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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

Tell me one major battle or war you fought against British? In fact you guys faithfully severed the British... even Zai Ul Haq, Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan(he even fought for British in WW2) was an officer in colonist British Indian army. Go read your history...starts with Punjab Regiment, Pathan regiment, frontier force and...

Read about Shah Abdul Qadir Ludhianvi. Our people were considered non martial because we fought against the British.

Please, just because someone is born in Punjab does not make the the same as the Sikhs that defeated you in war.

And believe me, we don't like the Sikhs, lol.
Nobody in my family is or was ever of hindu origin. Yet you are making big statements. I am also Punjabi, but never of Hindu ancestry. Explain yourself.

You Afghans were a part of Hindu/Bhuddist culture. Have you forgot bayman statues?

God...what’s wrong to be a Hindu? Are they not human being? Yes we Afghans were Hindu/Bhuddist before Islam...I’m not ashamed of my history. Now the fact is Punjab is major part of Hindustan...go read Baburai Nahmah...your culture, your race and your language are all Indian---Indic---Indo-Aryan while Pashtons and Baloch are Afghan---Iranic--Indo-Iranian.
God...what’s wrong to be a Hindu? Are they not human being? Yes we Afghans were Hindu/Bhuddist before Islam...I’m not ashamed of my history. Now the fact is Punjab is major part of Hindustan...go read Baburai Nahmah...your culture, your race and your language are all Indian---Indic---Indo-Aryan while Pashtons and Baloch are Afghan---Iranic--Indo-Iranian.

It is funny you are telling me about my people. Please take a breath. :lol:

We were never Hindu people, but even if we were it makes no difference to me.
Tell me one major battle or war you fought against British? In fact you guys faithfully severed the British... even Zai Ul Haq, Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan(he even fought for British in WW2) was an officer in colonist British Indian army. Go read your history...starts with Punjab Regiment, Pathan regiment, frontier force and...

What about the Sepoy mutiny of 1857 ? :azn: ... You talk of Zia-ul-Haq the savior of your nation without whom you would have paying tributes to the Kremlin and would be under communist rule ... Really true that Afghans are thankless people ... If they do not consider Pakistan as a brother after what we have done for them and are still doing then it is about time we send Afghan immigrants burden to our economy and compromising our national security back to the other side of the Durand line ... Yes they served in the British army ! What is wrong with that ?

God...what’s wrong to be a Hindu? Are they not human being?

Did he say there was anything wrong with being one ? :azn: Go read your very first post ... About infidel whitemen , are they not human being ?
Is that the reason you have been fighting for the last 200 years within yourselves ? :azn: You have no friends , you cant go along with your nation so will I be right to say that your country lacks coherence as a nation ? ... What the hell is wrong in being the successor state to the British rule in the subcontinent ? What do you mean by not our Muslim brothers but infidel ? In a sane of mind , are you ?

Your leaders signed that treaty which doesn't have any time limit , ratified again and again by them which puts the entire argument of it being signed under duress to dust and according to International laws , Afghans cant really withdraw from it unilaterally so stop these wet dreams of conquering Pakistani territories , we all know the result when you decided to invade Bajaur Agency right after the birth of my country , didn't the Royal Pakistan Air force bombed the hell out of those intruders ? Try to bring peace to your country , establish a central Govt and control the areas you have at the moment or who knows we may have a common boundary with Tajikistan soon ! The International community has affirmed Pakistan's stance again and again that Durand Line is the International border , not a de facto one and we are the rightful successor to the treaty signed by the British ...

Even what if you were ! Even the companion of the Prophet weren't Muslims at first ... What does that change ? Interesting thing this person who just got access to Internet believe in uniting Pashtuns , not Muslims then chants " Infidel " and what not :lol:

Yes , now we have to teach him his own history :cheesy:

