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Thrust vectoring at 400 knots

Air is a Fluid......literally? Hydraulics / Actuators (Hardware) and Air Pressure / Propulsion Pressure (hot gas) are the same to you? I don't think I want to write more....

Air is fluid genius..... Gas dynamics is a branch of Fluid Dynamics...

By even suggesting KBD having issues in differentiating Actuators with propulsion, you indeed do not need to write anymore
Air is fluid genius..... Gas dynamics is a branch of Fluid Dynamics..

There is a running joke between my employees (the guy who came up with this is actually from India as half the team is from India, and they take it in a very funny way). The joke is, something seems really simple to explain and understand, how do we make it much more complex? Add a couple of very smart technical Indians into the discussion. It'll automatically become much more complex.
Read the bold part. THAT is exactly what I was trying to differentiate between. The GD is a BRANCH of FD but they are not he same as the FD then expands out to include Air, Liquid and other subjects.
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There is a running joke between my employees (the guy who came up with this is actually from India as half the team is from India, and they take it in a very funny way). The joke is, something seems really simple to explain and understand, how do we make it much more complex? Add a couple of very smart technical Indians into the discussion. It'll automatically become much more complex.
Read the bold part. THAT is exactly what I was trying to differentiate between. The GD is a BRANCH of FD but they are not he same as the FD then expands out to include Air, Liquid and other subjects.
go ahead teach me some cfd...lets see the stones...
So coming back to your main question about the maximum safe speed for TVC, your question is erroneous. The combination of speed and radius of turning will decide whether the TVC is safe or not.


When we talk of thrust vectoring here----we are talking about " SNAP SHOT "---we are talking about " QUICK DRAW " --- we are talking about the change in direction and launch of a missile -- like the strike of a rattle snake or a black mamba----lightening fast.

That is what the talk has been about---the SU 30----change direction in mid flight---flip 180 deg --- launch a missile and be gone---just like a black mamba---you don't even know that you have been struck---.

This is the myth that I have wanted to address---the claim of fame of the SU 30 --- the famed cobra.
Actually, the 9 G is "suggested" safety limit for human body on constant basis. 10G is not out of the norm in top air forces like the US and the Israeli AF. They use 9.5 - 10 G all the time during maneuvers. The -16 was made famous through the media by showing its ability to go over 9.5 to 10 G's.

So far as I know, there is always a facility to bypass fly by wire and go upto 11 G in emergency cases. Pilot does that in emergency sitiation only. Rafale has that facility.
So far as I know, there is always a facility to bypass fly by wire and go upto 11 G in emergency cases. Pilot does that in emergency sitiation only. Rafale has that facility.
If the aircraft is FBW, it is impossible to bypass the system.
If the aircraft is FBW, it is impossible to bypass the system.

Ok but I had read somewhere that Rafale has such mechanism in place for emergency situation. Any way you are a knowledgeable person in this area so I believe you.
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