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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

You are still young. Zia ul haq was the best thing that ever happened to this country. Believe it or not.

Abbbaiii budddheeii hes probably the worst thing that ever happened to this country but lets talk about that another time....we've got the Naswar Thread for that ! :D
Are you really Pashtun or one of those Pathans....if you are Pashtun then i suppose you should be able to read the statement of two major Pashtun parties?

Statement from Pashtunkhwa Mili Awami Party (Achakzai's party):

لر او بر افغان يو ولس دى، يو ملت دى او دا کرښه هيڅ وخت نه لر او نه بر افغان منلې ده. که غلط ونه اوسم دا د ملګرو ملتونو په منشور کې هم راغلي، چې که له يوه وېش او کرښې څخه يو ملت اغېزمن کېږي، د دې پرېکړه به د کرښې دواړو غاړو ته پراته خلک کوي، د دې واک نه له افغان حکومت، ولسمشر کرزي سره او نه د پاکستان له حکومت سره شته، د دې واک له هغو ولسونو سره دى چې د دې کرښې له امله اغېزمن دي

And here's one from the ANP:

The fact is even the Taliban will NOT recognize Durrand line…its’ really a sentimental issue for us Pashton no matter which side of line one live.

how many seats have pashtun milli awami party and ANP have secured, ANP is even hated in entire KPK, and the seats it secured in the previous election will not even last in the upcoming election, this is because they have nearly destroyed the railway system, they have spread the preachings of bacha khan and they have only brought fights with other pakistanis and no progress at all, and when asked that why they have destroyed the railways they compare the situation to afghanistan that there is no railway in afghanistan so its OK, ANP wont secure a seat in next elections because all the pakistani pashtuns know that if they keep supporting ANP they would see stne age like afghanistan in their province
Abbbaiii budddheeii hes probably the worst thing that ever happened to this country but lets talk about that another time....we've got the Naswar Thread for that ! :D

Don't be a dumbass. It's not for nothing that people from every ethnicity respected Zia. All of the senior Pakistani members here respect Zia. Don't let Indian propaganda affect your brain.
Don't be a dumbass. It's not for nothing that people from every ethnicity respected Zia. All of the senior Pakistani members here respect Zia. Don't let Indian propaganda affect your brain.

That hurt ! :cry:

Dumb-buttt would be more polite ! :D

I dislike the person very much....you obviously like him ! Lets agree to disagree. Chaudry Sahib naal pungaa kaun laveiii ?
There should be a referendum in the Pashtun areas of Pakistan with the option of joining Afghanistan or remaining with Pakistan .

This is the only way to the solve this Afg-Pak problem
Dude his ancestors were part of Pathan regiment that faithfully fought for Angreez in Iraq, Afghanistan, Jerusalem, WW1 and WW2. I suggest you read about these people…these people are more loyal to king then king himself.

Calm down marra. You are over-reacting to taimi khan's posts as if you have seen the first pashtun loyal to Pakistan in your life. Taimi khan is a proper pashtun from Bannu, no need to label him some thing else to make your point. You western Pashtuns/afghans are misinformed about lot of things, one of which is that majority of lar Pashtuns hate Pakistan and want unification with bar pashtuns. There are Pashtuns in every walk of life in Pakistan, in army, bureaucracy, education, business, politics, sports, religious institutions......and every one would oppose your thoughts. Simply because grass is greener on this side of Durand. Make your Afghanistan a developed country , every lar pashtun would declare himself a proud Afghan and would try his best to distance himself from desi identity and would be eager to join Afghanistan...pashtuns were never united as one people( except Ahmad shah baba times) and went any where there were opportunities. You might have declared taimi khan a sell out if there were few hundreds of them, but the problem is that there are millions of them and have incorporated a new pakistani idenity and are in the process of giving up on Afghan/Pashtun ethnic identity.
There should be a referendum in the Pashtun areas of Pakistan with the option of joining Afghanistan or remaining with Pakistan .

