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Tibet issue



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Mar 18, 2011
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why doesn't the CCP just make Tibet a SAR (like hong kong and macau) where it will have more general autonomy, but will still be apart of the people's republic of china

hong kong and macau are, why not tibet???
why doesn't the CCP just make Tibet a SAR (like hong kong and macau) where it will have more general autonomy, but will still be apart of the people's republic of china

hong kong and macau are, why not tibet???

They are an autonomous region. Tibetans are more free than they have ever been in the past 1000 years.

If you want to know more about what Tibet was like under the Dalai Lama, just search "tibet human skin drum".
i know that.. but why can't they have more autonomy and become a SAR like hong kong and macau
They are an autonomous region. Tibetans are more free than they have ever been in the past 1000 years.

If you want to know more about what Tibet was like under the Dalai Lama, just search "tibet human skin drum".

you guys don't get it... you really feel that its something you give. If they are so free then why do they want you out of their country?
i know that.. but why can't they have more autonomy and become a SAR like hong kong and macau

They could be given autonomous control but there is the danger of them using the power to fuel separatist movements and that they may seek outside intervention against the rest of China.
They could be given autonomous control but there is the danger of them using the power to fuel separatist movements and that they may seek outside intervention against the rest of China.

hahahhahahahahahahahahaa . I mean I was really ROFL- you crack me up man. name one country who is going to go into war with china over tibet- as in reality based assumptions not high school boys take on things...
why doesn't the CCP just make Tibet a SAR (like hong kong and macau) where it will have more general autonomy, but will still be apart of the people's republic of china

hong kong and macau are, why not tibet???

still be apart of the people's republic of china.What does it mean?Tibet just barren land,foreigners should not care about it,just enjoy your rich homeland.
Its not that China is worried about getting into a war with anyone, but they would rather not let this Tibet issue get any bigger. Giving more autonomy will certainly increase separatists tendencies. China has lot of other important things to worry about.
i know that.. but why can't they have more autonomy and become a SAR like hong kong and macau

1# Hong Kong and Macau SAR of the status of only 50 years, 50 years later, they will use the same system with other provinces.
2# Hong Kong and Macau became SAR of the reasons, it is an agreement between China and UK(Portugal), 1997.
3# Some separatists in Tibet, China can only strengthen the supervision and control, not allow Tibet to become a SAR.
4# After solving the Tibet separatists, Maybe China will make reference to "Indian Reservation"policy.
They are an autonomous region. Tibetans are more free than they have ever been in the past 1000 years.

If you want to know more about what Tibet was like under the Dalai Lama, just search "tibet human skin drum".

This would also be interesting about China.

China’s topography has historically encouraged regional separatism, but Han culturalism provided unity for the Chinese. Han Chinese culturalism arose to distinguish between the culture of the Han, or inner people (nei ren) and the ‘barbarians’, the outer people (wei ren), Chinese social institution and feelings of cultural and aesthetic superiority have provided reassurance for the Han Chinese in the face of barbarian penetration and conquest.

The concept of Han culture began with the Shang dynasty, 1750 -1040 BC, whose political centre was located north of the Yellow River. The Shang provided China’s first written history as well as the assertion of central cultural superiority over the surrounding people by designating as barbarians everyone who did not yet acknowledge the central government supremacy. The Chinese distinguished between ‘raw barbarians’ (shengfan) or the unassimilated people and the ‘cooked barbarians’ (shufan) or assimilated taxpayers who enjoyed the fruits of Chinese culture. For example, Han Chinese officials separated the ‘cooked’ Li of the coast of Hainan, who enjoyed the benefits of Chinese civilisation, from the wild ‘uncooked’ Li of the central forests, far from the influences of Han culture.

