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Thread Bared: Communal tensions in India


Aug 3, 2013
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I shivered with pain and rage when I read this article in an Indian paper -- how Hindus are killing and raping Muslims in India !! Astaghfurullah, and the Pakistani media is silent -- paid by RAW to protect Hindu Mushriks !!

Then Hamid Mir, Mir Shakil and Imtiaz Alam have the shameless audacity to bark about aman ki Asha !! Nawaz Shareef sood khor should read this and then talk about his fake peace with India ! By Allah, we will not take any prisioners this time in Ghazwa e Hind. Every Mushrik involved in these crimes would curse the day he was born ! This is a promise ! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind ! Labbaik
Thread Bared | Neha Dixit

Why should we fucking care about Congressi mullah's descendants ???


Because they are selling atheism and secularism on this forum and associate BS with our religion and get away clean! we should also have equal opportunity to discuss Hinduism.
After all equal rights is fundamental to so called secularism
are you afraid of giving him negative rating.... Indian!
I don't have to take lecture from a Pakistani on minority rights.

Indian media especially magazines like outlook often write one side of the story. Do you know the infamous Delhi rape case, the rapists were Muslims and girl was Hindu.

So you all should first do Jihad within your own country to get rid of people polluting your country while we clean ours.
I don't have to take lecture from a Pakistani on minority rights.

Indian media especially magazines like outlook often write one side of the story. Do you know the infamous Delhi rape case, the rapists were Muslims and girl was Hindu.

So you all should first do Jihad within your own country to get rid of people polluting your country while we clean ours.

Dude you are going off tangent, is there no one to tackle you?
Now if you are willing to discuss than tell me the religion of the gang who raped 2 year old Afghani girl?

Just in case when you don't know:

Minor Afghan girl raped in Indian capital
Dude you are going off tangent, now if you are willing to discuss than tell me the religion of the gang who raped 2 year old Afghani girl?

As terrorists have no religion, rapists too dont have one,in a soceity you will find all kinds of people and if you start generalising then there is no end to it.
As terrorists have no religion, rapists too dont have one,in a soceity you will find all kinds of people and if you start generalising then there is no end to it.
teach this to hindu think tank, who is accusing dehli rapists are Muslims. I hope think tanks do have religion though!
teach this to hindu think tank, who is accusing dehli rapists are Muslims. I hope think tanks do have religion though!

Who the fuk cares about religion? As far as OP is concerned the incident might have occurred no denying but that was what happened at riots. It is not a daily thing in India. We are secular and every one has same right in India. Except when government fails to do its duty unfortunate incidents like these happen and people of all communities are affected not just one. Let me tell you the place mentioned mujjafarnagar is a muslim majority area in UP and there were Hindu causalities as well.
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