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Time for India to Take Down Dawood Ibrahim

The irony is Dawood has only hurt Pakistan. The clashes and violence in Karachi is a result of Dawood living there under Pak protection. But your hatred for India makes you blind to the obvious.
nopes . Nothing to do with him . Karachi is problem PPP has more votes in province and MQM even after getting 100 % seats from Hyderabad and karachi can never come in power.

I have no hatred for India. I have many Indian friends . Pakistan has no problem with india but we have to stand up for our kashmir brothers. Give then the right to choose their future and we will be ur best friends
nopes . Nothing to do with him . Karachi is problem PPP has more votes in province and MQM even after getting 100 % seats from Hyderabad and karachi can never come in power.

I have no hatred for India. I have many Indian friends . Pakistan has no problem with india but we have to stand up for our kashmir brothers. Give then the right to choose their future and we will be ur best friends

Dawood shifted his crime empire from India to Pakistan. He used to sell drugs in India now he does the same in Pakistan. If you think that is not hurting Pakistan then be my guest.

I am not talking about you but Pakistan in general. And saying Pakistan has no problem with India is a good joke. India and Pakistan can never be friends because that would mean the two-nation theory was wrong. Kashmir is just an excuse, Pakistan tried the same in Punjab. Now India is returning the favour in NWFP and Baluchistan.
The US absolutely CAN conduct a successful ground operation in almost any country they want. That is why they are a superpower and the world fears them so much. Real life covert forces does not always mean wearing combat fatigues and sliding down a helicopter. Think about Raymond Davis incident, did anything get out of control? No. It was a meek surrender by Pakistani government. The US dared to send in a Navy SEAL team into Pakistan because they were confident that Pakistan will not intercept them and even if the cover was blown their men will not be harmed. This is also the reason why US sends drones on a regular visit to Pakistan but Pakistan air force has not intercepted or shot down even one drone. The USA is in a fat stronger league than Pakistan.

If that is the case then how come the US never dared to conduct a single ground operation in Iran? US is a super power above and beyond all other countries combined but does that mean that they want to go to war with each country which challenges their covert operations in that country? The answer is 'NO'.

Raymond Davis is an incident where the US government had to 'negotiate' for the release of their operative who might have had some sort of immunity from prosecution as well, but we will never know because the case was not allowed to go to the court. And his release came after settlement with the aggrieved family under diyat payment (Islamic law) for pardon and not before it! However, it is evidently clear that the GoP is ready to go out of its way to please the US Government and would have let go of R. Davis had he not been caught by the cameras.

The US sent in a NAVY seal team only after Abbottabad was completely surrounded by PakMil under a general undeclared curfew and electricity cut off to the area. The ground reality is that that operation was conducted with the implicit permission and support of PakMil, for God knows what kind of concessions, and against a person who had been dead for the last 8 years or so.

Drone attacks, as has been admitted by many US Government officials, are conducted with the permission of PakMil and GoP. The official condemnation is for internal consumption only and we all know it.

To sum it all up:

1. Can the US go to war with Pakistan: Yes if it absolutely must.
2. Can the US annihilate the Pakistani military structure: Quite possibly, yes.
3. Can the US send in ground forces: It can, yes.
4. Can the US defeat Pakistani ground forces in Pakistan: ABSOLUTELY NOT! And the losses on US side could make the engagement and war unsustainable for the US government. Pakistan may be left as another Afghanistan but there would not be a single base, within Pakistani striking distance, that would be safe and the ground engagement of US forces in guerilla warfare would be catastrophic for the US forces. The political and military consequences would not be in the favour of US. And all this considering that the Chinese continue to sit idle with the possibility of US bases on 2 of her borders!
We are incapable of causing any harm to dawood just as pakistanis are incapable of getting independence for kashmnir. Hence we compliment each other so well in such internally external affairs of each other.
Dawood shifted his crime empire from India to Pakistan. He used to sell drugs in India now he does the same in Pakistan. If you think that is not hurting Pakistan then be my guest.

I am not talking about you but Pakistan in general. And saying Pakistan has no problem with India is a good joke. India and Pakistan can never be friends because that would mean the two-nation theory was wrong. Kashmir is just an excuse, Pakistan tried the same in Punjab. Now India is returning the favour in NWFP and Baluchistan.
wrong . we have only one problem with india that is kashmir, that triggered 1948 war, 1965, 1999 war.

