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Three Indian Mujahideen terror suspects held in Delhi

Boss even im muslim ,i never come across such situation,Infact i live a fantastic life, even my muslim brotherhood here.SO CUT YOUR CRAP.
I met your Muslim Indian brothers in the US. They hate Hindus, especially the ones from Mumbai. They have told me their stories, and to be honest I have only met two. Maybe you have given your sister to a Hindu for marriage, but I am quite sure that the crap you are writing is not true.
no no no...this guy is a computer engineer....you think that is lack of education ? no..there is something else that is going terribly wrong....

I was talking in general and multiple factors could be contributing or could be contributing mutually exclusively.. So it could be either Preaching/Teaching(religious) and Lack of Education or Lack of Jobs..
I met your Muslim Indian brothers in the US. They hate Hindus, especially the ones from Mumbai. They have told me their stories, and to be honest I have only met two. Maybe you have given your sister to a Hindu for marriage, but I am quite sure that the crap you are writing is not true.

As expected,If you cant have healthy argument you will end up in personal attack.Just from the comment of few impotent guys,you cant judge the whole scenario.
I met your Muslim Indian brothers in the US. They hate Hindus, especially the ones from Mumbai. They have told me their stories, and to be honest I have only met two. Maybe you have given your sister to a Hindu for marriage, but I am quite sure that the crap you are writing is not true.
For Living a life of prosperity ,Religion is not considered a factor in India .

You need other things education, money and contacts .Its true for everyone .

Someone who does not own atleast 1 of these 3 is poor in India regardless of religion .

you might see Job discrimination based on religion or ethnicity in west .

that does not happen in India. If you are qualified enough or have contacts or have money to bribe

to make your way through you will get selected,no matter who you are.
i wont say it as muslim terrorism i would say it as reaction to injustice done to muslim youth in india.in fact whom ever go through injustice takes up arm be it muslims in kashmir or else where india,be it sikhs in punjab or be it christians in nagaland or be it hindu tribal.And their fight against oppression is genuine.

well maam , its unfortunate of our ppl to think that somebody is oppressed due to their respective religion only n no ther reason.

many muslims in india, like you, who were not properly educated or not financially well off during independence, cudnt make it to pakistan. the dreams that jinnah saab showed them, is still lingering in their hearts and they are not ashamed/worried to pass the same to their next generation. So as long as this mentality persists, we shall always witness the allegations of muslim discriminations (maybe true sumtimes but absolutely rubbish most of the times). you know its important to know that unlike the religious components of india, islam has a central authority which rises above nationalism or regionalism. this makes it difficult for muslims to put their undivided loyalities to the state (or to the ummah). Confusion in sense of belonging persists in muslims, maybe. i wudnt know this but i know how does it feels when u are in a minority and wat are ur actions incited by that feeling.
when u r in a minority its natural to feel threatened by the majority, and it also natural that fear creeps in. but acting solely on that fear is something shameful. now you mite say that i have very conveniently sidetracked the role of hindu majority in this confusion....to that, i condemn all the acts that victimizes the muslims or any other group based on their religion...whether they be adivasis in orissa, muslims in UP or hindus in kashmir.

secondly, it is no secret that minorities ARE discriminated against, but the slur shouldn't be exclusive to india. our neighbours have indeed excelled themselves in this regard. yindoos in pakistan n bangladesh, uighurs n tibetans in china, tamils in sri lanka, rohingyas in myanmar, to name a few.

thirdly i dont believe that althoh religious discrimination is prevalent in india or other countries, thats the only reason for discrimination. most of the discriminators belong to a STRONG group preying down on a weaker group. dalits are discriminated in rural areas but that doesnt mean dalits area minority or belong to a different religion. majority muslims in india reside in villages with very little amneties n more importantly, education. note that the forefathers of these same muslims, due to being backward, cudnt migrate to pakistan. they stayed on with their insecurities, but instead of striving for betterment of their lives, they followed their ancient ways which further dragged them down to misery. i might add that its not a common phenomena for muslims but to all the weaker sections of the society and unfortunately muslims (majority of them ), fall in this category.

So how this discrimination, however small or big it is, can be stopped ??? So wat cud any ordinary person do to stop this???
i dont discriminate between my frens, whether they belong to any religion. neither i have seen my minority frens being discriminated against. i feel if every person is judged by his action and not by his birth, then things cud work out very well for us south asians. but alas, illiteracy and irrelevant education doesnt help much. muslims say that their participation in political process or armed forces is very low but have you wondered why there are less than 5 % muslims in primary n secondary level schooling ???? poor muslims cant afford to send their wards to a school ( village schools are so many of them and one can get free meals, apart of being free), so they put their wards into a local madrassa. now how do you expect this unfortunate ward to compete other wards who has relevant degrees in pol science, or civics, or engg or medicine. ppl from religious groups dont have madrassa type educational schools for them, hence they are forced to put their wards in proper schools ( my dhobiwalla has put his small kids in english medium schools). the jist is, relevant education is more important than just education. slokas from gita wont help the student to compete in entrance exams, nor will the suras of koran...respect.

and if u r still unclear, then let me give u an example more close to home. its natural for the younger kid to complain regularly about 'discrimination' by the elder kid, but we know wat happens most of the time.
guys please cool down they are suspects not convicted :what:

Most sensible post in this entire thread. Some suspects get arrested for being in possession of bombs and arms and immediately it becomes a Muslim-Hindu thing. Where's the evidence that these are not Maoists or ISI agents? Cut out the crap everybody and keep your bigotry to the confines of your madressas and mandhirs
Most sensible post in this entire thread. Some suspects get arrested for being in possession of bombs and arms and immediately it becomes a Muslim-Hindu thing. Where's the evidence that these are not Maoists or ISI agents? Cut out the crap everybody and keep your bigotry to the confines of your madressas and mandhirs

in PDF waloon ka bus chaly to phansi per latka deen her accused ko :P
Time to stop being soft with terrorists....look at Kasab. if it were up to me, he would be eating dirt. Its a mistake to be lentient with these type of ppl. Punish them extremely harshly. Send msg from now and forever. Beheading is not enough. Skin them alive, torture and then cut off these body parts 1 by 1. Tell the UN this kind of punishment is only reserved for terrorists.

I met your Muslim Indian brothers in the US. They hate Hindus, especially the ones from Mumbai. They have told me their stories, and to be honest I have only met two. Maybe you have given your sister to a Hindu for marriage, but I am quite sure that the crap you are writing is not true.

Man stfu. You are writing BS....so you are form the US? Good now I should report your *** to DHS
Which human rights org in their right mind will claim human rights for these guys? terrorists are not humans and dont deserve anything.

99% of human rights organizations "established" in our country support "not hanging" or "killing" of these "human beings who should be given another chance".

Just google and see how these so called "rights" bodies get fundings from outside and support terrorist groups in India. The sad part is not that they get foreign funds; but the fact that it is fellow Indians who support these sickos for that foreign money. :tdown:

I met your Muslim Indian brothers in the US. They hate Hindus, especially the ones from Mumbai. They have told me their stories, and to be honest I have only met two.

Maybe you have given your sister to a Hindu for marriage, but I am quite sure that the crap you are writing is not true.

Your religious obsession will annihilate your country one day, man.

Trust me, keep this mindset and this will only do more damage to your country.
They are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters fighting against Indian govt. for the innocent people....wait....Oh sorry...I thought I was on some other thread...We need Human rights organizations to stand up for these freedom fighters. :D

Arundhati Roy will take enough care of them
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