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Featured Tibetan-origin Indian special forces member killed in China border showdown

I always thought only Sikhs and Dalits are guniea pigs of Indian army but there is tibetans refugees too :/
hey so soon even pakistani have more faith in thr conventional forces :sarcastic:... before giving the nuke threat.

see India do have nukes also and we have nukes from early 70s, and guess what we have nukes for :D...

Also beleive or not India do also have big *** missiles Agni 3 which is not even the latest one can carry a 3000 kg warhead to beijing at Mach 25...
and as we Indians have been stockpiling nukes from past 5 decades so u can imagine the international assumptions of Indian nuke stockpiles are shit ....
India can respond with nukes taking down all Han lands on eastern shore and beleive on not we have special dam buster nukes also specially prepared as last nail in han coffin if ever it comes to that.

Lol and u have no idea abt our self sufficiency in machinery beleive or not India do comes in newly industrial countries and has much more sufficient mil industry for our needs, how many countries do u see constructing Aircraft Carriers, Nuke Subs, Moon Landers, Local GPS, BVRs, 4th Gen Jets haha ...
Lol.. stop deluding yourself. How many donkey years have taken and your so called first indigenous carrier is not even in service yet?

If your technology is better. Your moon lander will have long landed on moon instead of crashing. :enjoy:

India industries and technology are at least 4 decades behind China. :lol:
hey so soon even pakistani have more faith in thr conventional forces :sarcastic:... before giving the nuke threat.

see India do have nukes also and we have nukes from early 70s, and guess what we have nukes for :D...

Also beleive or not India do also have big *** missiles Agni 3 which is not even the latest one can carry a 3000 kg warhead to beijing at Mach 25...
and as we Indians have been stockpiling nukes from past 5 decades so u can imagine the international assumptions of Indian nuke stockpiles are shit ....
India can respond with nukes taking down all Han lands on eastern shore and beleive on not we have special dam buster nukes also specially prepared as last nail in han coffin if ever it comes to that.

Lol and u have no idea abt our self sufficiency in machinery beleive or not India do comes in newly industrial countries and has much more sufficient mil industry for our needs, how many countries do u see constructing Aircraft Carriers, Nuke Subs, Moon Landers, Local GPS, BVRs, 4th Gen Jets haha ...
Do you even know your SUPERPOWER INDIA nuke capabilities? India's most powerful nuke can only yield 60KT. North Korea has powerful nukes than India. Even North Korea's ICBM can shoot farther than India. India can only carry a SINGLE warhead with other countries can carry MULTIPLE warheads upto 12.
Lol.. stop deluding yourself. How many donkey years have taken and your so called first indigenous carrier is not even in service yet?

If your technology is better. Your moon lander will have long landed on moon instead of crashing. :enjoy:

India industries and technology are at least 4 decades behind China. :lol:

sure keep believing that Indian tech is 4 decades behind haha...
What happened to your technical superiority ? Nukes can fall on bejing too ..
LOL India doesn't even have thermonuclear weapons. India doesn't even have functional ballistic missiles except for Agni-1. North Korea is far ahead of India in every way.
Do you even know your SUPERPOWER INDIA nuke capabilities? India's most powerful nuke can only yield 60KT. North Korea has powerful nukes than India. Even North Korea's ICBM can shoot farther than India. India can only carry a SINGLE warhead with other countries can carry MULTIPLE warheads upto 12.

so who told u this ur mamooo from pakistani strategic forces. Lol
India doesnt make pocket nukes ... India has big *** nukes specially deployed for ur akka china Lol
LOL India doesn't even have thermonuclear weapons. India doesn't even have functional ballistic missiles except for Agni-1. North Korea is far ahead of India in every way.

yaa Indian Military is as harmless as. Cow..Feng Leng ur whole Hans will be vaporised including u if ever nuke exchange comes to day and if u r sm farmer a dam buster nuke will open up hellish flood gates for u haha no escape little chini haha... but before running to nuke threat have sm faith in ur PLA u chinis have even less faith on ur army than ur pakistani frnds lol
yaa Indian Military is as harmless as. Cow..Feng Leng ur whole Hans will be vaporised including u if ever nuke exchange comes to day and if u r sm farmer a dam buster nuke will open up hellish flood gates for u haha no escape little chini haha... but before running to nuke threat have sm faith in ur PLA u chinis have even less faith on ur army than ur pakistani frnds lol

A Tibetan soldier in the Special Frontier Force’s Vikas battalion has died and another Tibetan man from the same unit sustained injuries, possibly from the same incident at the LAC. The two have been identified as deceased Company Leader (Coy Ldr) Nyima Tenzin, 51, and Tenzin Lodhen, 24, (rank not available).


He was shot in the neck by our PLA sniper. This is just the beginning of our Indian massacre. This time we will wipe you out completely.

A Tibetan soldier in the Special Frontier Force’s Vikas battalion has died and another Tibetan man from the same unit sustained injuries, possibly from the same incident at the LAC. The two have been identified as deceased Company Leader (Coy Ldr) Nyima Tenzin, 51, and Tenzin Lodhen, 24, (rank not available).


He was shot in the neck by our PLA sniper. This is just the beginning of our Indian massacre. This time we will wipe you out completely.
He died fighting for his lands, he will achieve regions even above Heavens... Om Shanti...
rest Feng Leng India always make sure We honor our brave-hearts.. unlike U chinis u didnt even gave decent burials to ur dead on June 15 as per US intelligence report 35 hans were butchered by Indian Army...

