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Three RAW agents arrested

True. minimal fuss in intelligence work. Going by that analogy, Pakistanis are thinking on the lines of paying hidus rashtra back in the same coin with the language they understand best. Media war certainly is not on the menu.

Generating news......... :lol: You have lost the right to this claim especially after Bombay incident.

Yeah, particulaly when media war means actually publishing photos, establishing identities, provicing addresses and DNA samples, OR whats knows outside pakistan as "EVIDENCE".

Its funny when India published evidence all sorts of 'analysts' try to discredit it by making the most far fetched theories, but abt making any evidence public urself, u'd give some BS theory again. u guys are making religion out of this, blind complete faith.
Yeah, particulaly when media war means actually publishing photos, establishing identities, provicing addresses and DNA samples, OR whats knows outside pakistan as "EVIDENCE".
Well on our side we say what about that we beat the sh** out of those agents, make them go under ground so that people like you and me will soon forget about the story, while the fact remains that we have them right inside our custody being brain washed and making them ready to be used some 'other' day against their very own people!

How about that, Mr Propaganda War
So did anybody find a link to those 21 RAW agents busted in Quetta?

Anybody? At all?

Didn't think so...:disagree:

Plenty of real news. No need to live in self-delusion with fantasies.
I've heard that they came from the 21 Indian consulates in Afghanistan.

Is this true???
Well on our side we say what about that we beat the sh** out of those agents, make them go under ground so that people like you and me will soon forget about the story, while the fact remains that we have them right inside our custody being brain washed and making them ready to be used some 'other' day against their very own people!

How about that, Mr Propaganda War

Yes I do understand why the word 'evidence' causes allergy to conspiracy theorists.

After brainwashing em, they also change their facial features to make them look another religion (!) and make them wear religious symbols so that extremely intelligent people from the enemy country can notice it and dream up the whole sequence of things :)

i know i'm acting rationally when conspiracy theorists call me dumb :)
conspiracy theorists.
i'll take that as a compliment!
After brainwashing em, they also change their facial features to make them look another religion (!) and make them wear religious symbols so that extremely intelligent people from the enemy country can notice it and dream up the whole sequence of things :)
We'll talk when you will get sober.
The hang over is still talking out of you!
i know i'm acting rationally when conspiracy theorists call me dumb :)
Keep it bringing, you are quite near to become a 'declared dumb'
So did anybody find a link to those 21 RAW agents busted in Quetta?

Anybody? At all?

Didn't think so...:disagree:

Plenty of real news. No need to live in self-delusion with fantasies.

You have a link for me for the WMD's in Iraq?
Irrelevant about WMD. Provide evidence of 21 RAW agents arrested or shut up.

Here's your link-


Real weapons. Real WMD. Why don't you already know this?
Irrelevant about WMD. Provide evidence of 21 RAW agents arrested or shut up.

Here's your link-


Real weapons. Real WMD. Why don't you already know this?

Nice link to foxnews, our 100% reliable source for news, or perhaps for American propaganda.
My point is, you can demand "evidence" for alot of issues, but we on the other hand can tell that you're a hypocrit especially in the way you defend your nations interests, regardless if there is any evidence, proof or whatever, Guantanamo ring a bell?
I'm sure news will come out of these RAW agents being arrested, if not, I'd find it really suspicious because news like this should usually make it to the Pakistani news, I mean, why would we shut our mouth over such a thing while the Indian media sees milkpowder as evidence and immediately publicizes it?
If we don't see any more information on the 21 RAW agents being arrested, I'd assume it was just a rumor.
But I still find it funny how people like you can actually talk about evidence while your government has violated SO many basic human rights in order to "protect America from all evil".
Proof or no proof, if your country wants something, it can have it, and the fact that alot of your fellow countrymen/women are ignorant and misinformed about world politics proofs how easy Bush went to war in Iraq, regardless of any "proof" or "evidence".
The first thing the American people wanted was revenge after 9/11, there was nothing in terms or proof or concrete evidence, heck, Saddam was working with Al-Qaeda? I assume you believed that aswell right when the American propaganda machine started rolling? Regardless of any proof, people like you actually don't even need to talk about "evidence" because the basic rules of "evidence" dissapear or fade away once America gets in action, and this "action" is something which you most likely support / have supported before.

