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Three attacks in Lahore - Attackers killed, Hostages Rescued, Operation Successful!

Mr.420! pehlay apnay ghar ke khabar loo(Your own pamper need to change).
People like u use to exploit by dodging with US,India,Islam of taliban.

Recent terrorist attackers are not coming from Afghanistan or FATA,they all are taliban allies in punjab doing their training job on shia community for last two decades.
their mullahs are in parliament who were blackmailing Govt. for last many years.

Please stop shia sunni hatred,better come out from this nonsense.

US and is behind terrorism game, their target is our nukes ,they know TTP is terrorist organisation , they are hitting them with drones and TTP targeting Pakistan.
Things are going out of hands now.. PA should start the major operation now, and hunt down the whole network in pakistan. I am not changing my stance on PA attack SW, since it look like things are going in the way of right direction.. COAS should kick these politician out and start an operation.. give an ultimatum to militants.. and clear the SW from civilian and through bio-weapons or what ever.. we don't care.. enough is enough.. agencies want terror in pakistanis heart, pakistan should give same in return to them.. they should fear from Pakistan.. and stop thinking about breaking/destabilize Pakistan..

Ps: this should be all done under media blockage..
Oh come on man This is not a fight of Shias and Sunnis any more its a war against the Muslims of Pakistan by these delusional fools these talibans. And if you cant accept that fact then you are more ignorant then them. No need to bring in the Shia Sunni debate into this, we are all one, and we have a common enemy. We always did but for some reason we just cant see beyond our own egos.

I want to clear that,Certianly this is not Shia-sunni war.
But this war first victims are Shias who had faced thousand of casualties in last 30 years and were remained sole victims since 911.
This terrorism seed had sown by zia which was neglected even promote till 911 by Govt and international warlords and donors.
Now this seed has grown into strong tree which is now going to attempt to cut it.But no one still want to find the root.
Root of this terrorism is Anti-shiasm.This is my challenge that every terrorist is wahabi/takfiri ideologist is anti-shia.These are not Sunni.
Their madresas are spreading Anti-shia and Anti-brelvi propaganda which are fully sponsored by wahabi kings.

Today our whole nation and also World community is paying for the negligence of terrorism against Shia in last 30 years in Pakistan.

This is wahabi fitna which has agenda to implement their own design sharia on all over the world.

If We don't stop their sponsoring petrodollar warlords this fitna couldn't be stop.
But this war first victims are Shias who had faced thousand of casualties in last 30 years and were remained sole victims since 911.

Really? when i look around i find the different story... major victoms are sunnis of Afghanistan, Pakistan and iraq.. if you ask the %age then 78% of sunnis, and around 22% of shia, which is exactly same separation in population..

Root of this terrorism is Anti-shiasm.This is my challenge that every terrorist is wahabi/takfiri ideologist is anti-shia.These are not Sunni.

Salfs are sunnis, they follow Imam Hannbali, who is one of authentic imam of sunnis..

This is wahabi fitna which has agenda to implement their own design sharia on all over the world.

And how they will implement shariah through this way? By this way, they can never come into power..

I know you have some Wahabi fobia but still can Justify your logic?
Really? when i look around i find the different story... major victoms are sunnis of Afghanistan, Pakistan and iraq.. if you ask the %age then 78% of sunnis, and around 22% of shia, which is exactly same separation in population..

Salfs are sunnis, they follow Imam Hannbali, who is one of authentic imam of sunnis..

And how they will implement shariah through this way? By this way, they can never come into power..

I know you have some Wahabi fobia but still can Justify your logic?

Main victims= 78% Sunni (Fracker report)

Wahabi=salfi=Sunni (Fracker report)

therefore This WAR is Sunni-Sunni( As per fracker conclusion)

Than whats problem to implement the sharia of taliban salfis????

1. explode all educational institutions
2.Home Arrest all women
3.Destroy all Mazar(nauzobilah like in Mecca Madina)
4.Hang on every clean shave

What the hell our intelligence agencies doing btw?three attacks in big city and they didnt had any clue that this was coming?IB,MI,ISI sleeping? :hitwall::angry:
Nope they had information - One cannot blame the intelligence especially when so many things are going on in Pakistan...but what astonishes me is that the same policy training academy(or some other place) was attacked some time back and still there is no proper security in that area
Than whats problem to implement the sharia of taliban salfis????

Just that,

1. Sunnism/salfism never say to distroy educational institutes, we have education system running around pakistan (major hanfi), we have education system in Malysia, KSA, and all the countries where hanfi, shafi, hannbali, & malaki present. So this means TTP is not sunni.. you can confirm whether TTP is shia or not?

