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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

Calm down marra. You are over-reacting to taimi khan's posts as if you have seen the first pashtun loyal to Pakistan in your life. Taimi khan is a proper pashtun from Bannu, no need to label him some thing else to make your point. You western Pashtuns/afghans are misinformed about lot of things, one of which is that majority of lar Pashtuns hate Pakistan and want unification with bar pashtuns. There are Pashtuns in every walk of life in Pakistan, in army, bureaucracy, education, business, politics, sports, religious institutions......and every one would oppose your thoughts. Simply because grass is greener on this side of Durand. Make your Afghanistan a developed country , every lar pashtun would declare himself a proud Afghan and would try his best to distance himself from desi identity and would be eager to join Afghanistan...pashtuns were never united as one people( except Ahmad shah baba times) and went any where there were opportunities. You might have declared taimi khan a sell out if there were few hundreds of them, but the problem is that there are millions of them and have incorporated a new pakistani idenity and are in the process of giving up on Afghan/Pashtun ethnic identity.

Rora, I can't believe you just said that ! Hum loggg itneii hii bureii lagteiii hain ?
what are you talking about? I could understand if a Pakistani says that for right or wrong its their country…but you as Afghan? Durrand agreement was NOT between Afghan and Pakistanis..it was between Afghan and ANgreez…..and if you’re one of those Islamist that always talk about Islam this and that...then let me remind you that Pakistani state is NOT your Muslim brother state BUT successor of your bloody enemy Kafir Angreez. Pakistani insititaiton same remnant of Angreez…Pakistani policy towards Afghanistan…same forward policy of Angreez…
Below is list history of Pakistan ’s security institutions.
ISI was the brainchild of Australian-born British Army officer, Major General R. Cawthome, then Deputy Chief of Staff in the Pakistan Army.

Pakistan Militray:
Remnant of British India army, made up of Indian-Muslims whom have faithfully served British for 200 years... Including but not limited against Iraq , Afghanistan , World War 1 and 2.
First two Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army where General Sir Frank Messervy (August 15, 1947 - February 10, 1948) General Sir Douglas David Gracey ( February 11, 1948 - January 16, 1951 .

Pakistan air force.
Air force Chiefs
Air Vice Marshal Allan Perry-Keane (August 15, 1947 - February 17, 1949)
Air Vice Marshal R.L.R. Atcherley (February 18, 1949 - May 6, 1951)
Air Vice Marshal L.W. Cannon (May 7, 1951 - June 19, 1955)
Air Vice Marshal A.W.B. McDonald (June 20, 1955 - July 22, 1957) –10 years after “independent”

Naval Chiefs
Vice Admiral J.W. Jefford CB CBE (August 14, 1947 - January 31, 1953)

So think my brother…we Afghans have no friend!

Brother I understand your feelings, but see the other side there are good people in Pakistan too who understands us and are through the same time we are from decades now!

Pakistanis well know what their ISI and Army has done to Afghanistan and then to their people let the time pass everything will be also visible to them too.

And as neighbors we have to consider the fact that Afghans needs to have patience on this issue otherwise we may call the impossible by ourselves!

So basically you are saying your gov and military are making us Afghan suffer with their cancer that is Taliban because we don't recognize the Angreez imposed Durand line?
Thanks for being honest….I always knew the talk of Islam this and Islam that were nothing but a bucket full of Sh&T.... I just hope and wish that our village idiot---those that are brainwashed in Pakistan’s Madrassa realize this---and they will sooner or later and that day we will see what happens.

It has never been a war for 'Islam' rather war of interests but now Afghans also learned it and they are busy playing the war of interest.
Dude his ancestors were part of Pathan regiment that faithfully fought for Angreez in Iraq, Afghanistan, Jerusalem, WW1 and WW2. I suggest you read about these people…these people are more loyal to king then king himself.

Sadly their grand children are following the path... I knew it that's why I asked him!
Dude you are a false flagger.

I respect Afghans but you are not one.


Buddy I think he is a real one but with big anger! someone asked in this topic that how much the cause of Durand line is active in Afghans hearts? see him as an example.

There are millions others who have much more anger than this guy, actually you guys should praise me of being 'innocent' here :lol: :P

Lets discuss the topic in more civil way.

Babagul, if he is really Afghan is a very ignorant person. I am not sure, I label him a false flagger or a very ignorant person. Even Sher Malang will look at this guy and have doubts.

Can't say anything but trust me there are really people who have much more anger on Durand issue than this dude!
What bullshit is this? You trecherous Afghans are trying to insult Taimi Khan for being loyal to the land of he was born to? What do you know about the man to call him anything? Maybe his family or even daughter suffered from a terrorist attack from his Pashtun brothers from across the border? You guys should really think before speaking.
wow, so till the lar pashtuns enjoy the economic benefits of the so called desi guys, lar pashtuns is ready to be separate from bar pashtuns and as soon as bar pashtuns become better lar pashtuns will hop to another wagon and then if the desis again become better again, seeing the economic opportunity the lar pashtuns will again hop to the pakistani wagon, you cant remain in two states at one time :lol: you are more retard then i initially thought :cheesy:

When a Punjabi/Sindhi can move for economical benefits to Australia and Canada why not a Pashtun to it's homeland? aren't you a retard yourself or just pretending?
There should be a referendum in the Pashtun areas of Pakistan with the option of joining Afghanistan or remaining with Pakistan .

