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Thousands rally in Lahore over blasphemy law

pakistan needs religious law which clearly says "" any one discriminating against any religion or any ones God would be punished than its fair other wise its BS , one sided & in the favour of majorities.

Blasphemy law will used by mullahs as a trumph card and these hidious hipocrats will keep on using it unless this is abolished or neutralized.
If you're a Chinese!

You know what I like about our Chinese friends, they never interfere in our internal matters like the Uncle Same do :)

Check previous threads about this issue, you'll hardly find any comment by any chinese because they know these things will make us to go in conflict, My request is, please avoid being too much into it, you told us your view, now respect what's in our constitution :)

On a lighter note, You know we have different ideologies still we're best of the allies in the World, why? Because we never interfere in each other's matters :)

First, indeed I am 100% Chinese.

Second, I really have no intention to interfere how you Pakistani handle such matter. I simply express my opinion. To be honest, keeping silent on this kind of issues does not always translate into real friendship. Real friends dare to tell each other such things. You see, we keep silent on what NK did and has done. Now what happens to NK? BTW, I am really worried since my hometown is bordered with NK. What happens if a Nuke gets detonates there???

Best friendship means we help each other no matter how hard it is. The government side may keep silent. But on the civilian side, at least, I really feel that is an absurd law. It is even absurd that it has been written into law. How about separation of religion and state? Is Pakistan a secular country or religious country like Iran?
I feel the problem is not that we Pakistanis are doomed to be intolerant, but I think the concept of freedom of speech hasn't fully permeated in. Moreover we all have grown up to believe that, all logic, all sanity SHOULD go out t he window when the Prophet is insulted. Even if we are not supposed to feel angry, the anger has been taught to us over the generations. Somehow if we don't do these demonstrations we will not be fullfilling some sort of divine duty.

Intolerance has been taught to us, tolerance can also be taught. You know people who get and understand freedom also don't like to see the Prophet get insulted, they will defend the Prophet as well... But no one should be ready to kill, neither should anyone get punished for it.

The concept of freedom states that no matter what someone says it does not make it true, it should not affect anyone. People usually disagree on this one, and say it SHOULD affect you, but it really does not when you think about it, that people can call the day as night, the heat as cold.
40000 is big amount. I thought only mulla support it. Now what, even people too.
I don't think that dance meant that India is centre of extremism. He is referring to JUI who broke from Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind and obviously migrated to Pakistan after partition.

JUI is a Deobandi organization, part of the Deobandi Muslim movement.The JUI formed when members broke from the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind in 1945 after that organization backed the Indian National Congress against the Muslim League's lobby for a separate Pakistan

By the way, Illumuddin was an Indian Muslim back then. At that time Pakistan was not formed.

I dont want to go offtopic, but how is that everytime Indus Valley Civilization or Porus or 'number zero' comes up every Pakistani says that there was no India, but rather these were from Ancient pakistan, but when it come to 'Ilumuddin or JuI the subject matter very clearly becomes there was no Pakistan back then and all were Indians ??
There's a reason why pakistan's liberals are ineffective, its because it seems they are in deep denial too.

Ilm Ud Din... ring a bell??

this is the reality which our tiny liberal section always denies and lives in a fantasy world. i don't see them becoming effective in the coming 500 years.

40,000 ........:smokin:
I don't think that dance meant that India is centre of extremism. He is referring to JUI who broke from Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind and obviously migrated to Pakistan after partition.

JUI is a Deobandi organization, part of the Deobandi Muslim movement.The JUI formed when members broke from the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind in 1945 after that organization backed the Indian National Congress against the Muslim League's lobby for a separate Pakistan

By the way, Illumuddin was an Indian Muslim back then. At that time Pakistan was not formed.

But he was the hero of the leaders of pakistan movement then, and today he's a hero in pakistan, not india.

Its funny most pakistanis consider the murderer ilm ud din a hero, name streets and hospitals after him, but want to blame qadri and associates on india.

i know exactly what dance meant. And i'm refuting just that. Pakistan and India are not geographical entities, they are ideologies. And Jamaati ideology is hardly indian.
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this is the reality which our tiny liberal section always denies and lives in a fantasy world. i don't see them becoming effective in the coming 500 years.

40,000 ........:smokin:

it takes time buddy as i said in my first post in this thread, but that time will come. religious intolerance will only produce suffering, eventually people are gona realize and say enough is enough.
I dont want to go offtopic, but how is that everytime Indus Valley Civilization or Porus or 'number zero' comes up every Pakistani says that there was no India, but rather these were from Ancient pakistan, but when it come to 'Ilumuddin or JuI the subject matter very clearly becomes there was no Pakistan back then and all were Indians ??

Well, we are right. There was no "india" back then. Modern day republic of india was created by the British in 1947. The name "india" comes from the Indus river in Pakistan. indian's stole the name of a Pakistani river for their Country.

Pakistanis; please take pride in the fact that the "indian Ocean" is named after our river. Please take pride in the fact that our enemy has taken/stolen the name of our river for their identity.
Well, we are right. There was no "india" back then. Modern day republic of india was created by the British in 1947. The name "india" comes from the Indus river in Pakistan. indian's stole the name of a Pakistani river for their Country.

Pakistanis; please take pride in the fact that the "indian Ocean" is named after our river. Please take pride in the fact that our enemy has taken the name of our river for their identity.

And the name Indus came from the word 'Sindhu' (which is a Kingdom mentioned in the Mahabharata). Pakistanis desperately clinging on to Hindu (Sindhu) heritage ? :confused:

Perhaps you should change the name of the river to Nadi-e-Pak :pakistan: :cheers:

"Sindhu" obviously comes from the Pakistani province of Sindh.

No, we will not change the name of our Pakistani Indus river. You shameless people should change the name of your Country if you have any sense of dignity.

"Sindhu" obviously comes from the Pakistani province of Sindh.

This is what they teach you in school ?

Let me educate you.

Indus River - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Indus" is a Hellenic derivative of the Iranian Hindu, in turn derived from Sindhu, the name of the Indus in the Rigveda. The Sanskrit Sindhu generically means river, stream, ocean, probably from a root sidh meaning to keep off; Sindhu is attested 176 times in the Rigveda, 95 times in the plural, more often used in the generic meaning
Sindhu Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sindhu (سندھو, सिन्धु) was a kingdom mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. It stretched along the banks of river Sindhu (Indu

(Your province is also named after Sindhu)

Oh and take a look at this too

The name of the city Lahore derives from "Loh" or "Lava", the son of Rama in the Ramayana. The city has been named variety of similar names by other geographers, historians and researchers in their works of the ancient times.
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