced by Rommel and Montgomery, in words that were a superb distillation of a soldier's credo; then a piece by a retired general that stunned me. I never knew you made Pakistanis like this. I won't name the Indian general whose sensitivity and intellect reminds me of this general; he is a Muslim, and I have never seen Pakistanis give respect to a Muslim Indian, so he will not be named.
I'm sorry, who is this? Should I open it up and take a look? Do you think the concealed matter is worth recognising?

Meanwhile, there are two incredible pieces that have really rocked me. Irfan Baloch, refusing to participate in a debate between the style of warcraft practiced by Rommel and Montgomery, in words that were a superb distillation of a soldier's credo; then a piece by a retired general that stunned me. I never knew you made Pakistanis like this. I won't name the Indian general whose sensitivity and intellect reminds me of this general; he is a Muslim, and I have never seen Pakistanis give respect to a Muslim Indian, so he will not be named.
No i don't think, you responded something similar few days back..
Are you referring to Ata hasnain ? No doubt in perception of us (Pakistanis) Indian Muslim in Indian army is something unforgivable..
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