This is the only way to the solve this Afg-Pak problem
Yeah, there should also be a referendum in Kashmir with the option to join with Pakistan or India. This is the only way to the solve this Indo-Pak problem
The name of Afghanistan itself is non-representative , its a non-inclusive entity where one ethnicity seeks to dominate the others by whatever means available.
They need to work to bring harmony among various ethnic groups , for starters the name of Afghanistan needs to change so that it becomes more representative of the various ethnic groups
Pashtuns should support this idea, they supported renaming of NWFP as Pakthtunkhwa so that it becomes more representative they should also support changing the name of Afghanistan so that it is more representative of Tajiks, Uzbeks , Turkmen and Hazaras
I think its best to give a country to pashtuns and a separate country to the rest of the afghans
What bullshit is this? You trecherous Afghans are trying to insult Taimi Khan for being loyal to the land of he was born to? What do you know about the man to call him anything? Maybe his family or even daughter suffered from a terrorist attack from his Pashtun brothers from across the border? You guys should really think before speaking.

Razpak yara.

No need to argue with these slowpokes. These Afghanistanis have f'd by their OWN fing land, how could they know about loyalty to one's country and nation.

Taimi Khan is 100 times smarter than these flamers, as he knows it all and he really wants to avoid the fate of Afghanistanis. He has seen it. Millions of Afghanistanis stuck in KPK, because the likes of some posters here cannot bring f ing peace to their territory.

But these Afghanistanis live somewhere in Europe, and they do not suffer like millions of Afghanistanis living in refugee camps. What do these elitist care. their murghi and roti is coming, what do they care that so many Afghanistanis are suffering because of the wrong policies of successive regimes in Kabul.

40 years under one gora boot or the other Arab boot, and still they go back 200 years to find that yes some Pakistani's ancestors fought bravely in the World wars.

Yes Pakistanis are proud to be decedents of World War veterans and so are Indians. We all joined together to safe guard our lands against Germans and Japanese.

And not only that we protected our lands, we helped save the whole Arab and North African lands.

If this was the crime, then so be it.

At least we were not like these Afghanistanis who are under the Commie boots, then Arab boots, and then American boots and the list goes on.

Heck, it is sad to see that Americans say we want to leave, and Afghanistani government says please mai baap, stay a little longer (like the song by Bob Willis and Tommy),

stay please stay

Stay all night, stay a little longer,
Dance all night, dance a little longer,
Pull off your coat, throw it in the corner,
Don't see why you can't stay a little longer. :lol:

Then they come to our boards and give us Mullah sermons about our HISTORY,

Oh bhai logo, look at your PRESENT first, before giving someone else lessons on history.

Thank you.
The name of Afghanistan itself is non-representative , its a non-inclusive entity where one ethnicity seeks to dominate the others by whatever means available.
They need to work to bring harmony among various ethnic groups , for starters the name of Afghanistan needs to change so that it becomes more representative of the various ethnic groups
Pashtuns should support this idea, they supported renaming of NWFP as Pakthtunkhwa so that it becomes more representative they should also support changing the name of Afghanistan so that it is more representative of Tajiks, Uzbeks , Turkmen and Hazaras

Great idea yara.

Tajiks, Uzbeks , Turkmen and Hazaras, so let's call that country TUTaH or perhaps TUTah-Phuta.:lol:
I think its best to give a country to pashtuns and a separate country to the rest of the afghans

Afghanistan was a peaceful land before the foreign funded afghan jihad.Even now there are no separatist movements in afghanistan..Why should afghan land be divided?
What about the Sepoy mutiny of 1857 ? :azn: ... You talk of Zia-ul-Haq the savior of your nation without whom you would have paying tributes to the Kremlin and would be under communist rule ... Really true that Afghans are thankless people ... If they do not consider Pakistan as a brother after what we have done for them and are still doing then it is about time we send Afghan immigrants burden to our economy and compromising our national security back to the other side of the Durand line ... Yes they served in the British army ! What is wrong with that ?
Punjabi muslims were the most loyal to white men:

It is interesting to note that 5th Punjab Infantry in its regimental history claims to have killed Subedar Bakht Khan the sepoy leader at Delhi in the Nawab Ganj area in 1858. It was stated in the history of the Frontier Force Rifles compiled by W.E.H. Condon and published in 1953540 that Naik Habibullah and sepoy Fateh Singh of 5th Punjab Infantry killed Subedar Bakht Khan in the Oudh Nepal rain forest area of Terai in 1858 and both of these soldiers were awarded the Indian Order of Merit. John Lawrence the Chief Commissioner of Punjab in his letter dated 25 May 1858 appended in the Punjab Mutiny reports addressed to Mr. Edwonstone, Secretary to the Government of India stated the composition of the Irregular Forces of Punjab as following 541:-

Muslims - Punjabi - 24,027

Sikhs - 13,344

Hillmen - 2,203

Hindustanis - 2,430

Hindus - Punjabi - 5,336

Christians - 16
This extract is from a book by Major AH Amin a former Pakistan Army officer.
The Sepoy Rebellion of 1857-59 - A. H. AMIN
Afghanistan was a peaceful land before the foreign funded afghan jihad.Even now there are no separatist movements in afghanistan..Why should afghan land be divided?
no it was not peaceful after USSR invasion.

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