Bottomline: hypocrit, even though a part of my post is irrelevant to this thread, but I assume you do know what exactly i'm talking about.
"Nice link to foxnews, our 100% reliable source for news, or perhaps for American propaganda."

That's a link to the faxed transmittal from the Director, National Intelligence to the House of Representatives. Don't dissemble.

Produce your links or drop it, Jihad. Your comment about WMD is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

You seem to think I care about WMD. Know this- They had them. They used them. They intended to have them again. Now they don't and we're all better for it. If any of that bothers you then go cry in your lemonade.

Hypocrite? Look at your boardname before you utter such a word. "Jihad"? Really? Save it for something meaningful. You demean the prestige of that word here when you attach it to specious claims that aren't remotely true and you know it.
"Nice link to foxnews, our 100% reliable source for news, or perhaps for American propaganda."

That's a link to the faxed transmittal from the Director, National Intelligence to the House of Representatives. Don't dissemble.

Produce your links or drop it, Jihad. Your comment about WMD is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

You seem to think I care about WMD. Know this- They had them. They used them. They intended to have them again. Now they don't and we're all better for it. If any of that bothers you then go cry in your lemonade.

Hypocrite? Look at your boardname before you utter such a word. "Jihad"? Really? Save it for something meaningful. You demean the prestige of that word here when you attach it to specious claims that aren't remotely true and you know it.

So? You think an autograph on a fax will make me believe everything your National Intelligence tells us?
Like I said before, i'm not sure on the news about the 21 captured RAW agents, have I said anywhere that I believed it or am convinced that it happened? I'm not too sure of it myself, hence why i'm waiting for any evidence or indication to come up, that's what I said in my post before.
As for going off-topic with my WMD comment, it was aimed at reflecting your double standards you Americans usually apply when dealing with certain issues.
You often seem to ask for "evidence" while your great America isn't as inventive and patient when it comes to convincing others that your actions are justified.
This is my last post regarding WMD, I don't want to derail this thread, aren't my intentions, but I have to say, you continue to be ignorant, "They had them, they used them", YES they did, but I seriously thought WMD's were the only reason for invading Iraq? Atleast, that's what the Bush govt. made alot of Americans and the rest of the world believe?
So Saddam used biological weapons (which I seriously condemn), and what now? The U.S. dropped 2 A-Bombs on Japan for godsakes, it's all about double standards.

My point is, you seem ignorant on the fact that your OWN government does not abide by the rules you maintain when you deal with other people with different governments.
Yeah I can see the whole world is a better place now that Iraq is destroyed, what made you believe that? FOX news? Do you actually see real footages of what happens in Iraq? I will not deny that there are alot of good and sometimes great things happening in Iraq with the support of the U.S. and its soldiers, but the good vs bad ratio is clearly won by the "bad", there's just too much misery, and no we're not "all" better for it, what makes you think that? Got any "evidence"? Or are we talking about American double standards? Do you honestly think everything is justified when it comes to Americas interests?

By the way, my board name has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, in contrary to my WMD comment, which infact was intended for clearing up certain hypocritic statements.

If you say that some of my claims aren't remotely true, then what makes you think that your claims are actually closer to the truth then mine?
Again, I am not certain of the 21 allegedly captured RAW agents, so I am not fueling the hype nor am I ignoring it, one should always keep an eye open for things that could become something big, don't you agree?

