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Times Square Conspiracy against Pakistan

do you want me to list idiots from indian media what funny things they say about Pakistan. your another wasted Pakistani man who lure for bollywoodians..:tdown:
We sometimes make a fool of our self , and think it will not really affect us , but actually it affects our country and our false thoughts and dreams of being the only Muslim country in the world.

We really need to take responsibility and really think hard why is only Pakistan name is coming again and again in these bombing incidents.

we need to change our thoughts


It is only you who is making fool of yourself. Use your brain, instead of getting infected by cnn, fox etc. Read all the information availble for faisal shahzad carefully, make your opinion and only then write here, so that we can also save our time from bieng engaged in useless talk with you.

We really do not need to take responsibility if someone trapped in CIA's game and they forcefully or with incentives convinced Faisal Shahzad to drive and abandon the car in the middle of the road and then just walk away.


The failed terrorist attempt at Times Square raised many eyebrows (refer to readers’ comments on related stories in NEW YORK TIMES and other Pakistani newspapers) not only in Pakistan but in the US as well. The suspicions owe their origin to somewhat visibly amateurish planning/ conduct behind the act, as well as alleged involvement of a US national of Pakistani origin. The discussion in public circles in Pakistan imbued with usual nationalistic and anti-US fervour unfortunately in few cases has centred on emotionalism rather than on rationale and logic. With a view to impart a tinge of objectivity and rationale outlook to such discussions, I have carried out an analysis of the incident and provided here a set of raw implications that I could deduce within my limited understanding. In arriving at the implications, I might be little out of mark or even be close to reality, the decision of which I leave to readers and to subsequent events. However, the underlying reason for my endeavour is to influence my fellow Pakistanis in thinking that rationale, logic, understanding and some cool thinking than emotional outbursts can better guide our discourse on such sensitive issues of grave implications. It is because a well thought out stance potentially lends credence to ones assertion while the opposite generally steers us away from reality and pushes us unwittingly into world of imaginations and conspiracy theories.

While reflecting on the implications appended below, there is a need to bear in mind the past and current dynamics of the war on terror in the region as well as the fact that after 9/11, news about a few terrorist attempts in the US surfaced, but none succeeded. On the contrary, the people of Pakistan faced the brunt of terrorists’ fury. The latest Times Square terrorist attempt was also a failed attempt like an earlier attempt allegedly by a Nigerian Muslim to blow up a US airliner in December 2009. While failure of such attempts might point towards a foolproof and appropriately postured US security mechanism, it also opens vistas for speculations and suspicions. It is in this backdrop that the latest Times Square incident has been analyzed to arrive at possible implications for Pakistan, in particular.

While glancing through and reflecting on deduced implications, there is also a need to remember that there have been few voices within the US circles too, that have raised concerns on the validity of the failed act. A few have viewed it with suspicion (due to the reasons stated below) as a possible ploy to accrue unexplained but somewhat obvious advantages to the US admin:-

a. The technique/ method used by the terrorist in planning and conduct of the act and its subsequent outcome reflected an inexperienced/ amateur hand.

b. A rather quick apprehension and an instant confession by the accused appeared little out of place.

c. A vigorous US effort to establish quick but unconvincing linkages with Al Qaida and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) within less than 48 hours of the incident despite latter’s denial (earlier on TTP accepted responsibility, which remains doubtful). This hinted towards a possible pre-conceived game plan and opened gateways to suspicions.


A dispassionate analysis of the incident brings forth host of implications. A few of these are:-

a. The incident has brought Pakistan once again in limelight at the world stage as a possible hub of terrorism and extremism.

b. It has reinforced US public’s opinion with respect to their insecurity even in the continental US augmenting their US Govt’s created perception that life and property of the US citizens is threatened by Islamic radicals from Afghanistan-Pakistan region. This perception ensures that the ‘critical’ US public opinion remains in favour of Obama admin’s policy in war on terror – a much desired/ strived US aim to realize its grandiose designs around the world specifically in South Asia.

c. Given Faisal’s background (son of a high ranking retired Pakistan Air Force officer), seemingly the incident has reinforced US public’s perception that even educated and enlightened segments of Pakistani population exhibit clear extremist tendencies and are imbued with hatred towards the US and their President’s much emphasized jargon, “our way of life”. This created perception indirectly affords credibility to the US professed theme of alleged links of members of Pakistan Armed Forces with extremist forces and their endorsement of radical views.

d. The incident has also provided the US admin the casus belli to pressurize the Pakistan Government yet again to crack down on terrorist elements in its tribal areas. The resultant pressure as an intended effect precludes Pakistan Govt’s option to resort to political settlement, may seriously destabilize an already plagued Pakistan and likely aggravate sufferings of its people due to expected terrorist backlash.