What is wrong being scissor of colonizing Angrez against a follow Muslim and worst continuing the forward policy of ANgreez for past 60 years....seriously i have no problem with people like you...what i hate is those that talk about Islam...using Islam in favor of successor of Kafir imperialist. You should not worry about Afghanistan…the fact is after all these blood and cry…14 years Soviet invasion, and 14 years of wet dream of neighbor...2 million death and 3 million handicap and 6 million refugees out of 20 million pollution…the country survive intact…moreover there is absolute no secessionist movement…none in history…no Sindi Dish, No BLA, no Pashtunstan…. What else we can ask for? I Know right now Afghanistan is metaphorically like the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)…neighbors keep slapping us across the face and we keep turning the other cheek. But one day we’ll stop crawling and start walking…and those legs will also be able to kick…rest assure….Afghan takes his revenge after long time…its part of our culture—Badal!
This is why your government creates Jahadi/Mujahdeen/Taliban even years before soviet invasion of Afghanistan (Suggest you read Brzezniski interview—I can not post any links yet.)

but rest assure that you will burn in the fire you ignite.. What you see in Swat the tip of iceberg….Karma is a *****!

So basically you would have been happy under Soviet rule ? Hmmm :azn:

I see peace in Swat and I agree with the latter part ...
What about the Sepoy mutiny of 1857 ? :azn: ... You talk of Zia-ul-Haq the savior of your nation without whom you would have paying tributes to the Kremlin and would be under communist rule ... Really true that Afghans are thankless people ... If they do not consider Pakistan as a brother after what we have done for them and are still doing then it is about time we send Afghan immigrants burden to our economy and compromising our national security back to the other side of the Durand line ... Yes they served in the British army ! What is wrong with that ?

Did he say there was anything wrong with being one ? :azn: Go read your very first post ... About infidel whitemen , are they not human being ?

Zai Nahaq middling in Afghanistan per-date soviet invasion...in fact i still remember his interview on PTV…I must be 4 or 5…but the member is still there….like it was yesterday…where in reference to Afghanistan he said “The pot must be kept burning but must not spill over.” May he rest in hell!!

As for as afghan refugees...the reason your gov is not sending them back is 1st they are major source of foot shoulder to do your coward military bidding in Afghanistan....second economically you gain a lot...cheap labor, million in foreign exchange that comes each year in term of their relative sending cash...and not to forget the production of afghan rug...before soviet invasion you people did not knew what was rug...for warm weather of Punjab---but today afghan rug brings more than 700 million dollars to your economy.
What is wrong being scissor of colonizing Angrez against a follow Muslim and worst continuing the forward policy of ANgreez for past 60 years....seriously i have no problem with people like you...what i hate is those that talk about Islam...using Islam in favor of successor of Kafir imperialist. You should not worry about Afghanistan…the fact is after all these blood and cry…14 years Soviet invasion, and 14 years of wet dream of neighbor...2 million death and 3 million handicap and 6 million refugees out of 20 million pollution…the country survive intact…moreover there is absolute no secessionist movement…none in history…no Sindi Dish, No BLA, no Pashtunstan…. What else we can ask for?

Only you saw a problem with that in your very first sentimental bull **** post here in this forum ... What forward policy would you be referring to ? You hate those who talk about Islam ? You are interested in uniting Pashtuns , not Muslims so we can see your true face ! Sorry , we do not worry about your country , why do not your countrymen want Pakistan ID cards and aren't ready to return to Amazing Afghanistan ? :azn: Any answer ! Answer me first , what is Afghanistan ? A country which even lacks coherence as a nation and doesn't have any central Govt :lol:

Actually , you need no secessionist movements because you have been fighting within yourselves for the last 200 years ... What more do you ask for ? The Afghan mentality of war , bloodshed and violence is enough for them , I can understand why you said that despite the present condition of your country ...
So basically you would have been happy under Soviet rule ? Hmmm :azn:

I see peace in Swat and I agree with the latter part ...