2. in Sunnism, State is not responsible for Parda of women.. So, TTP is not sunni or salfi, confirm for shia..
3. State or anyone is not respobile for this as well in sunnism or salfism..
4. Again same
5. Again Same...

So, TTP is not Sunni or salfi atleast, they could be shia (you can refute it since i don't know about that)..

Also, i asked about logic, how Wahabis can implement their designed shariah through spreading terror?
Just that,

So, TTP is not Sunni or salfi atleast, they could be shia (you can refute it since i don't know about that)..


Add some more lies in your self made sharia

You win the title of LIARS KINGS
This has been the worst time for Pakistan with so many attacks happening within short span. Kudos to the security agencies for their very effective and swift action to eliminate these parasites of humanity.

RIP for the innocent ones who lost their lives in these brutal attacks and I wish get well soon for the injured ones.

Don't worry!! Your sacrifices will not go to waste. We will conquer these bast#rds and we will ensure that humanity wins and peace prevails. We will leave a better, peaceful and developed future for our children who will not have to live in this mess of hatred, fear and violence we are made to live at present.
I am not going to get into a debate about Shias and Sunnis as this is not the time or the moment. I don’t like the concept of Mazars and I am not going to say Astagfirullah for it either, they are the biggest fitna the things that go on there are for all the Muslims to stop not to encourage but that said I am not a wahabi, I don’t even know what makes you one or how can you join that club. We as Pakistanis have a very good sence of hummor, we want money hay let’s ask the Wahabi kings of Arabia they will give it to us we love them. Then once we have the money they are the munafiqs they do this they do that. Have we ever tried to sort out our own Cr@p see where the problem lies within our own house. More than half the rasams and rawajis in our dumb society are Hindu traditions. Who will you blame for that. As I said earlier that this is not the time for these blames to be flying araound in the air, we need to be united not just now we should have been and we should be in future. Tell me something did Halaku stop from invading Baghdad just because our fore fathers were too busy debating that who was a real muslim a Shia or a Sunni. No he used it to his own advantage, and the same is happening now, yet again we have the same inner fighting going on, and yet again the Halaku is standing at our door steps. Wake up brothers. Together we are all one we are a nation an Umah one people. :pakistan::pakistan:
These Najdi evil monsters are just pure evil. Shia's and sunni's have been living in peace for thousands of years. These najdi devils cannot undermine our determination and resovle against these evil people.

These Terrorist are anarchist that dont belive in any authority.

Vigilanti terror actions are not allowed by any religion. People doing these attacks can only be classed as KHAWARIJ.

Death to TTP. We will burn all of you evil people.

Pakistan Zindabad
Low level operation in Punjab wont do any good.

Go all out there too as well as Wazirisitan

I agree - the southern punjabi jihadi terrorists are perhaps the best-trained of the lot and arguably the most dangerous. A combined ops unit of Rangers and Elite Police Commandos should tackle the TTP cells across Punjab especially its affiliated JM/LeJ terrorist hubs near Bahawalpur and Jhang.

Meanwhile the military should get down to serious business in Waziristan.
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Punjabis are best for their bravery. Sikhs in India and Muslims in India, living in Punjab are one who fight for the nation. If terrorism grows from there, its the most dangerous thing I believe. (As khalistan in past)
Main victims= 78% Sunni (Fracker report)

Wahabi=salfi=Sunni (Fracker report)

therefore This WAR is Sunni-Sunni( As per fracker conclusion)

Than whats problem to implement the sharia of taliban salfis????

1. explode all educational institutions
2.Home Arrest all women
3.Destroy all Mazar(nauzobilah like in Mecca Madina)
4.Hang on every clean shave


fair point - Salafis are essentially fascists and suffer from a tribal and ethno-centric superiority complex.

If the Salafi nonsense was the same as Sunni school of thought, nobody in pakistan would have an issue with their practices. However, as we all know, Salafi ideology has more to do with regressive tribal traditions than any religion. And it is this fascist ideology forged by the Wahhabis in alliance with the Sauds over a hundred years that fuels extremism in our midst.

However, the Salafi effort is not primarily a war against Shia. While the Shia serve as a favorite whipping boy for the Salafis, the latter, like the Nazis, have much bigger goals and hope to dominate the world - and that is why they are actively fomenting unrest and violence around the world in places like thailand, indonesia, bangladesh, algeria, morocco, london, somalia, nigeria,..and of course our own backyard.
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