e. It has apparently provided the US admin grounds to emphasize upon the US and international public alike that negotiations and political rapprochement is not the preferred way of dealing and use of kinetic force is the only option to deal with the terror issue. This US thinking is in total disregard of regional ground realities and does not account for adverse effects of its already unleashed drone attacks terror campaign in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

f. The incident seemed to have jeopardized future of Pakistani-US citizens in the US despite denial by the US State authorities. Subsequent US measures may further tighten the noose around them besides paving way for more scrutinized visa regime as well as entry procedures for Pakistanis around the world in the continental US.

g. It has seemingly provided yet another opportunity to the US to discredit Pakistan’s efforts (and sacrifices) in successfully reigning in terrorists allegedly operating out of tribal areas, once again point fingers towards ISI and augmented doubts about Pakistan and its Govt intentions, internationally. Furthermore, in view of a debatable assumption that a certain extent of instability in Pakistan is in US interest, the act has thus assisted the US in creating/ widening the rift between and within various Pakistani State institutions as well as the public by fomenting confusions. The act, therefore, has helped the US in providing impetus to its efforts in pre-empting/ forestalling emergence of a united and strong Pakistani stance injurious to the US ambitions in the region.

h. The whole war in Afghanistan in retrospect leads to a nascent revelation. Apparently naturally but skilfully, the theatre of war was shifted to Pakistan in the recent years. The terrorist incidents related statistics amply reveal that it was as early as 2005/ 2006 that Pakistan became the focus for terrorist activities. In this backdrop, it is contemplated that occurrence of the incident would help the US in ensuring that the focus remains on Pakistan and the status quo (manipulated shifted theatre of war from Afghanistan to Pakistan) is maintained. In addition, the hard US tone towards Pakistan in aftermath of the incident has facilitated the US to keep world’s attention persistently away from Afghanistan – the hub of problems affecting Pakistan, Afghanistan and the region.

i. The event has forced, so far unmoved Pakistanis, into thinking that bulk of their Pakistani brethren hold extremist views and are supportive of terrorist tactics to avenge perceived or actual injustices meted out to their Muslim brethren in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world. This approach/ thinking being detrimental to nationalistic feelings do not bode well for the country and may lead to social unrest and instability in Pakistan.

j. The incident has provided another excuse to the US to continue justifying its footprint in the region, intensify drone attacks, provide impetus to its covert operations in FATA and prolong its stay in the region indefinitely thus, further destabilize Pakistan and the region. Furthermore, as intensified drone attacks will result in increased collateral damage besides infuriating extremists, it will also compel kith and kin of innocent victims to join hands with anti-US forces. Thus as a cause-effect relationship, it will afford legitimacy to already unleashed vicious US terror cycle.

k. To say the least, the attempt has the potential to impart an upward thrust to feelings of hatred against the Muslims and Islam, in the West.


Above is the list of implications that I could think of and by no means is this list exhaustive. The analysis elucidate that the incident does not bring any benefit or serve any of Pakistan’s interests, which amply demonstrate that it could be an engineered attempt or a lonely one-off attempt or else a work of those elements who intend to harm Pakistan’s interests and at the same time serve US interests. However, if it was a valid terrorist attempt, then it is surely high time for the US admin to carry out some serious introspection and correct its course in the war on terror and cast a relook at its worldwide policies (specifically related to Muslim countries) before it is too late. The wiring is already on the wall for quite some time now.

In the end, a neutral reader might smell a tinge of biasness in my discourse above, which would be attributable to my nationalistic feelings (for that matter any Pakistani’s feelings) but I consider it to be better than unfounded emotional outbursts and ensuing irrational actions. Nevertheless, in my view I have offered a plausible line and way of thinking, which hopefully should stimulate our intellectual taste buds and guide our actions/ behaviour and discourse on any issue affecting our collective good as a nation, in desired direction in future.
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It is only you who is making fool of yourself. Use your brain, instead of getting infected by cnn, fox etc. Read all the information availble for faisal shahzad carefully, make your opinion and only then write here, so that we can also save our time from bieng engaged in useless talk with you.

We really do not need to take responsibility if someone trapped in CIA's game and they forcefully or with incentives convinced Faisal Shahzad to drive and abandon the car in the middle of the road and then just walk away.

Hey come on , He is not a fool or a baby , also , why was he only targeted , why not an Indian , or an Iranian or some other race.

Forget Fox and western media, give me one small piece of Info from our media giving enough evidence to say that it was forcibly done.

I don't trust the western media , but when i dont see any counter news which can come close to even challenge the info given by the western media that's when i think we are fools.

Look at the history , we said no to Mumbai blast, and our own politician accepted it , If it was a conspiracy by bleedy Indians then why did we accept it . The whole world thinks we always say No and then we accept it.

So please come to reality if u really want Pakistan to progress and stop thinking that all the people are blaming us are idiots and we have done nothing.

Stop this attitude of CIA, RAW, MASSOD AND ALL we need to take responsibility of our own actions only then we will be able to correct it.


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