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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

Babagul, if he is really Afghan is a very ignorant person. I am not sure, I label him a false flagger or a very ignorant person. Even Sher Malang will look at this guy and have doubts.
Anyways on the topic ...

Islamabad - Pakistan on Thursday asserted that the Durand Line was a closed and settled issue between Pakistan and Afghanistan and regarded as the recognised international border by the international community.“As far as the official response of the government of Pakistan is concerned, the Durand Line is a closed and settled issue. We regard it as the recognised international border, and the international community also recognises it so”, Foreign Office spokesman Mozzam Ahmed Khan told weekly press briefing.

Durand Line issue settled and closed: FO

Washington—The United States of America (USA) recognises the Durand Line as international border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and there is no change in US stance on it.Responding to a question during a media briefing, Spokesperson for US Department of State, Victora Nuland said the Durand Line is internationally recognized border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and there is no change in US stance on it.“Our policy on this has not changed. It was correctly stated by Ambassador Grossman that we see this as the internationally recognised boundary,” Nuland had said .

Durand Line int’l border: US
Nobody in my family is or was ever of hindu origin. Yet you are making big statements. I am also Punjabi, but never of Hindu ancestry. Explain yourself.

You Afghans were a part of Hindu/Bhuddist culture. Have you forgot bayman statues?

You are successfully stamped as completely brainwashed and indoctrinated in the Zia Islamization project. 100/100. Chaap. Next.

Sher Yara,

Why are we getting into this third rate brawl.

Anyone talking about nuking this or that is being childish at best and extremely moronic at its worst.

Afghanistanis are our neighbors and our brothers.

For the past 40 years we have suffered together, laughed together, and cried together.

Was every policy made by us was good. Heck no!

Was every policy made by Afghanistani leaders was perfect? Heck no!

But all those big leaders sit in their safe places, while people like you and I and even darkinsky die like flies.

Pathetic isn't it?

And yet we do the dirty deeds of those cowards sitting in their hideouts. Is Mullah Omer paying the price? Is Zardari paying the price? No
Is Kiyani and NATO top command is paying the price? No

Then why are we all doing this brawl and threatening and mocking each other.

You brought up an old map to deny the very existence of Pakistan.

This is worst than an enemy could do.

Do you even realize this?

Almost 70 years have passed.

One would think we all have learned to live side by side, with respect and dignity.

What is with denying the border with Pakistan?

Your government claims Pakistani militants are crossing the very same border and creating death and destruction in Afghanistan.

You government says, they cross the fing border. So what border are they talking about?

Your government says they are Pakistanis. Not Pashtuns, no Punjabis, not Kashmiris, just Pakistanis.

Even though you know it and I know it, that majority of militants going from Pakistan to Afghanistan are Pashtuns.

So you see, Afghnistanis themselves are realizing the problems posed by this wild area on the border.

Then why on earth you would continue to propagate old stories that have been proven disastrous for Afghanistan?


I value your balanced views and appreciate some of the knowledgable debates that is possible with you without haveing to resort to personal remarks and trolls.
I think in this case there is clearly an issue with the politics of the region and the backwardness of the region. Th Pashtuns dont have a defined border and would like to keep it that way. I think the solution is to do away witht he Durand line and have a compromose and redraw a new line. Just my opinion. thanks.
You are successfully stamped as completely brainwashed and indoctrinated in the Zia Islamization project. 100/100. Chaap. Next.

Arain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My family records go well beyond your insecurity. But as I have said, having a hindu forefather does not bother me.

Please you have no idea of my family. Keep the animal worshiping to yourself. Even If my eldars believed in giving rats milk, I certainly do not.

I look to only Allah swt as my god.

And btw Zia-ul-Haq was actually my rishtidaar.

He is related to me from a distance.

God...what’s wrong to be a Hindu? Are they not human being? Yes we Afghans were Hindu/Bhuddist before Islam...I’m not ashamed of my history. Now the fact is Punjab is major part of Hindustan...go read Baburai Nahmah...your culture, your race and your language are all Indian---Indic---Indo-Aryan while Pashtons and Baloch are Afghan---Iranic--Indo-Iranian.

and what about hazara, tajiks, uzbeks, they have so many differences with the pashtuns, do you like to be separate from them?
Afghans cant do **** with the Durand line.. Last time they tried to invade, we didnt even have to send in PA, our own Pushtuns took care of them
My family records go well beyond your insecurity. But as I have said, having a hindu forefather does not bother me.

Please you have no idea of my family. Keep the animal worshiping to yourself. Even If my eldars believed in giving rats milk, I certainly do not.

I look to only Allah swt as my god.

And btw Zia-ul-Haq was actually my rishtidaar.

He is related to me from a distance.


Abbbaii yaaaar ! :hitwall:
I think the solution is to do away witht he Durand line and have a compromose and redraw a new line. Just my opinion. thanks.

To tell the truth , the Durand Line is open to Pashtuns on both sides ... So basically the puppet Govt is trying to create a issue where none exists !

What more compromise do they ask for ? Already there are open borders !
Look at these Afghans saying Durand Line is disputed... Idiots still living in 1970 when their country was actually something
Indeed they did in Bajaur in the '50s ! :yahoo:

And here they are , still living in the delusion that Pakistani Pashtuns will help them in redrawing the border and want any merger with them ... Someone enlighten them about the % of Pashtuns in Pakistan army ... :lol: Those people have always been loyal to the state of Pakistan !
You are still young. Zia ul haq was the best thing that ever happened to this country. Believe it or not.

Ya... Apart from introducing Islamic extremism, sending a few million Afghani refugees over in Pakistan, and first to support the Taliban, he was a great leader...

Did you know Zia made sure no Hindu ever got elected in Pakistan by making a law that stated that Hindus can only vote for Hindus? This law was abolished in 1998
You are still young. Zia ul haq was the best thing that ever happened to this country. Believe it or not.

Agree to disagree , my friend ! I do not really believe in delusional Ummah concept because there is overwhelming evidence otherwise ... The radicalization of Pakistan should never have happened !
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