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Featured Tibetan-origin Indian special forces member killed in China border showdown

A Tibetan soldier of Company Leader rank has been reportedly killed, and his junior injured, by Chinese bullets at India’s northern border in Ladakh region while they were on patrol duty, according to sources.

Company Leader Nyima Tenzin, 51, was reportedly killed by a gunshot in the neck. He is said to be from the Tibetan settlement in Choglamsar near Ladakh’s capital Leh, and had 33 years of service. The injured man is Tenzin Loden, 24, also from Choglamsar settlement. The incident took place on Saturday night.

Both men were from the 7th battalion of the Special Frontier Force (SFF), also known as Establishment 22, which is a unit made up of Tibetans under the Indian army. Within the Indian army the Tibetan unit is known as the “Vikas battalion”.

The incessant move by Chinese soldiers to occupy border areas perceived by India as its own territory has left the two sides in ongoing confrontation. The situation intensified in June after Chinese soldiers killed 20 Indian solders in a hand-to-hand battle on the disputed border.

Months of military and diplomatic dialogue trying to persuade Beijing to withdraw its troops from the border incursion have failed to produce any results.

On Sunday hundreds of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers crossed into the Indian side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) south of Panggong lake, occupied a hill called Helmet Top and began building fortifications.

Tibetan soldiers stationed at the nearby Thakung post intervened to prevent the PLA soldiers from building. Physical clashes followed that left dozens of Chinese soldiers injured. There were no reports of firing at the site.

PLA soldiers are now reportedly occupying Helmet Top, as well as nearby Black Top, both of which are on the Indian side of the LAC. These hilltop spots are said to be vantage points for Chinese soldiers to observe and track Indian movements across Panggong lake and as far as India’s tactically vital Chushul garrison.

Indian authorities have been keeping silent about a counter-operation by the SFF soldiers launched on Sunday night. An SFF detachment is reported to have occupied key heights that China claims as their own.

On Monday, the Indian army in a press release said, “On the night of 29/30 August, PLA troops violated the consensus arrived at during military and diplomatic engagements… and carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo.

“Indian troops pre-empted this PLA activity on the southern bank of Pangong Tso Lake, undertook measures to strengthen our positions and thwart Chinese intentions to unilaterally change facts on ground.”

A “flag meeting” — a meeting of commanders of both sides — is said to be in progress at a nearby Chushul post on the Indian side of the border to resolve the issues.

China on Monday accused the Indian Army of crossing the Line of Actual Control (LAC), blatantly provoking China by seriously infringing on China’s territorial sovereignty.

The Global Times, China’s official newspaper, in a provocative editorial wrote that if India would like a military showdown, the PLA is bound to make the Indian army suffer much more severe losses than it did in 1962.

This sounds extremely unlikely. It is not in either army's intention to kill soldiers on each side with firearms. Spiked clubs, rocks, and fist to fist fights are allowed but no guns :enjoy: .
This sounds extremely unlikely. It is not in either army's intention to kill soldiers on each side with firearms. Spiked clubs, rocks, and fist to fist fights are allowed but no guns :enjoy: .
I think this will escalate into another Galwan.
Lol sniping is considered very serious escalation, No soldier likes it, chinese or indian. It would only start in case of full blown fire fight. Its not some school boys scuffle.
It's too late for India now. The LAC has escalated to gunfire. Now India's manpower advantage is nullified by PLA's technology advantage.
A soldier with India’s special forces has been killed in the latest border showdown with Chinese troops on their contested Himalayan border.

The death is the first reported from two incidents in 48 hours on the border which has heightened tensions between the giant nations just two months after a battle that left at least 20 Indian soldiers dead.

India and China, which fought a border war in 1962, have accused each other of seeking to cross their unofficial frontier in the Ladakh region in a bid to gain territory on Saturday night, and then again on Monday.

Neither side has announced any casualties but Namgyal Dolkar Lhagyari, a member of the Tibetan parliament in exile, told AFP that an Indian soldier of Tibetan origin was “martyred during the clash” on Saturday night.

She said another member of the Special Frontier Force (SFF) that reportedly includes many ethnic Tibetans who oppose China’s claim to their home region was wounded in the operation.

The world’s two most populous countries have sent tens of thousands of troops to the region since a brutal 15 June battle fought with wooden clubs and fists.


Soldiers fell to their deaths as India and China's troops fought with rocks

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India has said 20 troops were killed. China acknowledged casualties but did not give figures.