Barbarians were given generic names in the Chinese classics and histories: the Yi barbarians to the east, the Man to the South, the Rong to the west and Di to the north (when westerners arrived by sea, they were officially designated until the late 19th century as Yi). Until the 1930s, the names of outgroups (wai ren) were commonly written with an animal radical: the Di, the northern tribe, were linked to the Dog; the Man and the Min of the south were characterised with reptiles; the Qiang was written with a sheep radical. This reflected the Han Chinese conviction that civilisation and culture were linked with humanity; alien groups living outside the pale of Chinese society were regarded as inhuman savages. To be labelled a barbarian was a cultural rather than racial distinction.

That the custom of sharply distinguishing went along with calling China the Middle Kingdom (zhong guo), , which began by ruling the Central Plain (zhongyang) in North China. Rather than using outright military conquest of outsiders, the theory of ‘using the Chinese ways to transform the barbarians’ (yongxiabianyi) was promulgated. By Chinese cultural absorption or racial integration through intermarriage, a barbarian could become Han Chinese (hanhua). To be counted within China, groups accepted the rituals and cosmology that gave the Han dynastic state the Mandate of Heaven to rule over mankind. Non acceptance of this politicised culture left one outside of Zhongguo or China


As they say - hamam men sab nanga
It is not Wikipedia.

It is a scholarly treatise.

Given the rather uniformed attack, I am constrained to state that One must open the link, before opening the mouth!
This would also be interesting about China.

China’s topography has historically encouraged regional separatism, but Han culturalism provided unity for the Chinese. Han Chinese culturalism arose to distinguish between the culture of the Han, or inner people (nei ren) and the ‘barbarians’, the outer people (wei ren), Chinese social institution and feelings of cultural and aesthetic superiority have provided reassurance for the Han Chinese in the face of barbarian penetration and conquest.

The concept of Han culture began with the Shang dynasty, 1750 -1040 BC, whose political centre was located north of the Yellow River. The Shang provided China’s first written history as well as the assertion of central cultural superiority over the surrounding people by designating as barbarians everyone who did not yet acknowledge the central government supremacy. The Chinese distinguished between ‘raw barbarians’ (shengfan) or the unassimilated people and the ‘cooked barbarians’ (shufan) or assimilated taxpayers who enjoyed the fruits of Chinese culture. For example, Han Chinese officials separated the ‘cooked’ Li of the coast of Hainan, who enjoyed the benefits of Chinese civilisation, from the wild ‘uncooked’ Li of the central forests, far from the influences of Han culture.

Barbarians were given generic names in the Chinese classics and histories: the Yi barbarians to the east, the Man to the South, the Rong to the west and Di to the north (when westerners arrived by sea, they were officially designated until the late 19th century as Yi). Until the 1930s, the names of outgroups (wai ren) were commonly written with an animal radical: the Di, the northern tribe, were linked to the Dog; the Man and the Min of the south were characterised with reptiles; the Qiang was written with a sheep radical. This reflected the Han Chinese conviction that civilisation and culture were linked with humanity; alien groups living outside the pale of Chinese society were regarded as inhuman savages. To be labelled a barbarian was a cultural rather than racial distinction.

That the custom of sharply distinguishing went along with calling China the Middle Kingdom (zhong guo), , which began by ruling the Central Plain (zhongyang) in North China. Rather than using outright military conquest of outsiders, the theory of ‘using the Chinese ways to transform the barbarians’ (yongxiabianyi) was promulgated. By Chinese cultural absorption or racial integration through intermarriage, a barbarian could become Han Chinese (hanhua). To be counted within China, groups accepted the rituals and cosmology that gave the Han dynastic state the Mandate of Heaven to rule over mankind. Non acceptance of this politicised culture left one outside of Zhongguo or China


As they say - hamam men sab nanga

:coffee: Mostly correct.
Ancient Chinese Civilization called the "华夏"civilization.
"华" means beautiful clothes.
"夏" means great courtesy.
Now, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, etc, these countries all belong to "华夏"civilization.
:pop: In ancient China, exist only two kinds of people.
1# Civilized people --- Who have accepted the "华夏" civilization and Chinese values.
2# Savage people --- Who refused to accept the "华夏" civilization and Chinese values.

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