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Tibet official says "no need" now to excessively talk about Dalai Lama reincarnation

So that means you have no answer to that! Thanks. :wave:


The truth is traditionally Dalai Lama can't simply be "chosen" by the current living Lama, he can't just point to a child and then say "he'll be the next one". There are strict rules on how the next Dalai Lama reincarnation is chosen, I'm not going to bore you with the excess details but a simply wiki search will you some good details, in essence the current Dalai Lama has to pass away first and then his fellow lamas will look for his reincarnation and it takes at least a few years for them to do so, and as always since the Qing dynasty (or even before that?) after the next Dalai Lama is chosen his name will be passed to the ruling chinese emperor for official approval/blessing, it is merely a formality (like in the UK when they elect the PM he/she will need to be approved by the Queen), but still the notion of the current Dalai goes around and tell who will be the next Dalai Lama is a bit absurd to the Tibetan rules.

Any ways, the choosing of Dalai itself has been historically full of controversies, in the past the title was deliberately given to a noble mongol so Tibet would be safe from their invasions etc etc, it's a messy political business and not always as "holy" as you and I think.
Because the Dalai Lama is spiritual and highest leader of Tibet and He is the reincarnation of Lord Buddha as well as called Him as 'Living Buddha'. Now who will decide the next Dalai Lama? CPC?:disagree:

dalai lama is not the highest leader of Tibet. he is one of the two living buddhas of Tibetan buddhism's yellow hat sect, which account for 40% of tibetan population.

The institution of the dalai lama and the reincarnation was established by the central government to effectively govern and regulate tibet. No reincarnation of dalai lama is legitimate one until the central government approve it. From Dailai Lama I to today's Dalai lama 14, there is no exception in the 7 hundred years tradition.

Dailai lama is obligated to be loyal to the central government. the government has the right to deprive a dalai lama's title and find a substitute in case of need. Historically, a dalai lama was deprived of his title for the cause of treachery, and died in captivity.

As a buddhist in myself, i think the government has shown the enough clemency and patient on him. its time for the govt to take the further action to end his farce.

the word of central government rules! all the others are nosense
dalai lama is not the highest leader of Tibet. he is one of the two living buddhas of Tibetan buddhism's yellow hat sect, which account for 40% of tibetan population.

The institution of the dalai lama and the reincarnation was established by the central government to effectively govern and regulate tibet. No reincarnation of dalai lama is legitimate one until the central government approve it. From Dailai Lama I to today's Dalai lama 14, there is no exception in the 7 hundred years tradition.

Dailai lama is obligated to be loyal to the central government. the government has the right to deprive a dalai lama's title and find a substitute in case of need. Historically, a dalai lama was deprived of his title for the cause of treachery, and died in captivity.

As a buddhist in myself, i think the government has shown the enough clemency and patient on him. its time for the govt to take the further action to end his farce.

the word of central government rules! all the others are nosense

Buddhism is against violence. Let's be realistic here, there is as much chance as Tibet being independent country as India giving up Kashmir and South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh. I think our government need to take the step as the bigger brother and set our borders as is.
What is your problem? This is Tibetans' internal matter. And Tibetans are not indians neither by ethnicity nor by national identity. Don't poke your nose in others' internal affair...

THE VERY BASIC FACT THAT Buddism arose in and around ancient Magadha, India (modern Bihar) and present dalai lama is staying as a refuge in India make it an indian affair.
THE VERY BASIC FACT THAT Buddism arose in and around ancient Magadha, India (modern Bihar) and present dalai lama is staying as a refuge in India make it an indian affair.

That and South Tibet makes the Indian government want to make it an indian internal affair :D
Its the same way Nazis claimed half of the world!!! In that way India can claim the lands from Myanmar to Afghanistan! But thats not the truth. If anyone do that it will be called as occupation. You have to get rid of middle age mindset.

When did India exists as a country before 1950s....? lol..

We should take South Tibet back... India is a joke from the West.
You see, it is again all politics -- India supports Dalai Lama and indirectly the independence of Tibet, because South Tibet was annexed from Tibet with "Tibetan government's" consent back in the British empire days, and if Tibet becomes independent then India can legitimately claim that land through the old agreement.

The problem is the Qing Empire never agreed to this annexation treaty between Tibet and the British (and of course, Tibet's independence itself), but it was too weak to deal with it back then because China was under foreign invasion, soon as the PRC was founded China took back Tibet and essentially abolished the short lived Tibetan government. The British since 2008 has abandoned its old imperial claim of McMahon line and apologized to China, the British Foreign Office has since said: "Tibet is part of China. Full stop.", but India government still holds onto the McMahon line once claimed by the British as the legit reason for it to inherit that land and its interests is strategically aligned with that of the current Dalai Lama's.

Tibet, Dalai Lama and South Tibet has been the thorny issues between India and China...

The truth is traditionally Dalai Lama can't simply be "chosen" by the current living Lama, he can't just point to a child and then say "he'll be the next one". There are strict rules on how the next Dalai Lama reincarnation is chosen, I'm not going to bore you with the excess details but a simply wiki search will you some good details, in essence the current Dalai Lama has to pass away first and then his fellow lamas will look for his reincarnation and it takes at least a few years for them to do so, and as always since the Qing dynasty (or even before that?) after the next Dalai Lama is chosen his name will be passed to the ruling chinese emperor for official approval/blessing, it is merely a formality (like in the UK when they elect the PM he/she will need to be approved by the Queen), but still the notion of the current Dalai goes around and tell who will be the next Dalai Lama is a bit absurd to the Tibetan rules.

