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Tibet issue

They continue to migrate even now. Clearly, this free health care must be shoddy - perhaps they might be conducting experiments on the poor Tibetans like the Nazis did to the Jews.

Perhaps you should stop making up crap without any kind of evidence.
dalai lama khanda hai tawanu,us de naal gal te karo..
only talks are the solution...
otherwise weapons are only made for killings and u know it..

Speak English. You don't see me communicating here in Chinese do you?

What do weapons have to do with repatriations?
Five Tibetan youths, who participated in the peaceful protests in north eastern Tibet last year against the five decades of wrong policies initiated by the Chinese government in Tibet, gave a detailed account of China’s policies of marginalising the Tibetans, their identity and the brutal crackdown unleashed by the Chinese authorities since 10 March last year.
The five Tibetans are Gedun Gyatso, Kelsang Jinpa, Jamyang Jinpa, Losang Gyatso and Jigme Gyatso.
Gedun Gyatso and Kelsang Gyatso took part in the protests in Sangchu County in Labrang (Ch: Kanlho Tibet Autonomous Prefecture, incorporated into China’s Gansu Province) on 14 March 2008.
On 9 April 2008, Jamyang Jinpa, Losang Gyatso and Jigme Gyatso spoke openly in front of a visiting international media exposing the repressive policies initiated by the Chinese authorities in Tibet and the state of Tibetans living under constant fear and intimidation.
They spent the past one year in forest fearing arrest and torture by the Chinese authorities and finally managed to flee Tibet.
The five Tibetan escapees spoke to the media on Monday after their safe arrival in Dharamshala in India, the seat of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration. The press conference was organised by the Central Executive Committee of Domey based in Dharamshala.
They testified about the Chinese government’s repressive policies targeted at the Tibetan people and recounted the unimaginable sufferings undergone by Tibetans following the Chinese government’s violent suppression of Tibetans’ unprecedented call for more freedom, independence and return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet.
In their testimonials, the five Tibetan youths said unequivocally that the Tibetan people had voluntarily initiated the protests in Tibet as the existence of Tibet’s identity is on the verge of extinction.
They vehemently denied the Chinese government’s claim that His Holiness the Dalai Lama had orchestrated the peaceful demonstrations.
They said the Chinese authorities particularly target Tibetans in the monastic community and students who are the backbone of Tibetan identity by enforcing ideological indoctrination and patriotic education sessions.
The Chinese government’s violent crackdown on Tibetan protesters since 10 March 2008, left 220 Tibetans dead, 1,294 injured and 290 sentenced. More than 5,600 were arrested or detained and over 1,000 disappeared.
But given our own problems, we still take in Chinese refugees into India out of humanitarian concerns - as the more evolved society - it is our duty to help those who seek our aid.

You say that India is the more "evolved" society? :disagree:

Even Africa takes better care of its people than you do.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hunger critical' in South Asia

A Unicef report in May said the world was failing its children by not ensuring that they had enough to eat.

The report said India contributed to about 5.6 million child deaths per year, more than half the world's total.

Give your people the most basic human right. The right to have food and water. Then maybe you can start lecturing others.
Five Tibetan youths, who participated in the peaceful protests in north eastern Tibet last year against the five decades of wrong policies initiated by the Chinese government in Tibet, gave a detailed account of China’s policies of marginalising the Tibetans, their identity and the brutal crackdown unleashed by the Chinese authorities since 10 March last year.
The five Tibetans are Gedun Gyatso, Kelsang Jinpa, Jamyang Jinpa, Losang Gyatso and Jigme Gyatso.
Gedun Gyatso and Kelsang Gyatso took part in the protests in Sangchu County in Labrang (Ch: Kanlho Tibet Autonomous Prefecture, incorporated into China’s Gansu Province) on 14 March 2008.
On 9 April 2008, Jamyang Jinpa, Losang Gyatso and Jigme Gyatso spoke openly in front of a visiting international media exposing the repressive policies initiated by the Chinese authorities in Tibet and the state of Tibetans living under constant fear and intimidation.
They spent the past one year in forest fearing arrest and torture by the Chinese authorities and finally managed to flee Tibet.
The five Tibetan escapees spoke to the media on Monday after their safe arrival in Dharamshala in India, the seat of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration. The press conference was organised by the Central Executive Committee of Domey based in Dharamshala.
They testified about the Chinese government’s repressive policies targeted at the Tibetan people and recounted the unimaginable sufferings undergone by Tibetans following the Chinese government’s violent suppression of Tibetans’ unprecedented call for more freedom, independence and return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet.
In their testimonials, the five Tibetan youths said unequivocally that the Tibetan people had voluntarily initiated the protests in Tibet as the existence of Tibet’s identity is on the verge of extinction.
They vehemently denied the Chinese government’s claim that His Holiness the Dalai Lama had orchestrated the peaceful demonstrations.
They said the Chinese authorities particularly target Tibetans in the monastic community and students who are the backbone of Tibetan identity by enforcing ideological indoctrination and patriotic education sessions.
The Chinese government’s violent crackdown on Tibetan protesters since 10 March 2008, left 220 Tibetans dead, 1,294 injured and 290 sentenced. More than 5,600 were arrested or detained and over 1,000 disappeared.

Is this from the Epoch Times?

Because even western media avoids citing them like the plague.
- doesn't look like great health care to me
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Speak English. You don't see me communicating here in Chinese do you?

What do weapons have to do with repatriations?

ok tenali,
u can use chinese,i have translator here:rofl:,but there is no google translator for this punjabi.

i was saying,let ur govt to talk with lama,i think he is not hard as he used to be.
if u r ready to communicate with taiwan peacefully then wats problem with lama.
there will surely be a point where both parties will agree,otherwise this ghost will continue to haunt u
ok tenali,
u can use chinese,i have translator here:rofl:,but there is no google translator for this punjabi.

i was saying,let ur govt to talk with lama,i think he is not hard as he used to be.
if u r ready to communicate with taiwan peacefully then wats problem with lama.
there will surely be a point where both parties will agree,otherwise this ghost will continue to haunt u

Even if the Chinese people want to talk - it is no use. They have no say in their country. The last time they asked their govt. to do something - they killed their own citizens in Tianmen Square.
Even if the Chinese people want to talk - it is no use. They have no say in their country. The last time they asked their govt. to do something - they killed their own citizens in Tianmen Square.

Chinese people run the Communist party. Over 70 million members. If you want a say you need to actively participate in the government instead of voting every 4 years and expecting results.

This is so sad. I am glad my poor nation gives refuge to these souls. We may not have much money and be dirty and lack facilities but we must do what is right.
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But you see, us Chinese wants tibet. Even if China were a democracy right now, the government wouldnt dare to allow tibet indepence. In fact, if democracy is the current case for China, a lot of Chinese would rally for the government to take immediate action against India to regain south tibet. So, you indians should be grateful that some pacifist communists are controlling China right.
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