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Three Turkish soldiers killed in Libya as Haftar’s forces advance on Misrata

Oct 15, 2017
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Three Turkish soldiers were killed during fighting in and around the Libyan city of Misrata, local sources told Al Arab daily on Friday.

Six others were injured, the sources said. The bodies of the dead soldiers have been transported to Misrata airport.

General Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan National Army (LNA) are pushing to take Misrata, located in western Libya and a key stronghold of the U.N.-recognised Libyan government in Tripoli, which is backed militarily by Turkey. The offensive comes after Haftar’s militia took control of the coastal city of Sirte.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced last month that his government was sending military personnel to Libya to help train and advise the army of the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord. Turkey's parliament approved the deployment this week. Countries including Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, who support Haftar, have vehemently opposed Turkish involvement.

The deaths of the three soldiers were also confirmed in a tweet by the Libya Review, which has close contacts with Haftar’s forces.

On Wednesday, Haftar’s air force pounded targets in southern Misrata, claiming to have inflicted heavy casualties. Haftar’s militia were planning to take Misrata before the arrival of any Turkish troops, a senior LNA commander told Saudi newspaper Asharq Al Aswat
Turkey should focus on internal affairs, Erdogan should send his son to die instead. Now those families will be told, they died for the homeland. But in reality they died for Erdogan's dreams of Ottoman influence.
If they were dead indeed then you would be sharing the news of haftar’s death too because I don’t think he would’ve survive the next 5 hours
By the way sharing news from pro feto pages situated in UAE or from pro-lna sources isn’t much credible to be believed
Turkey is extending its hand way too much. earning hatred in response of its neighbours and others. turkeys interfrence in Syria backfired and the northeren belt of syria fell to Kurds who are even more anti turkey. i wish they stop shooting themselves in the foot
Turkey is extending its hand way too much. earning hatred in response of its neighbours and others. turkeys interfrence in Syria backfired and the northeren belt of syria fell to Kurds who are even more anti turkey. i wish they stop shooting themselves in the foot
Earning hatred from who?? From pkk or from mbz/mbs/netanyahu/ hypocritical demoncrats/greeks/failed general khalifa haftar/pedophile lindesy graham ???
Last time i checked people from Tripoli and Misrata greeted turkish decision to send troops into libya same thing with syrians in idlib tel abyad rasul al ayn and other syrian cities under syrian opposition control even afrin which pkk branded as “bastion” of kurdish nationalism is ok with turkish presence i don’t see the “resistance” which for which pkk has been spreading propaganda
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Earning hatred from who?? From pkk or from mbz/mbs/netanyahu/ hypocritical demoncrats/greeks/failed general khalifa haftar/pedophile lindesy graham ???
well you have sumed up almost every one ruling those countries in your south,,,so yes that still makes alot of governments and countries
plz donot be offended but dont you think going against Bashar ul Asad cost you northeren syria and an active threatening southern border ??
Earning hatred from who?? From pkk or from mbz/mbs/netanyahu/ hypocritical demoncrats/greeks/failed general khalifa haftar/pedophile lindesy graham ???
Last time i checked people from Tripoli and Misrata greeted turkish decision to send troops into libya same thing with syrians in idlib tel abyad rasul al ayn and other syrian cities under syrian opposition control even afrin which pkk branded as “bastion” of kurdish nationalism is ok with turkish presence i don’t see the “resistance” which for which pkk has been spreading propaganda
plz donot be offended but dont you think going against Bashar ul Asad cost you northeren syria and an active threatening southern border ??

I edited my comment see previos reply again
syrian cities under "opposition" are very few ...its just portion of two provinces now, Idlib and Allepo....and even Gotham city is far better thn those towns ruled by murderous gangs whom you call opposition. wht are those groups ? Al Nusrah ? Ahrar al Sham. Dear those fanatics will bite you back the first chance they get.
well you have sumed up almost every one ruling those countries in your south,,,so yes that still makes alot of governments and countries
plz donot be offended but dont you think going against Bashar ul Asad cost you northeren syria and an active threatening southern border ??

plz donot be offended but dont you think going against Bashar ul Asad cost you northeren syria and an active threatening southern border ??
Pakistani brother I’m not angry at you I didn’t see your friendly flag at first
Let me answer you:
Assad has been arming pkk(communist ethno-fascist with FAKE ETHNIC IDENTITY narco terrorist group most of the drugs shipped in Europe are actually thanks to these terrorists) for 40 years
Turkey lost 40000+ Turks plus the economy lost 450B dollars
In 1998 Turkey threatened to go into war with assad if he doesn’t stop supporting this terror group and then adana agreement happened thanks to this agreement turkey has right to conduct military intervention in syria if syrian government can’t expel pkk
As you know 2011 happened most of the syrian people revolted against assad
In 2012 he withdraws from northern syria leaving open door for pkk to establish itself along the southern border
Several operations were conducted and almost 30% or more of northern syria is captured I have no doubt that idlib will be traded in exchange for the rest of northern syrian after all 2020 has just started and we have almost 4 years(i count 2020 as well since whole year is ahead of us) until 2023-very symbolical year for Turkey since this year is centenary of establishing modern Turkish state

plz donot be offended but dont you think going against Bashar ul Asad cost you northeren syria and an active threatening southern border ??

plz donot be offended but dont you think going against Bashar ul Asad cost you northeren syria and an active threatening southern border ??

syrian cities under "opposition" are very few ...its just portion of two provinces now, Idlib and Allepo....and even Gotham city is far better thn those towns ruled by murderous gangs whom you call opposition. wht are those groups ? Al Nusrah ? Ahrar al Sham. Dear those fanatics will bite you back the first chance they get.
Well nowadays every syrian group is actually very sectarian it doesn’t matter whether is from opposition or from damascus-held areas
I know they can bite/betray us but unfortunately for them only turkey gives them support
West/USA have given up on them since 2015
syrian cities under "opposition" are very few ...its just portion of two provinces now, Idlib and Allepo....and even Gotham city is far better thn those towns ruled by murderous gangs whom you call opposition. wht are those groups ? Al Nusrah ? Ahrar al Sham. Dear those fanatics will bite you back the first chance they get.
syrian army and assad are no better. their murderous ways started the civil war. anyhow, turks have balls, unlike Pakistanis who are still waiting for kashmir to be handed over on a plate and indian influence in afghanistan to end on its own.
No such news in the mainstream Turkish newspaper sites...

Anyway, in a military ops there'll be casualties. Even when the Saltanat was going down a one-third of the male population sacrificed themselves without the blink of an eye. Only LGBT leaders want to fight via $22/month proxies....
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