On another note, no I am not against America, don't let my post mislead you or give you a wrong impression of my image about Americans, I like them, but their government has always applied double standards, and their people too often agreed with that without even knowing the details or the whole story behind it.
Let's hope that with the Obama govt. your countries torn image will brighten up a little, that's what Obama said in his speech and that's what he's aiming for right?

Anyways, i'm sorry for going into a different direction, but it's just odd to see people talk about evidence when everything they support and fight for, has always misused the definiton of "evidence" and "justice" and moreover lost their credibility due to that.
"...their government has always applied double standards"

Your comment is absolute. No margin exists for an outlier. I'd hesitate to do so myself.

"The U.S. dropped 2 A-Bombs on Japan for godsakes, it's all about double standards."

Can't be a double standard. Nobody else had a nuke nor had we yet used one ourselves. We set the standard. Hope that you're not looking forward to topping our record.

Good thing that the Japanese came to their senses before we dropped a third. More died in one night at both Dresden and Tokyo, btw, than either nuclear weapons.

Our reasons for invading Iraq are myriad. Not simply WMD. There's a small matter of irridentist ambitions regionally. Sensitive region in which to possess those ambitions by our perspective and unacceptable after twice exercised to everybody's detriment. Small matter of persecuting two-thirds of his population too. Few U.N. violations to include engaging coalition aircraft with AAA.

I love it, personally. No Saddam. No baath party. Kurds free. No WMD. No irridentism. Democratic processes in place and a second election very soon. $60B in oil revenue this year.

You might not like it but it's difficult to disagree with the fact that Iraqis can now decide whether they are going to unite as a nation under law or fragment in partition-de facto or planned.

Those choices have heretofore been unavailable. I pray that they are wise about the opportunity afforded them. We'll see but at least it's up to them as a people now and not a decision rendered by the extended al-tikriti family.

There was a story recently about a campaign symposium that offered Iraqi citizens a chance to query prospective candidates on issues. Evidently, the candidates (about 15 at a roundtable IIRC) were ill-prepared to deal with their constituents.

B.S. didn't fly well with a very well-prepared audience. That's good. Citizens are informing themselves and asking questions. Makes me very happy.
It was a good news. 4 agents were also caught 1 month back but these current politicians will not do any thing. Why because they are scared and sold out govt. Marshall law is needed 100%.
Can't be a double standard. Nobody else had a nuke nor had we yet used one ourselves. We set the standard. Hope that you're not looking forward to topping our record.
What the hell do you mean by this!!!
Good thing that the Japanese came to their senses before we dropped a third. More died in one night at both Dresden and Tokyo, btw, than either nuclear weapons.
This doesn't let you free from the responsibility of killing MANY with the A bomb. Don't related others mistakes or bad deeds to justify one of your own ****** acts.
Our reasons for invading Iraq are myriad. Not simply WMD. There's a small matter of irridentist ambitions regionally. Sensitive region in which to possess those ambitions by our perspective and unacceptable after twice exercised to everybody's detriment. Small matter of persecuting two-thirds of his population too. Few U.N. violations to include engaging coalition aircraft with AAA.
You sure still and will lack SHAME!
I love it, personally. No Saddam. No baath party. Kurds free. No WMD. No irridentism. Democratic processes in place and a second election very soon. $60B in oil revenue this year.
Ya you sure Love it, and you sure love the death toll of 4200 US Soldiers inside Iraq, don't you!!

You might not like it but it's difficult to disagree with the fact that Iraqis can now decide whether they are going to unite as a nation under law or fragment in partition-de facto or planned.
They will never live in peace. i don't at all favor Saddam but on this one let me tell you a stern leader like Saddam was required by these people to keep them 'together' atleast.

Those choices have heretofore been unavailable. I pray that they are wise about the opportunity afforded them. We'll see but at least it's up to them as a people now and not a decision rendered by the extended al-tikriti family.
i hope the Americans/Obama are wise enough to see what has been done and would happen to them if they would continue following the Zionist plans.
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