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Tibet issue

Chinese people run the Communist party. Over 70 million members. If you want a say you need to actively participate in the government instead of voting every 4 years and expecting results.

That's right. Hu Jintao came from a poor family, in the rural areas of China.

He rose to the top through merit alone. Anyone can do the same, if they work hard.
Can someone please translate what they are saying?

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Rather move to Lhasa then anywhere in India Pal. And are Americans communist imperialists because they beat protesters?

Untrue - again. Lots of expats live in Bombay, Delhi, Bangalore etc. e.g. MUMBAI Expat Forum - Mumbai Expatriates Living - Allo' Expat India

Do you have any such information about expats living in Lhasa?

---------- Post added at 12:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ----------

That's right. Hu Jintao came from a poor family, in the rural areas of China.

He rose to the top through merit alone. Anyone can do the same, if they work hard.

One swallow doesn't make a summer.

One swallow doesn't make a summer.[/QUOTE]

One or a couple of videos you've posted doesn't mean anything. If I have time I can find more about how the Muslims or even Hindus are ill treaded by police in India. The little boy in the movie Slumdog Millionaire for example.
One swallow doesn't make a summer.

India on the other hand, is ruled by the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty.

The most powerful person in India (as recognized by Forbes rankings) is Sonia Gandhi, and by extension, her son Rahul Gandhi.

You guys are ruled by Italians.
why doesn't the CCP just make Tibet a SAR (like hong kong and macau) where it will have more general autonomy, but will still be apart of the people's republic of china

hong kong and macau are, why not tibet???

I haven't finished reading all posts... I just want to say because the history of the two regions are different. Tibet has never been fully occupied by foreign forces, but HK and Macau are.

HK leased to UK and Macau to Portugal. Tibet leased to no foreign body.

In addition, HK and Macau were more developed than mainland when they are about to return to China, they can in some way "lead" the rest of China. Tibet is still far backward than the rest of China, it needs be led by the rest of China.

In West, new regions were first designated as "territory" first due to either backwardness or cultural differences or lack of resources, then they become a province or state. For instance, even now Yukon is still a Canada territory due perhaps to its scarcity of population. There might be some similarity...

One swallow doesn't make a summer.

One or a couple of videos you've posted doesn't mean anything. If I have time I can find more about how the Muslims or even Hindus are ill treaded by police in India. The little boy in the movie Slumdog Millionaire for example.[/QUOTE]

You are now comparing real life incidents to a Hollywood/Bollywood movie?
India on the other hand, is ruled by the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty.

The most powerful person in India (as recognized by Forbes rankings) is Sonia Gandhi, and by extension, her son Rahul Gandhi.

You guys are ruled by Italians.

Indians - they are Indian citizens. But let's not deviate - can you translate that video please?
He is talking about how they were treated during the filming of the movie

They were treated quite well during the filming of the movie. You are saying there was something in the Chinese media that stated otherwise?
India on the other hand, is ruled by the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty.

The most powerful person in India (as recognized by Forbes rankings) is Sonia Gandhi, and by extension, her son Rahul Gandhi.

You guys are ruled by Italians.

It is kinda hindu tradition. First ruled by Alexanda then the Afghanis then comes the persians, the mongols and the British East Indian company.
Now it is Italian's turn. No wonder they did not have their own written history in the past.
They were treated quite well during the filming of the movie. You are saying there was something in the Chinese media that stated otherwise?

LOL. Chinese media doesn't care about something like Slumdog millionaire. If you have a problem bring it up with the Western press.
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