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Time for Shias to leave Pakistan

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So what? The Pakistan Govt. is incompetent but not more than the PA.. If they are not being protected then what claim the state has on them?

Still does not justify the killing of Shias.

Agreed, but force is given to protect them means there is a serious threat to them.

But here it is the SSP and LeJ and of course how can you compare the numbers of Shia and Sunni dead.. please come up with percentages to support your claim.. (Sunni is majority so attacks by TTP should kill more Sunnis than Shias of course)

One religion which is again being divided, this situation is too bad..

the BOLD part is an answer to itself! and please tell me another islamic democratic country where the leadership is ALMOST entirely SHIA and no one has objection.

TTP and LeJ are psychos and they blow up anything that moves. if you have lived in pakistan you would know SHIAS and SUNNIS are one and there is no diffrence between the 2!

and giving the idiotic name of the thread i guess more sunnis have died in pakistan so the sunnis should claim time to leave pakistan?
some authors are soo stupid...
enough said...:coffee:
Shia's should demand autonomous region or separate country or should join Iran just to stay alive.

I am surprised by some comments still saying that shia are not persecuted in Pakistan. 200 shia deaths in two months, its living hell out for a Pakistani shia in Quetta and Peshawar. May be karachi is still safe due to turf war between MQM and ANP.

I know you are a shameless and pathetic TROLL, but the Shias of Pakistan created Pakistan. This is their country and they are not going anywhere. Instead we Sunnis and Shias of Pakistan will remain UNITED and go after the Extremist together. We have to clean up Pakistan of these Extremist Pests and cockroaches ( SPP and LEJ ).
the BOLD part is an answer to itself! and please tell me another islamic democratic country where the leadership is ALMOST entirely SHIA and no one has objection.

Its not answer but your inability to read the question, Quetta is a Shia majority region and two powerfull bomb blasts within 2 months does poin to Shia being targeted .. As I said the Govt.(Even being a Shia majority) cannot do **** with the state of Police in Pakistan, it is only the PA which can do something but it seems like either they are incompetent or they are involved.. so think again whether Shia Majority matters in the Govt. or not.

TTP and LeJ are psychos and they blow up anything that moves. if you have lived in pakistan you would know SHIAS and SUNNIS are one and there is no diffrence between the 2!
Appreciate your take, my mom and dad are shia and sunni respectively..

and giving the idiotic name of the thread i guess more sunnis have died in pakistan so the sunnis should claim time to leave pakistan?

Shia's are targeted Sunni's are not.. Sunni and Shias are victims of the the general situation in Pakistan but Shia it seems are giving more than their share of situation..
Yeah right !

But Mr. Ayotollah has hyperopia as he can not see things close to him.

But he has all the bad words reserved for Kashmir.

And you forgot one more thekedar of Islam always vocal about slightest of law and order issue in Kashmir : read - OIC ( Organisation of Islamic conference )

Not even a single word to be heard from those buggers.
I know you are a shameless and pathetic TROLL, but the Shias of Pakistan created Pakistan. This is their country and they are not going anywhere. Instead we Sunnis and Shias of Pakistan will remain UNITED and go after the Extremist together. We have to clean up Pakistan of these Extremist Pests and cockroaches ( SPP and LEJ ).

dont talk the talk but walk the walk. the shias may have created pakistan, because they believed in islamic unity, but the idea has FAILED completely. thats why other solutions should be reconsidered. such as independence, migration or resistance
Wahhabi/salafi arent majority in pakistan if they were no one would be safe in pakistan.As far as blame is concerned lets see who is behind all these acts.

LEJ called in and accepted the responsibility you no why cause they no nothing will happen to them so they Bragg about it.

Where were you when through out 2009-2011 when Punjabi Sunnis were taken out of bus in balochistan by BLA After checking their ID cards? We felt frustrated condemned Army and ISI like that mass exodus occured but we never questioned our Pakistani identity.
Another correction you need in your statement and that would be ...DAILY AFFAIR.

Yes by conservative estimates, two Dalits are killed DAILY as a sport by the Brahmins.
some authors are soo stupid...
enough said...:coffee:

These tabloid are expert at creating rifts between Pakistanis...
My question is who exactly is the majority in Pakistan,if everybody is a minority for one reason or another...
People say Punjabis are Majority but many Punjabis become minority because they are Shia.....
So who exactly is Majority in Pakistan .. upon whom all the blame is thrown?

his word "Pakistani" is becoming more and more illusive and no definition is available of being a Pakistani..
Everybody is a victim here and somebody else is their oppressor ..
A Pathetic article! What would he, the author, suggest for Punjabis who are being targeted in Baluchistan? How about the people living in FATA? Any suggestion for Karachiites? Any proposition for security forces personnel who have been facing terrorists attacks for years now? How easily he has overlooked the security provided to shia brothers during the month of Moharam and other occasions, whole of the police of the city plus rangers guard their processions...Every body in Pakistan is having a hard time, Shias perhaps are having worst - Now is it time for everyone to leave Pakistan?
One correction: Not only Shia …there is more…Ahmadiya, Hindu, Christian , Sikh , Baluchi, Mohajr, ETC....Ohhh It is long list.

Bogus list. Most Baluchis are patriotic Pakistanis. And mahajirs ?

Listen Genius, I am a so-called Mahajir ( I hate that term because there are no more mahajirs in Pakistan. I was born in Pakistan). I don't feel discriminated in Pakistan. I am a KING in my country. Who told you Mahajirs are victims in Pakistan ?

Mahajirs are the most Patriotic Pakistanis and I have never felt discriminated in Pakistan.
some authors are soo stupid...
enough said...:coffee:

Nothing new ... Pakistanis don't believe in disturbing facts until it is very late. for eg. 1965,71,99 etc all commission reports are gathering dust.

Look, for a prosperous India there is necessity of prosperous Pakistan and Vice-versa.

We want you to solve problems and not putting bugs under the carpet because it affect both of us.
I did not know this, are they being targeted too?

Can you give me any links for you claim?

yes mate, , killings do happen, though can't say if it is two per day.but it is nothing compared to what shias are facing.
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