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Tibetans set fire to themselves in China to demand return of Dalai Lama

it seems you haven't heard of this- they were not Indian militant groups. they were pakistanis. i'm asking you 3rd time- why and where did Indian militant groups blow up the hotel?

They were pakistani
Yep, the scaaary big bad ISI gives terrorists ID cards and passports, and teaches them to speak the horrible Mumbai accent? Oh and even forgets to teach them how to resist interrogation?
Seems legit.
dawood is gangster who has indian nationality but living in pakistan with family.

Dawood is an INDIAN terrorist... who is accused of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, and several other major bombing attacks on Mumbai in the 1990's.
In Patna City lots of Tibetan Refugees comes to sell Winter Garments during Winter commonly known as "Lhasa Market" and The carry bag they give, it is openly written on the that, "FREE TIBET" in Big letters.

In Patna City lots of Tibetan Refugees comes to sell Winter Garments during Winter commonly known as "Lhasa Market" and The carry bag they give, it is openly written on the that, "FREE TIBET" in Big letters.

Doesnt make sense, the other chinese and tibetans have a lot in common, physical features customs religion etc. they should be proud of being a part of mother china
LOL, you fail to read my posts, and that is my fault? :lol:

Dawood is an Indian terrorist, who has blasted Mumbai many times, and has also been blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Where they blasted and shot up that hotel.
he was born in India but can you claim his nationality? do you know where he is based? can you show us his Indian passport?
by the way - you were claiming LeT , Huji to be Indian terrorists. when will you prove it? you also have one claim pending already.
These Tibetans are idiots! Do they for a moment think that if they burn themselves to ashes, China will change its policies? No way!
he was born in India but can you claim his nationality? do you know where he is based? can you show us his Indian passport?
by the way - you were claiming LeT , Huji to be Indian terrorists. when will you prove it? you also have one claim pending already.

Maybe I got some of the names wrong, I was sure that IM and SIMI were Indian terrorist organizations.

Anyway, my point still stands. I would prefer these monks anyday, to the kinds of terrorists in India, who attack the financial capital, and kill hundreds of people at a time on a regular basis.
RIP to our Buddhist brothers and sisters i will pray for you living under the tyranny of the beast
one, two, three, four`````ops`! sorry I lost count on how many times these kind of monk 'self-purifying' ritual ceremonies been posted on by funny Indians``

I reckon those cult monks can burn all at once, so the funny Indians can have one last big 'bash' in their life time. those monks can provide the benefit for indian to console their inferior complexity
brave but stupid.

This is how the arab spring started with one man who coulden't take it anymore and decided to burn himself but of course China wont let that happen.
Unfortunate but not surprising at all. Most of Chinese citizens never know that such sad incident happened due to iron curtain policy and government restricted media
This is how the arab spring started with one man who coulden't take it anymore and decided to burn himself but of course China wont let that happen.

Well,I think that won't change anything in china ,maybe they should burn themself in arabian country.
Well,I think that won't change anything in china ,maybe they should burn themself in arabian country.

Yep it wont change a thing sad but true
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