The two sides blamed each other for the latest incidents.

India’s defence ministry said Chinese troops “carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo” at the border on Saturday.

China’s People’s Liberation Army said that India was “seriously violating China’s territorial sovereignty” with its operation staged Monday and demanded that Indian troops withdraw.

India’s foreign ministry said Tuesday that China had caused the latest incident “even as ground commanders of the two sides were in discussions to de-escalate the situation.”

Indian media reports, quoting military sources, said PLA forces tried to take hilltops traditionally claimed by India around Pangong Tso, a lake at 4,200 metres (13,500 feet) altitude.

India’s defence ministry said its troops “undertook measures to strengthen our positions and thwart Chinese intentions to unilaterally change facts on ground”.

The Business Standard newspaper said that the SFF had been used to take heights that China considers its own. The Indian government does not comment on the special force’s operations.

Amid calls for boycotts of Chinese goods, India has stepped up economic pressure on China since the June battle and repeatedly warned that relations would suffer unless its troops pull back.

India has banned at least 49 Chinese owned-apps, including the TikTok video platform, frozen Chinese firms out of contracts and held up Chinese goods at customs posts.

Indian special forces member killed in China border showdown
AFP September 1, 2020

A Tibetan-origin soldier with India's special forces was killed in the latest border showdown with Chinese troops on their contested Himalayan border, a Tibetan representative said Tuesday.

The death is the first reported from two incidents in 48 hours on the border which has heightened tensions between the giant nations just two months after a battle that left at least 20 Indian soldiers dead.

India and China, which fought a border war in 1962, have accused each other of seeking to cross their unofficial frontier in the Ladakh region in a bid to gain territory on Saturday night, and then again on Monday.

Neither side has announced any casualties but Namghyal Dolkar Lhagyari, a member of the Tibetan parliament in exile, told AFP that the Tibetan-origin soldier was "martyred during the clash" on Saturday night.

She said another member of the Special Frontier Force that reportedly includes many ethnic Tibetans who oppose China's claim to their home region was wounded in the operation.

- "Provocative military movements" -

The world's two most populous countries have sent tens of thousands of troops to the region since a brutal June 15 battle fought with wooden clubs and fists.

India has said 20 troops were killed. China acknowledged casualties but did not give figures.

The two sides blamed each other for the latest incidents.

India's defence ministry said Chinese troops "carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo" at the border on Saturday.

China's People's Liberation Army said that India was "seriously violating China's territorial sovereignty" with its operation staged Monday and demanded that Indian troops withdraw.

India's foreign ministry said Tuesday that China had caused the latest incident "even as ground commanders of the two sides were in discussions to de-escalate the situation."

Indian media reports, quoting military sources, said PLA forces tried to take hilltops traditionally claimed by India around Pangong Tso, a lake at 4,200 metres (13,500 feet) altitude.

India's defence ministry said its troops "undertook measures to strengthen our positions and thwart Chinese intentions to unilaterally change facts on ground."

The Business Standard newspaper said that the SFF had been used to take heights that China considers its own. The Indian government does not comment on the special force's operations.

Amid calls for boycotts of Chinese goods, India has stepped up economic pressure on China since the June battle and repeatedly warned that relations would suffer unless its troops pull back.

India has banned at least 49 Chinese owned-apps, including the TikTok video platform, frozen Chinese firms out of contracts and held up Chinese goods at customs posts.

It's too late for India now. The LAC has escalated to gunfire. Now India's manpower advantage is nullified by PLA's technology advantage.
And it is too late for China too ...There was a grey area vis a vis China as far as Indian defence policies are concerned but all turned 180 degree due to these incidents ..Now on you can expect anything and everything from our side ..
And it is too late for China too ...There was a grey area vis a vis China as far as Indian defence policies are concerned but all turned 180 degree due to these incidents ..Now on you can expect anything and everything from our side ..
China military is 3-4times stronger than India. There is more element of surprise from China to India than other rounds. Expect the unexpected from the superior of Chinese military.

China will let the world know who is the small fry in this conflict.
China military is 3-4times stronger than India. There is more element of surprise from China to India than other rounds. Expect the unexpected from the superior of Chinese military.

China will let the world know who is the small fry in this conflict.
You don't need to destroy an area three four times ..One time is enough ..The point is we are ready to spill the blood for defending our territory and you be ready to spill the blood for your overenthusiasm ..Let us see who's stands till the end..

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