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Tillerson out, Pompeo in, this change is about Iran


Mar 22, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Breaking News, Tillerson is fired, being replaced by Iran blow-hard Mike Pompeo, the man who put on a new task force on Iran while CIA director, what makes the whole game complete is Pompeo's CIA job will now be filled by Iran hater supreme Sen. Tom Cotton. This is an indication of how much sway the Zionists have over this administration. I wonder if the Americans in the intelligence community are watching this and are unable to do anything about it. They need to wake up because their country's entire government is being stolen by a foreign entity.
Breaking News, Tillerson is fired, being replaced by Iran blow-hard Mike Pompeo, the man who put on a new task force on Iran while CIA director, what makes the whole game complete is Pompeo's CIA job will now be filled by Iran hater supreme Sen. Tom Cotton. This is an indication of how much sway the Zionists have over this administration. I wonder if the Americans in the intelligence community are watching this and are unable to do anything about it. They need to wake up because their country's entire government is being stolen by a foreign entity.
My friend, what is difference between two barking dogs? None of American Senate member has been a friendly dude to Iran and Iranians.

This is their failure, to change WH boys on monthly basis. Their anger can be compensated only by death, and proves that Zionists are defeated in Syria. Look at that campaign against Russia, you can find the clue
Absolutely, because AIPAC owns Congress. This is still significant because Tillerson was a pragmatist compared to Pompeo, he and Cotton's entire world is Iran. It's no accident the two loudest Iran haters are now going to have cabinet level jobs in this administration. Iran needs to plan for post JCPOA and they need to plan for action in Syria.
Breaking News, Tillerson is fired, being replaced by Iran blow-hard Mike Pompeo, the man who put on a new task force on Iran while CIA director, what makes the whole game complete is Pompeo's CIA job will now be filled by Iran hater supreme Sen. Tom Cotton. This is an indication of how much sway the Zionists have over this administration. I wonder if the Americans in the intelligence community are watching this and are unable to do anything about it. They need to wake up because their country's entire government is being stolen by a foreign entity.

Mr Pompeo revealed his hand so fast sooner or later even people within Mr Trump's circle will ask questions about Mr Pompeo activities in past year and his influence on foreign relationships . I don't think he has future in that post

Do you think someone who promoted at his job in unorthodox ways and backstabbing his own foreign minister will survive as secretary of states ?

It's not just about U.S and Israel or Iran whole world is watching and following these events and this guy already has close to zero credibility .

Good luck at your new job Mr Pompeo cause you gonna need it a lot :usflag:
There is this thing in politics. When you are not the elected one in charge you hoot and holler. But when you are finally in-charge, you protect your legacy.

Mike has head butted against Trump on Russian probe when he became CIA chief. His legacy at the state dept is more important to him versus playing petty politics to get votes as a congressman. He does not need votes now.

Historians don't write about some congressman, they write about Presidents and their cabinet. He wants his legacy to be written positively. Playing BS games and trying to unwind a deal, thereby creating chaos is not good for his legacy.
Absolutely, because AIPAC owns Congress. This is still significant because Tillerson was a pragmatist compared to Pompeo, he and Cotton's entire world is Iran. It's no accident the two loudest Iran haters are now going to have cabinet level jobs in this administration. Iran needs to plan for post JCPOA and they need to plan for action in Syria.

The move has Iran written all over it for sure. It even smells of North Korea as well since both of those were sticking points between Tillerson and Trump. Also the timing of this move almost immediately after Netanyahu's visit to Washington and all he could talk about was the "Iranian threat," even at the preliminary greeting which was very bizarre, but not surprising.

I think it's going to be very difficult for Trump to end the JCPOA considering all the other European partners involved in it whom are completely opposed to breaking the deal and would stand to lose quite a bit from that.

The only way to really do it is to find or create something that proves Iran is violating the agreement, and that might be a difficult proposition unless they finagle the ballistic missiles program into it. The Syria/Hezbollah connection might be another route they'll take with Israel's help but even that would be tough to show enough reason for violating the agreement.
This CIA agent lacks ethics, they tortured people, watched videos of them and then Burnt the evidence. He’s a hallow cynical prick

The woman who is replacing him at CIA got similar fetish.

Na, Iran is not the priority.

The guy openly tweeted and threaten Pakistan short of open war.
Welcome to Africa Graveyard of foreign ministers :D

Mr. Ahmadinejad said in a presidential order that he had dismissed the minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, a career diplomat who for many years has been Iran’s face to the West. Mr. Mottaki was on an official visit to Senegal and did not immediately react to the news, which appeared to catch even the state-run Iranian news media by surprise.



WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was fired on Twitter after returning from an Africa trip in which he was out of the loop on North Korean talks and contradicted the White House position on Russia's responsibility for poisoning a former double agent in the United Kingdom.


The current Iranian regime is the ultimate brain child of the CIA, according to the Late Shah as he saw his right hand man General Rahimi falling down. By the by, Pahlevis were from a rare Iranian dynasty of the Persian origin - most of the dynasties were Turkic!!!!

On a personal note, my uncles and father were civil and military bureaucrats. I can still remember how the situation in Iran was hotly debated in our family gatherings during communist+Islamist upheavals. And, when the Shah left they all looked so gloomy!!! Now I understand why....
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