This is the only way to the solve this Afg-Pak problem
In 1947 referendum if option of Afghanistan was given, people of KPK would have chosen Afghanistan.....things are different now. In 60 years Pakistan has wipe out ethno-nationalism from Pashtuns and converted them into religiously extremist versions of desis.
Dear Tami Khan & Sher Malang, I read discussion among you people about Durand Line you people are speaking your hearts out but with anger.....Why...???

Dear it is a sentimental issue at both sides but before to discuss it why not answered few question first....

• Kabul needs Peshawar more than Karachi.....and Rawalpindi...?
• Why in the whole world Karachi is the biggest city of Pashtoons and Afghan then Peshawar or Kabul?
• What benefit could Afghanistan fetch by claiming few thousand square miles of land....?
• What are the economical bases of Afghan (not Afghanistan)....??

For Pakistanis we should ask our self

• We had a philosophy of Strategic dept but trying to limit our self at Durand Line...Why?
• Pashtoons are not the only segment of Afghan nation..... Is Durand line issue sentimental to other Afghans same as Pashtoons...??
• And why at that stage (end game) this issue is being raised..??
There should be a referendum in the Pashtun areas of Pakistan with the option of joining Afghanistan or remaining with Pakistan .

This is the only way to the solve this Afg-Pak problem

Referendum was only an option if there was a dispute in the first place ... I have posted proofs of Afghan empire then signing the agreement which has no time limit and no one can unilaterally withdraw from it and it was ratified again and again by their leaders ... So , what is the new found issue ? Afghanistan isn't even a proper country , how exactly does it want to raise the dispute ? When the Intl Community supports Pakistan's position of being the legal inheritor of British demarcated border ...
Ḥashshāshīn;3533420 said:
I don't see what's to discuss. Durand line IS the De-facto border. What are the reasons the Afghans saying again?

You don't have the basic knowledge of the history of Afghanistan in your logic we should also struggle for this as well: ?


Today’s Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and some part of India were the part of Nadir Shah Durrani Empire since then history took it course....... It’s time to move on for future of peaceful and prosperous region....
Make your Afghanistan a developed country , every lar pashtun would declare himself a proud Afghan and would try his best to distance himself from desi identity and would be eager to join Afghanistan...pashtuns were never united as one people( except Ahmad shah baba times) and went any where there were opportunities. You might have declared taimi khan a sell out if there were few hundreds of them, but the problem is that there are millions of them and have incorporated a new pakistani idenity and are in the process of giving up on Afghan/Pashtun ethnic identity.

wow, so till the lar pashtuns enjoy the economic benefits of the so called desi guys, lar pashtuns is ready to be separate from bar pashtuns and as soon as bar pashtuns become better lar pashtuns will hop to another wagon and then if the desis again become better again, seeing the economic opportunity the lar pashtuns will again hop to the pakistani wagon, you cant remain in two states at one time :lol: you are more retard then i initially thought :cheesy:
Referendum was only an option if there was a dispute in the first place ... I have posted proofs of Afghan empire then signing the agreement which has no time limit and no one can unilaterally withdraw from it and it was ratified again and again by their leaders ... So , what is the new found issue ? Afghanistan isn't even a proper country , how exactly does it want to raise the dispute ? When the Intl Community supports Pakistan's position of being the legal inheritor of British demarcated border ...

Is is true that NWFP was given to British India on lease just like Hongkong.
So what is the present verdict? Will Afghanistan and Pakistan finally settle for a certain amount of give and take or that once NATO leaves Afghanistan, both would sort it out all old-school? Because honestly speaking, I don't really see how Pakistan or Afghanistan for that matter, can raise this issue with the NATO folks in the region.

There are other pressing matters in the region and with emotions and tempers pushed to the hilt, all it would take is a small spark to light up the entire region.

I really hope that there'e no thoughtless action here.
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