Indian special forces member killed in China border showdown
This picture in New Delhi includes portraits of Indian soldiers killed in a hand-to-hand fighting with Chinese soldiers on the borders high in the Himalayas
A Tibetan-origin soldier with India's special forces was killed in the latest border showdown with Chinese troops on their contested Himalayan border, a Tibetan representative said Tuesday.
The death is the first reported from two incidents in 48 hours on the border which has heightened tensions between the giant nations just two months after a battle that left at least 20 Indian soldiers dead.
India and China, which fought a border war in 1962, have accused each other of seeking to cross their unofficial frontier in the Ladakh region in a bid to gain territory on Saturday night, and then again on Monday.
Neither side has announced any casualties but Namghyal Dolkar Lhagyari, a member of the Tibetan parliament in exile, told AFP that the Tibetan-origin soldier was "martyred during the clash" on Saturday night.
She said another member of the Special Frontier Force that reportedly includes many ethnic Tibetans who oppose China's claim to their home region was wounded in the operation.

- "Provocative military movements" -
The world's two most populous countries have sent tens of thousands of troops to the region since a brutal June 15 battle fought with wooden clubs and fists.
India has said 20 troops were killed. China acknowledged casualties but did not give figures.
The two sides blamed each other for the latest incidents.
India's defence ministry said Chinese troops "carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo" at the border on Saturday.
China's People's Liberation Army said that India was "seriously violating China's territorial sovereignty" with its operation staged Monday and demanded that Indian troops withdraw.
India's foreign ministry said Tuesday that China had caused the latest incident "even as ground commanders of the two sides were in discussions to de-escalate the situation."
Indian media reports, quoting military sources, said PLA forces tried to take hilltops traditionally claimed by India around Pangong Tso, a lake at 4,200 metres (13,500 feet) altitude.
India's defence ministry said its troops "undertook measures to strengthen our positions and thwart Chinese intentions to unilaterally change facts on ground."
The Business Standard newspaper said that the SFF had been used to take heights that China considers its own. The Indian government does not comment on the special force's operations.
Amid calls for boycotts of Chinese goods, India has stepped up economic pressure on China since the June battle and repeatedly warned that relations would suffer unless its troops pull back.
India has banned at least 49 Chinese owned-apps, including the TikTok video platform, frozen Chinese firms out of contracts and held up Chinese goods at customs posts.
China can make India suffer ‘severe’ military losses: report
ReutersUpdated 02 Sep 2020
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Indian army soldiers rest next to artillery guns at a makeshift transit camp before heading to Ladakh, near Baltal, southeast of Srinagar. — Reuters/File

Indian army soldiers rest next to artillery guns at a makeshift transit camp before heading to Ladakh, near Baltal, southeast of Srinagar. — Reuters/File
SHANGHAI: China is able to make India suffer more severe military losses than in the past if it wants to engage in competition, state-backed newspaper Global Times said on Tuesday, after a fresh border flare-up between the two nuclear-armed countries.
Indian forces foiled an attempt by Chinese troops to occupy a hill on the Asian giants disputed border in the western Himalayas, officials in New Delhi said on Monday.
On the same day, China’s military spokesman demanded India withdraw troops that Beijing said had illegally crossed their shared border. China’s foreign ministry said Chinese border troops had not crossed the line of actual control.
“India [...] said it preempted Chinese military activity,” the Global Timessaid in an editorial. “The word ‘preempt’ shows it was the Indian troops that first took destructive actions, and the Indian troops initiated the standoff this time.” It added that India faced a “powerful China” and that New Delhi should not have any “illusions” of support from Washington over the issue.
“But if India wants to engage in competition, China has more tools and capability than India. If India would like a military showdown, the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) is bound to make the Indian army suffer much more severe losses than it did in 1962.”
The Global Times is published by the People’s Daily, the official newspaper of China’s ruling Communist Party. Meanwhile, India’s foreign ministry on Tuesday accused Chinese troops of taking “provocative actions” on the disputed Himalayan mountain border while commanders from both sides were holding talks on Monday to defuse tensions between the Asian giants.
“Due to timely defensive action, the Indian side was able to prevent these attempts from unilaterally altering the status quo,” ministry spokesman Anurag Srivastava said in a statement.
Indian troops had deployed on four strategic hilltops after what New Delhi called an attempted Chinese incursion along a border in the western Himalayan region of Ladakh over the weekend, an Indian official said.
China denied that it started the latest flare-up, with an embassy spokeswoman in New Delhi accusing Indian troops of trespassing across the Line of Actual Control (LAC) — the de facto border — and conducting “flagrant provocations”.The Indian official, who was briefed on the latest incident, said the Indian troop move responded to an attempt by a large number of Chinese infantry to push through a key mountain pass late on Saturday.
“We mobilised and occupied the four heights,” the official said, adding all four hilltops were on India’s side of the LAC.
The Indian official said the Chinese soldiers were backed up by military vehicles and drew close enough to engage Indian troops in verbal arguments, but there were no clashes.
Published in Dawn, September 2nd, 2020
LOL India doesn't even have thermonuclear weapons. India doesn't even have functional ballistic missiles except for Agni-1. North Korea is far ahead of India in every way.
There is no remedy for delusion of you people ..try to poke your nose and if you can save it we both can agree ..

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