U have to understand it is way hard for Pakistan to mess with India . U are 5 times our size . Both numbers and resources are in ur favor. The problem is that it is propagated in ur media that we hate u . That is why u think this. i do follow indian media. I have many indian friends ( not counting cyber friends) ,. Im being neutral . Number and money bags dnt scare us when it comes to kashmir.

U have to realise that even our army knows that u r much bigger power . In event of war we do lack numbers and resources . But still due to sentiment for helping muslims we cant back down from kashmir issue. Its not only about kashmir, we fought russians for USSR, we helped in arab isreal war in 60's. Pakistan do support palestine moment and have been very vocal about it. Isreal have offered assistance many time if we just accept them as a state. If u just take example of this american invasion of afghanistan. Our government under tremendous pressure from the whole world let the NATO given air and land routes to get into UK. But our public has highest number of volunteers who fought against the super power in Afghanistan. they know that odds are highly against them. We are emotional people and we stand up for muslims.

I am trying to make u understand the way we see things . This post is for your information and im not trying to convince u .
Why are Indians so obsessed with one Muslim called Dawood Ibrahim? Its not some Bollywood movie of villains and heroes. Go hunt him down in Dubai if you want.
Definitely have obession to this bastard (whether he is muslim or not) because this guy killed hundreds of innocent civilian. If you are true muslim then you should have killed this bastard by putting him in a shredding machine...
Why we want him? He might feel much safer in Tihar than in karachi. His networks in Mumbai has been destroyed beyond repair. His influence in mumbai has gone down..... His crimes are more than 10 year old...... Why you want to take him???? A Dawood living in Pakistan is is way good to have than a dawood enjoying biriyani in Tihar......
His criminal network in Mumbai has been drastically cut by Mumbai Police, but he still has large logistical abilities for smuggling across India. There lies his true value now.
The US sent in a NAVY seal team only after Abbottabad was completely surrounded by PakMil under a general undeclared curfew and electricity cut off to the area. The ground reality is that that operation was conducted with the implicit permission and support of PakMil, for God knows what kind of concessions, and against a person who had been dead for the last 8 years or so.
Either you are not aware or are not being truthful here.
Pakistan Military was completely unaware of the operation there. The only 'sources' which said PA was aware are a couple of Pakistani journalists who - as has been cleared now - were simply covering up for the PA.

Everything from Obama's crystal clear statement that Pakistan was not made aware of this operation, to the disclosures that USAF was on the Afghan airspace standing by in case PAF tried to intercept and stop the Navy SEAL choppers - have made it amply clear that US did not inform Pakistan because information shared with PA inevitably finds its way to the militants.
Either you are not aware or are not being truthful here.
Pakistan Military was completely unaware of the operation there. The only 'sources' which said PA was aware are a couple of Pakistani journalists who - as has been cleared now - were simply covering up for the PA.

Everything from Obama's crystal clear statement that Pakistan was not made aware of this operation, to the disclosures that USAF was on the Afghan airspace standing by in case PAF tried to intercept and stop the Navy SEAL choppers - have made it amply clear that US did not inform Pakistan because information shared with PA inevitably finds its way to the militants.

Well, the mainstream media channels conducted ground interviews of local residents who all said the same thing that on that fateful evening, an undeclared curfew was imposed, everyone was ordered to stay indoors, electricity, telephone were disconnected and Mobile phone towers were switched off. The area was cut off from the rest of the country by PakMil.

The ambiguities from the sources of that operation, the US, and the subsequent Pakistani investigation alone makes you wonder what really happened. I mean the US side stated that there was intense exchange of gun fire with some male occupants of the house where as the investigation team at Abbottabad could find only a single shell casing and a single bullet hole in the wall......A SINGLE BULLET HOLE!! And the biggest proof that the US apparently 'deliberately' disposed off the body in deep sea instead of taking him to the US as a trophy and proof and to bury him in some unmarked grave. I mean, if you are ready to buy all that nonsense, you are either not neutral or you are that 'simple'.
If that is the case then how come the US never dared to conduct a single ground operation in Iran? US is a super power above and beyond all other countries combined but does that mean that they want to go to war with each country which challenges their covert operations in that country? The answer is 'NO'.