So basically unless it effects your people..you as a human being are fine with your gov imposing the most backward, Jahleen called Taliban on Afghanistan that will prevent afghan girls and boy to attend school and burn cd and tvs?
Soviet were lure in by your government doing uncle Sam bidding as they were doing imperialist bidding in good old days of British raj….but hu…soviet invasion was god gift to your generals and military…just as example what did Hamid gul, general Babur and rest had before? My uncle served in afghan embassy in Pakistan and he been to Hamid gul home before soviet invasion…he says Hamid gul had planstic chairs in his living room…but now his daughter own the biggest transportation company…look at his home and children…where u think it all come from? Selling weapon and stealing Aids meant to Afghan Muj.
What is wrong being scissor of colonizing Angrez against a follow Muslim and worst continuing the forward policy of ANgreez for past 60 years....seriously i have no problem with people like you...what i hate is those that talk about Islam...using Islam in favor of successor of Kafir imperialist. You should not worry about Afghanistan…the fact is after all these blood and cry…14 years Soviet invasion, and 14 years of wet dream of neighbor...2 million death and 3 million handicap and 6 million refugees out of 20 million pollution…the country survive intact…moreover there is absolute no secessionist movement…none in history…no Sindi Dish, No BLA, no Pashtunstan…. What else we can ask for? I Know right now Afghanistan is metaphorically like the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)…neighbors keep slapping us across the face and we keep turning the other cheek. But one day we’ll stop crawling and start walking…and those legs will also be able to kick…rest assure….Afghan takes his revenge after long time…its part of our culture—Badal!

Dude you are a false flagger.

I respect Afghans but you are not one.

Zai Nahaq middling in Afghanistan per-date soviet invasion...in fact i still remember his interview on PTV…I must be 4 or 5…but the member is still there….like it was yesterday…where in reference to Afghanistan he said “The pot must be kept burning but must not spill over.” May he rest in hell!!

As for as afghan refugees...the reason your gov is not sending them back is 1st they are major source of foot shoulder to do your coward military bidding in Afghanistan....second economically you gain a lot...cheap labor, million in foreign exchange that comes each year in term of their relative sending cash...and not to forget the production of afghan rug...

Using abusive words is the easiest way to shorten your stay on this very forum so kindly refrain from that ... The same one helped you win your war against Soviets , but I presume you would have been under Soviet rule ? :azn: ... I do not care what he said at first , what he did later made him a savior for your country !

Yes , my Govt's not sending them back :rofl: ... What are you smoking ? Kandahar's finest probably ? Cheap labor is available easily in Pakistan so we do not need those criminal , drug dealer Afghans in our midst ... Millions in foreign exchange ? :lol: What from ? Afghan rug , do we steal it ? Or you have to sell it through our ports because you do not have access to seas ?

Now should I start telling you how the Afghanistan is landlocked so has to get even basic food/supplies/things from my country ? :azn:
It is funny you are telling me about my people. Please take a breath. :lol:

We were never Hindu people, but even if we were it makes no difference to me.

If you were not then why you hung out together in west? Why you have Desi people association, Desi student association and so forth....why are you speak the same language, practice the same culture--dowry--dola--and...and watch and listen to Bollywood movie and music…to the point if you go to a Pakistani wedding they will play non-stop Indian movie music. You are one people across wagha(even though they are hindi/sik and your Muslim) the same way Pashtun are one people across Durand.
So basically unless it effects your people..you as a human being are fine with your gov imposing the most backward, Jahleen called Taliban on Afghanistan that will prevent afghan girls and boy to attend school and burn cd and tvs?

Different factions/militias fighting in Afghanistan even after Soviet rule ... Just because Taliban got power , anyways some one had to get it doesn't make others saint ... What exactly is the Afghan mentality of bloodshed ?

Yes , Soviets were lured in by my Govt ? :rofl: In what universe ? Actually , you Afghans invited them yourselves ... You think war in our neighborhood helped us in any way ? :azn:
If you were not then why you hung out together in west? Why you have Desi people association, Desi student association and so forth....why are you speak the same language, practice the same culture--dowry--dola--and...and watch and listen to Bollywood movie and music…to the point if you go to a Pakistani wedding they will play non-stop Indian movie music. You are one people across wagha(even though they are hindi/sik and your Muslim) the same way Pashtun are one people across Durand.

My people are different from you Afghans and ordinary Pakistani people by one thousand mile difference.

You seem to consider all Punjabis the same, when we have different tribes and people.

You are still ignorant, young one.
If you were not then why you hung out together in west?

Make yourself clear ! You are neither comfortable with moderate Islam nor with the extremist one ? :azn: Are you confused to the extent that you now need to make things up ? :lol:

Dude you are a false flagger.

I respect Afghans but you are not one.


Afghans really seem to get easy access to Internet now a days ! Explains a lot :lol: ...

Fortunately , IP check clears things real easy :P
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