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Tipu Sultan was not Indian and a killer - BJP minister as Karnataka celebrate the Tiger of Mysore

No i don't think, you responded something similar few days back..
Are you referring to Ata hasnain ? No doubt in perception of us (Pakistanis) Indian Muslim in Indian army is something unforgivable..


Lol why do you think so ? I found him truly Indian as much as any body else and debating with him is quite difficult since his knowledge and experience is far greater than many of the member here ..Me and you can disagree with him but can't reach up to his intellectual

LoL he sucks up to Pakistanis more than any other Indian Poster. He gives Indians more negative ratings then even any Pakistani. I am not doubting his nationality just saying that his actions are atypical of any patriotic Indian.

And regarding his so called intellect. It is nothing but using high funda english words and the fact that he is an old dodo. In another thread he talked about graduating in 968. the majority of the current Indian population was not even born in 1968

Problem is nobody has denied the right of Hindus to freely practice and build as many as temple they want..As per Indian constitution every body has equal right to practice....Issue is now a group of people in India started to believe they can spread there ideology with power..I mean let the court decides..The same court were there in previous years...If it is so much necessary to destroy 1 place of worship to build other..Why the mob justice to prevail ?

We are spreading our ideology now because it was suppressed for so long. If you put pressure on something eventually it will explode.

Regarding court case - the original court case was dragging on for decades before Hindus acted in 1992. Even now it is 25 years since 1992 and we are waiting for the verdict and not forcibily building the temple. So dont say anything about Mob justice

If something similar had happened in Mecca or Medina would Muslims be quiet for decades?
Lol how innocent you react...

You like honest and innocent questions.
Insert tongue smiley here.

LoL he sucks up to Pakistanis more than any other Indian Poster. He gives Indians more negative ratings then even any Pakistani. I am not doubting his nationality just saying that his actions are atypical of any patriotic Indian.

And regarding his so called intellect. It is nothing but using high funda english words and the fact that he is an old dodo. In another thread he talked about graduating in 968. the majority of the current Indian population was not even born in 1968

We are spreading our ideology now because it was suppressed for so long. If you put pressure on something eventually it will explode.

Regarding court case - the original court case was dragging on for decades before Hindus acted in 1992. Even now it is 25 years since 1992 and we are waiting for the verdict and not forcibily building the temple. So dont say anything about Mob justice

If something similar had happened in Mecca or Medina would Muslims be quiet for decades?

The constitutional oppression of the Hindu conservative in modern India started way before 92.

The secular industrialists and the pluralists power brokers have India in firm grip.

I was reading somewhere that Modis is considered an anti establishment government?
LoL he sucks up to Pakistanis more than any other Indian Poster. He gives Indians more negative ratings then even any Pakistani. I am not doubting his nationality just saying that his actions are atypical of any patriotic Indian.

And regarding his so called intellect. It is nothing but using high funda english words and the fact that he is an old dodo. In another thread he talked about graduating in 968. the majority of the current Indian population was not even born in 1968

We are spreading our ideology now because it was suppressed for so long. If you put pressure on something eventually it will explode.

Regarding court case - the original court case was dragging on for decades before Hindus acted in 1992. Even now it is 25 years since 1992 and we are waiting for the verdict and not forcibily building the temple. So dont say anything about Mob justice

If something similar had happened in Mecca or Medina would Muslims be quiet for decades?

Your tale of hindu woe is heartbreaking

You must immediately make cow your national animal and get a mob together to attack those mosques
No i don't think, you responded something similar few days back..
Are you referring to Ata hasnain ? No doubt in perception of us (Pakistanis) Indian Muslim in Indian army is something unforgivable..

He is a hero to me. Represents a lineage including his father, Lt. Gen. Zameeruddin Shah, 'Bubbles' Habibullah and that shining light, Brigadier Usman. Our Air Chief who became Governor of Maharashtra did both jobs in the manner born.
Your tale of hindu woe is heartbreaking

You must immediately make cow your national animal and get a mob together to attack those mosques
Those mosques will be history and we will bring them down with a glee on our face.
Those mosques will be history and we will bring them down with a glee on our face.

With India already on the Carbon emissions radar. I won't suggest burning.

Convert them into temples and the rest as libraries or art galleries.
He is a hero to me. Represents a lineage including his father, Lt. Gen. Zameeruddin Shah, 'Bubbles' Habibullah and that shining light, Brigadier Usman. Our Air Chief who became Governor of Maharashtra did both jobs in the manner born.
His father Opt to stay with Indian Army in India ?and Brigadier Usman i think was the first high ranking official died in Kashmir war ..One need courage to go against prevailing norms..Wonder what they will think if alive today of current India posturing..

Those mosques will be history and we will bring them down with a glee on our face.
Lol how would you do that ? i think you are joking
With India already on the Carbon emissions radar. I won't suggest burning.

Convert them into temples and the rest as libraries or art galleries.
Burn? Nah? Possible method suggested by the courts will be using bulldozers or JCBs my personal preference would be take it apart brick by brick.
Don't, please. Those bozos AREN'T joking.

It will benefit India and it will be finally united as a nation.

Atleast the politics will shift from rhetoric to actual civil service.

Life is considered cheap in India by the capitalist loving seculars when it comes to labor. Why is this so precious if it's for the good of India.
I didn't know who Tipu Sultan was.

Search on Google and first thing I read is his economic plan brought in world's highest wages and living standards in 18th century. Also one of first to pioneer use of rocket artillery. Incredible
Burn? Nah? Possible method suggested by the courts will be using bulldozers or JCBs my personal preference would be take it apart brick by brick.

Remember that the fight is about India not religion.

Muslims survive without mosques in two third of the world.
Go for it..

Think about how many thousands and thousands of temples muslims have destroyed with the aforementioned glee and dare I say it jovial exuberance

Think about Pakistan we have near wiped out hindu temples from our land

And here you are stuck with a fast growing 200 million Muslim population praying and having mosques on the bones of your dead

Humiliation does not begin to cover what your hindutva crowd has gone through

Reported for maligning Pakistan
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