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Three TTP Terrorists Killed in Mir Ali North Waziristan

Three terrorists neutralised in a raid by forces on a compound near Mir Ali #waziristan

What a nest of snakes Waziristan is
Dil bagh bagh hogaiya
Why is it like that?
- Porous border & Terrain
- Manning and budget difficulties
- Sleeper cells in NWA
There is a strong need to enhance capability of police in former FATA so that burden from SF can be reduced.
Capacity building is going on for some time now. FC has been transformed from the old days to a modern fighting force. Police capabilities need to be enhanced as well however sometimes a good defence lies in an offense. We need to start hitting them outside our borders so that this sense of security that these terrorists have gets diminish. Yes high profile TTP targets have been taken out lately in Afghanistan by unknown however its impact and scale needs to be increased with more open strikes so that every one starts getting the message that its Pakistan thats doing it and they mean business.

Security forces conducted an IBO on confirmation of presence of terrorists in a hideout in Mirali, North Waziristan last night.
Rawalpindi - February 17, 2021
No PR-30/2021-ISPR

Security forces conducted an IBO on confirmation of presence of terrorists in a hideout in Mirali, North Waziristan last night. 3 terrorists of Aleem khan Khushali group were killed. These terrorists were involved in target killing, kidnapping for Ransom, extortion, fire raid on security forces and IED explosions. Sanitisation of the area was carried out.
Government should answer the simple question as to why Pakistan is fighting WoT still on its soil 15 years later.

Unless the fight is taken to the terrorists regrouping in neighbouring countries, these operations won't work due to simple economics.
Do these scumbags wanted to be born a different gender...what's with the hair styles.
I am sure most of you have seen the videos surfacing not long a ago when some TTP terrorists were cutting the barbed wire fence and sneaking in, that is a major concern which needs to be addressed by the Security forces.

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