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Tibet issue

Thats to be expected. He was only here to advocate Chinese are racially inferior and incapable of democracy anyways.

Untrue and utter bovine excrement. No race on the planet is inferior and every society is eventually capable of democracy - some just take time because of the hold of the oligarchy and brainwashing of the general population.
Untrue and utter bovine excrement. No race on the planet is inferior and every society is eventually capable of democracy - some just take time because of the hold of the oligarchy and brainwashing of the general population.

Yet you insist I am brainwashed despite my living in the US all my conscious life. This kind of argument belies an insistence that Chinese no matter where they live are brainwashed and not just their countries of residence.
America has better health care, hope you can enjoy it.

One word: mobs must be suppressed whether it is in communist country or in democracy country, except in democrazy country.

BTW, I saw this video before, it seems cut off a piece when the "Tibetans" slam the UN rail.

Also see the video shot by British and Danish mountaineers of Tibetans being shot in cold blood by Chinese soldiers as they are trying to flee Tibet to seek refuge in India.
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An excellent post which reflects on the Chinese educational system and highlights its brainwashing and wrong info force fed to its poor population who have clearly not heard of the likes Asoka or Maurya or the Cholas or the Marathas etc and ha - believe that Rahul Gandhi is Italian!

One thing bothers me deeply is that why don't you guys worry about your own system first where 2,000,000 children died of huger every year?

You motivation is fully understood that China should change its system to yours. Isn't it that you want? Then why don't you show us your system are superior in terms of starvation, literacy, etc, etc...

Yes, they arrested some Tibetans, yes, maybe some are beaten. But you kill! You not just kill tens, hundreds or even thousands, but you kill millions! And you kill millions year after year, every year!

If you can't achieve that, you voice is too feeble to sound convincing, too hypocrite to deemed honest. Nobody cares about what you talk, because if they follow your example, they have to let millions children starve to death yearly. Seriously.
Also see the video shot by British and Danish mountaineers of Tibetans being shot in cold blood by Chinese soldiers as they are trying to flee Tibet to seek refuge in India.

So because that one was worse this is entirely forgivable? By that logic I can also bring up a few videos to go by your logic.

Hate crimes much?
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One thing bothers me deeply is that why don't you guys worry about your own system first where 2,000,000 children died of huger every year?

You motivation is fully understood that China should change its system to yours. Isn't it that you want? Then why don't you show us your system are superior in terms of starvation, literacy, etc, etc...

Yes, they arrested some Tibetans, yes, maybe some are beaten. But you kill! You not just kill tens, hundreds or even thousands, but you kill millions! And you kill millions year after year, every year!

If you can't achieve that, you voice is too feeble to sound convincing, too hypocrite to deemed honest. Nobody cares about what you talk, because if they follow your example, they have to let millions children starve to death yearly. Seriously.

You make it sound as if the state kills them. India also has the highest number of people suffering from overnutrition just as it has highest number of people suffering from malnutrition. This is as much to do with the Indian diet which to be honest doesn't place too much emphasis on protein. I also have no shame in admitting that the bureaucracy is pathetic -
Food grains rot in FCI godowns across India - Hindustan Times

But as things get exposed and diets get healthier - this statistic is bound to come down

---------- Post added at 01:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 AM ----------

So because that one was worse this is entirely forgivable? By that logic I can also bring up a few videos to go by your logic.

Of course - nothing is forgivable. The Indian Minister is in jail - Amit Shah - for his hand in killing Muslims. He had to resign. How many Han Chinese are in jail for killing Tibetans?
You make it sound as if the state kills them. India also has the highest number of people suffering from overnutrition just as
it has highest number of people suffering from malnutrition. This is as much to do with the Indian diet which to be honest doesn't place too much emphasis on protein. I also have no shame in admitting that the bureaucracy is pathetic -
Food grains rot in FCI godowns across India - Hindustan Times

But as things get exposed and diets get healthier - this statistic is bound to come down

Yes the state kills them through sheer incompetence and corruption.

I didn't quite understand that.

Police brutality against Tibetans is not an uniquely Chinese issue..
Yet you insist I am brainwashed despite my living in the US all my conscious life. This kind of argument belies an insistence that Chinese no matter where they live are brainwashed and not just their countries of residence.

You have an excuse for this? Because I can use a bit of your unique brand of humor now.
One thing bothers me deeply is that why don't you guys worry about your own system first where 2,000,000 children died of huger every year?

You motivation is fully understood that China should change its system to yours. Isn't it that you want? Then why don't you show us your system are superior in terms of starvation, literacy, etc, etc...

Yes, they arrested some Tibetans, yes, maybe some are beaten. But you kill! You not just kill tens, hundreds or even thousands, but you kill millions! And you kill millions year after year, every year!

If you can't achieve that, you voice is too feeble to sound convincing, too hypocrite to deemed honest. Nobody cares about what you talk, because if they follow your example, they have to let millions children starve to death yearly. Seriously.

They are too busy watching the Himalaya and wandering when will the power of the other side falls so that they gonna get a chance in Tibet. Or maybe they are equally occupied by bombing the Golden Temple while slaughtering the Kashmiris at the very footsteps of their homes.

But let's forget that, Indians are born to save the world, like Uncle Sam. What make them different from Uncle Sam is that they don't have the guts and ability.
They are too busy watching the Himalaya and wandering when will the power of the other side falls so that they gonna get a chance in Tibet.

We do not want Tibet. It was never Indian - perhaps some villages on the border at some point may have been part of some Indian kingdom at most but no - we have no historical claim over Tibet and we don't want it either.
You make it sound as if the state kills them. India ...

But isn't that the same system your state system that kills, and that you sumptuously show off to the other forumers?

Aren't your victims died of hunger under the same state system that fattens the others?

If your system is not your state system, who create you state system?

In your theory, freedom under your system is of state, starvation under your system is not of state?

Don't you feel its logically illogical?
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