Raymond Davis is an incident where the US government had to 'negotiate' for the release of their operative who might have had some sort of immunity from prosecution as well, but we will never know because the case was not allowed to go to the court. And his release came after settlement with the aggrieved family under diyat payment (Islamic law) for pardon and not before it! However, it is evidently clear that the GoP is ready to go out of its way to please the US Government and would have let go of R. Davis had he not been caught by the cameras.

The US sent in a NAVY seal team only after Abbottabad was completely surrounded by PakMil under a general undeclared curfew and electricity cut off to the area. The ground reality is that that operation was conducted with the implicit permission and support of PakMil, for God knows what kind of concessions, and against a person who had been dead for the last 8 years or so.

Drone attacks, as has been admitted by many US Government officials, are conducted with the permission of PakMil and GoP. The official condemnation is for internal consumption only and we all know it.

To sum it all up:

1. Can the US go to war with Pakistan: Yes if it absolutely must.
2. Can the US annihilate the Pakistani military structure: Quite possibly, yes.
3. Can the US send in ground forces: It can, yes.
4. Can the US defeat Pakistani ground forces in Pakistan: ABSOLUTELY NOT! And the losses on US side could make the engagement and war unsustainable for the US government. Pakistan may be left as another Afghanistan but there would not be a single base, within Pakistani striking distance, that would be safe and the ground engagement of US forces in guerilla warfare would be catastrophic for the US forces. The political and military consequences would not be in the favour of US. And all this considering that the Chinese continue to sit idle with the possibility of US bases on 2 of her borders!

Who says the US never conducted any operation against Iran? Read about history. From the Iranian revolution to shooting down an Iranian airliner the Americans have been conducting operations. If you are asking why have they not assassinated Ayatollah it is because killing the head of a state without declaring war would be a serious offence even for USA. For all the threats and aggressive postures the Iranians make in their speeches what have they done to hurt America? Absolutely nothing. And USA does not even need to go to war against Pakistan to punish them. Stop the aid and Pakistan is as good as dead.

Raymond Davis was a private security contractor. He had no diplomatic immunity whatsoever. "Negotiations" is diplomatic speak for any threats or arm-twisting made behind close-doors. US just had to demand release and Pakistan obliged. End of story.

Now for the Abottabad raid. The Pakistanis first claim that Osama was not hiding there and the raid never took place. Now you say the raid took place but with active Pakistani support. For argument's sake lets suppose you are right. But this brings up a few uncomfortable questions.

1. Why were jets scrambled to "intercept" US choppers if Pakistani army was actively supporting the operation?

2. Why was the Pakistani doctor arrested and sentenced to 30 years in prison for spying?

3. Why does the Pakistani government vehemently deny any knowledge of such operation? Even the CIA admitted that they kept the operation a secret from the ISI.

If drone raids are good for Pakistan then why is there an "official condemnation for internal consumption"? Why not simply tell the Pakistanis the benefits of foreign drone strikes? Pakistanis world over are protesting against US drone visits and here you are saying that you know the inside truth.

1. Can the US go to war with Pakistan: Anytime they want.

2. Can the US annihilate the Pakistani military structure: In a matter of hours.

3. Can the US send in ground forces: Provided they have a base they certainly can.

4. Can the US defeat Pakistani ground forces in Pakistan: ABSOLUTELY

Please do not mistake fighting counter-insurgency as full scale war. The US army was forced to do police duty in Iraq where in a foreign country they had to identify terrorists from civilian population and arrest, not kill, them. The Iraqi army was destroyed and Baghdad was conquered in hardly 3 weeks.

You think you will get the chance to use your ballistic missiles against USA? :)

And please don't mention guerrilla warfare. Your dismal record against TTP shows that Pakistan has no clue how to conduct or fight guerrilla war.

Did China lift a finger to help Pakistan during Kargil war? Did China say anything in support of Pakistan during US drone strikes? There are no friends in politics. China is using Pakistan as a weapon against India. Once Pakistan serves its purpose they will dump Pakistan.

America already has bases in South Korea, Philipines,, Japan, Diego Garcia that can suffocate Chinese economy via naval blockade. The Chinese are not fools to risk war with USA over a third country.

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