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Tianjin Blasts: Latest Developments

Sodium cyanide in Tianjin to be collected, neutralized soon

By 9 am on Monday, at least 114 have been killed and 70 remain missing after the blasts rocked a warehouse storing hazardous chemicals in Tianjin Binhai New Area on Wednesday, according statistics released at a press conference on Monday morning.

All sodium cyanide within the 3-kilometer radius of the core blast zone will be collected and neutralized before Monday evening, said He Shushan, Tianjin deputy mayor who is in charge of work safety, at the press conference.

Containers storing several hundred tons of sodium cyanide have been located by authorities at two places, said Shi Luze, chief of staff of Beijing Military Region, on Sunday. Some of the exposed sodium cyanide from exploded containers is being controlled with hydrogen peroxide and other solutions and the intact containers will soon be collected and transported to safe places.

Sodium cyanide in Tianjin to be collected, neutralized soon - People's Daily Online

08.17 morning outside the blast area, PLA soldiers and local community staffs into residential buildings searching for dangrous goods & cleaning streets.



Supercomputer resumes service after Tianjin blasts
2015-8-17 13:32:29

The Tianhe-1A supercomputer has resumed service on Monday after the Tianjin blasts damaged its building and supporting facilities.

The supercomputer, located about one mile away from the blast zone, was shut down about half an hour after the blasts on Aug. 12. The ceilings and windows of its cooling and electricity supply facilities were damaged.

The shutdown has disrupted data service to its users, which include Tianjin Municipality's finance, commerce and meteorological departments, said Zhang Guihua, deputy director of the information and industry commission at Binhai New Area, where the blasts occurred.

Protected by a reinforced computer room, the supercomputer and its database remain intact.

Tianhe-1A, which can perform 2.57 quadrillion computing operations per second, was recognized as the world's fastest computing system in 2010, according to a biannual Top 500 supercomputer list.
Both Renault and Volkswagen lost >1,000 new cars, it means new car will delay 3 ~ 5x months ... a good news for China domestic automobile makers.
Funny way to look at things. :D
if that is the case then you will need many more such accidents for your private independent automakers to even stand a chance against foreign automakers .
So i dont think there is any good news whatsoever for China in this tragic accident. :disagree:
Moreover, most of them are JV betwen foreign car makers and Chinese State owned OEM car makers i believe. So your state companies will also lose out. In short, this is no good news for anybody.
Sodium cyanide fears eased by authorities
By Tang Yue In Tianjin And Zheng Jinran In Beijing

Authorities said on Sunday that an estimated several hundred metric tons of sodium cyanide stored at the scene of Wednesday's killer explosions in Tianjin have not harmed human health or the environment.

A number of containers, each holding 25 kilograms of the highly toxic inorganic compound, have been found in two areas at the site - many of them still intact, Shi Luze, chief of staff for the Beijing Military Area Command, said at a news conference.

"For those that were broken after the blasts, we used hydrogen peroxide and other solutions to control pollution from them."

Shi said the authorities will build a wall more than 1 meter high in part of the blast zone to stop the flow of contaminated water.

The containers that were not damaged will be collected and taken to the company they belong to, he said, without naming it. "All of them will be dealt with carefully, using scientific methods."

About 3,000 soldiers have searched the blast zone for evidence of harmful pollutants within a radius of 3 kilometers.

Investigators have been closely monitoring air and water quality at 27 stations after fears arose that the sodium cyanide would contaminate the environment and harm the health of local residents.

Shi said it would have no harmful effects on human health based on the monitoring data.

Bao Jingling, chief engineer at the Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau, said on Sunday that slight pollution was reported in the blast zone on Saturday, while air quality in nearby districts met national standards.

In samples collected from rivers, wastewater and the sea, no harmful pollutants, including sodium cyanide, had been detected on Saturday, Bao said.

State Oceanic Administration monitoring data on the nearby Bohai Sea showed that no harmful pollutants had been found in the water as of Sunday.

Bao said, "Health would only be affected if people were exposed to dense, harmful pollutants for a long time," adding that this has not been the case in Tianjin.

An emergency task force is dealing with contamination from the cyanide compound, making it harmless in water. The situation is under control and no more fires have been reported, Bao said.

"People do not need to worry about the air and water quality around the blast zone," he said.

To guarantee there is no pollution and to prevent secondary disasters, authorities have taken strict measures such as blocking all water outlets to the Bohai Sea.

They are also collecting all sewage in ponds and water channels in the zone and taking it to special disposal plants outside the area.