Any ways, the choosing of Dalai itself has been historically full of controversies, in the past the title was deliberately given to a noble mongol so Tibet would be safe from their invasions etc etc, it's a messy political business and not always as "holy" as you and I think.

No need to answer indians, they are very cunning, they know what they are saying is wrong, just keep a cold silence and see what kind of people they are... and it will help you to know how to treat indians in China, hope you understand.

They are coming to China to perform their festivals. If you cannot stop it, at least make sure that China does not give them a single cup of tea free of cost.

Launch a nation wide campaign against indians through internet. That will put pressure on the Chinese Govt to listen to Chinese people's voice.

Even in the 18th century British indian map, there was no mentioning of Tibet.


When indian come to China, they pretend as if they are very innocent and friendly people, but as soon as they go to india, they start showing their true colors. So, see the true colors of indians here and let other Chinese people know that in China. They will decide how to treat indians in China.

I understand your emotions, but we should look forward and think about how to resolve these historical disputes peacefully to both sides' benefits. Overwhelming majority of India people are friendly and peaceful, they want exactly what we want -- a better life and stronger home country, I think the two governments should engage in more talks and trades so we all can benefit from it going forward. I still hope that south tibet issue can be resolved peacefully eventually.

I just hope in the mean time our indian counterparts here can show some sensitivity to this border dispute and don't just use "communism", "brain wash", "democracy" etc to explain the current Tibet or even Taiwan issues etc, I've even heard claims of Hong Kong not being part of China etc, that's the first time I've ever heard this anywhere don't even know how it came about lol... The truth is even if China is not a communist by name country, the Chinese people will still dispute South Tibet with India, I don't expect us reach an agreement here but at least try not to start another meaningless "war of words".

I understand your emotions, but we should look forward and think about how to resolve these historical disputes peacefully to both sides' benefits. Overwhelming majority of India people are friendly and peaceful, they want exactly what we want -- a better life and stronger home country, I think the two governments should engage in more talks and trades so we all can benefit from it going forward. I still hope that south tibet issue can be resolved peacefully eventually.

I just hope in the mean time our indian counterparts here can show some sensitivity to this border dispute and don't just use "communism", "brain wash", "democracy" etc to explain the current Tibet or even Taiwan issues etc, I've even heard claims of Hong Kong not being part of China etc, that's the first time I've ever heard this anywhere don't even know how it came about lol... The truth is even if China is not a communist by name country, the Chinese people will still dispute South Tibet with India, I don't expect us reach an agreement here but at least try not to start another meaningless "war of words".


It is up to you to decide whether you want to remain with a delusive faith or accept the reality.

The reality is india is preparing to nuke China to get Tibet independent. Thats why Dalai Lama is still living in dharamsala and before his last breath he will give a last try using massive force. Thousands of exiled Tibetans have been given guerrilla fight training and as soon as india will nuke China killing tens of millions of Chinese, Dalai will use that chaotic situation to split Tibet. And it will happen, because Chinese like you want to live with a delusive faith. Either they don't want to accept reality or they are afraid of the reality.

As for friendly and peaceful, these words sound very very sweet but these words have no practical sense in case of China's relation to indians. And you are telling me in a way as if someone is telling his father the biography of his grandfather assuming that his father does not know his grandfather.

You don't know indians better than I do. And let me tell you one thing, indians hate Chinese and thats reality. If any indian says he does not hate, you should know that the indian is lying. A snake's basic instinct is to bite, if you extend your peaceful hand to it for friendship, the snake will simply bite your hand, be cause it does not care about your friendly peaceful gesture. In your life time, you will see how indians will nuke your motherland and split your country.... mark my words, which may sound harsh but are practical.

Now extend your hand of friendship to the snake and wait for it to bite your hand. I am here to expose reality and install self dignity among Chinese members, I am not here to please anyone with hypocrisy.
CPC occupy Tibet and others should not have any problem! I see living in China under CPC you even forgot to think about what happenings surrounding you!! Thats the worst thing. Tibet is as related to India just like it is related to China.



Tibet was fully occupied by Yuan dynasty of China in 1200s! You bet your wimpy knowledge doesn’t have that info.

CPC and the Chinese are perhaps fully aware of what is happening surrounding them:

Around them, a democratic country has 2,000,000 children died yearly due to negligence.

Around them, the same country is among the most corruptive ones in the world.

Around them, the same country is the murder capital of the world.


Really wish your country were a model country for China to think and follow, not an inferior one when China does think…
Because the Dalai Lama is spiritual and highest leader of Tibet and He is the reincarnation of Lord Buddha as well as called Him as 'Living Buddha'. Now who will decide the next Dalai Lama? CPC?:disagree:

Just remind you that China is a secular society, unlike India where religious fanatics can burn/murder/kill people openly, to make India a murder capital of the world. http://www.rediff.com/news/2008/jun/18sd1.htm

In China, it doesn't matter what who is called.

BTW, again you pathetic brain definitely prevents you from knowing that there are more than one living Buddha in China. There are probably hundreds, if not thousands, of living Buddha in China. To add or subtract one will have no impact...
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