Bao said about 100 tons of polluted sewage had been transferred for further processing and more will be moved to reduce contamination.
Funny way to look at things. :D
if that is the case then you will need many more such accidents for your private independent automakers to even stand a chance against foreign automakers .
So i dont think there is any good news whatsoever for China in this tragic accident. :disagree:
Moreover, most of them are JV betwen foreign car makers and Chinese State owned OEM car makers i believe. So your state companies will also lose out. In short, this is no good news for anybody.
Everything has the good side & bad side, just i watch both. :coffee:

Here u r wrong, there 4,000x new cars parked in bonded zone of Tianjin seaport all r new shipped cars from Renault / Volkswagen / Hyundai domestic factories. The JV car manufactured by ShangHai-GM-Volkswagen / BeiJing-Hyundai / DongFeng-Citroen / DongFeng-Renault / ChangAn-Ford etc China OEM car makers, directly selling in local automobile shops no need into Customs Bonded Zone.
08.17 03:00pm Tianjin organized 60x news medias into blast area including CNN/ Al-Jazeera/ BBC/ France etc foreign news media, 120x Chinese and foreign journalists live report Tianjin blast, 300m far aways from the blast center.

8月17日下午3点左右,天津爆炸事故现场新闻中心组织60多家媒体,含CNN、半岛电视台、法国电视台等5家外媒,共120多人到距核心现场三四百米的立交桥上集中采访。组织方表示这是在周边大气环境相对可控的情况下组织的,以更多满足媒体需求。据@央视新闻(央视记者钱江 文杰)
The difference between now then Wen Jiabao's time is, Xi is firmly in charge of PLA and PLA heed CPC.

During Wenchuan Earthquake, PLA under the cabal of Xu Caihou, Guo Boxiong and Jiang Zemin told Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao to FO.
Nowadays it's easy to avoid that. Compel those business to send live cameras video signal to central government over internet and save all the data. The cost of this nowadays is near to zero.

The same day of Renminbi devaluation.

Yuan devaluation = speed up China economy.
This fact = slow down China economy.

This seems a USA countermeasure against Yuan devaluation.


So its the evil U.S who is also behind this as well? :o:@LeveragedBuyout ,@Peter C , i dont envy the U.S at all, damned of you do, damned if you dont.I guess thats the price you pay for being a superpower in todays world. :lol:

Everything has the good side & bad side, just i watch both. :coffee:

Here u r wrong, there 4,000x new cars parked in bonded zone of Tianjin seaport all r new shipped cars from Renault / Volkswagen / Hyundai domestic factories. The JV car manufactured by ShangHai-GM-Volkswagen / BeiJing-Hyundai / DongFeng-Citroen / DongFeng-Renault / ChangAn-Ford etc China OEM car makers, directly selling in local automobile shops no need into Customs Bonded Zone.
Bro, but still, foreign auto makers make huge sums of money in China with their enormous vehicle sales in the country. The 3000-4000 vehicles destroyed by the blast is just peanuts compared to what western and japanese auto makers earn through their vehicle sales in China. This damage/effect is insignificant in their budget.lol

General Motors Sells 252,567 Vehicles in China in May

Eh...we are used to it. I believe we caused the dinosaur extinction.

Wait until a big meteor hits and we get blamed.

Reminds of the nrws about pakistani islamists in U.K protesting and shanting slogans towards their own people celebrating their independence yesterday, then some pakistanis saying its our intellignce services who are behind these extremists and encouraging them to be radical. :lol: I knew extremistsmuslims/middle easterners always blame the west/U.S for all their ills, that is no surprise(as most of them are confused in the first place.lol ) but seeing east asian who are more advanced doing that as well?o_O Thats new. :lol:

So its the evil U.S who is also behind this as well? :o:@LeveragedBuyout ,@Peter C , i dont envy the U.S at all, damned of you do, damned if you dont.I guess thats the price you pay for being a superpower in todays world. :lol:

Bro, but still, foreign auto makers make huge sums of money in China with their enormous vehicle sales in the country. The 3000-4000 vehicles destroyed by the blast is just peanuts compared to what western and japanese auto makers earn through their vehicle sales in China. This damage/effect is insignificant in their budget.lol

General Motors Sells 252,567 Vehicles in China in May


USA is a great country and its ruling elite is likely the smartest over the face of earth. I admire USA meritocracy.
This is not a emotional issue, If you read my comment emotionally it's your problem, not mine.
This is not a issue about hates or loves, it's about business.

Slow down China economy is a USA interest. If you dont understand that, sorry for you.
USA ruling elite know perfectly how to protect their interests in a long-term, unlike the Western-european brainless puppets.
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