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Thousands rally in Lahore over blasphemy law

So many prefer second class status to other religions. No wonder minority does not flurish in Pakistan.

Looking who talking..............Pakistan has a problem...yes,,,,,,,,,unlike the minorities in India, they become victims of genocide..........dont go there, shut the hell up and leave this discussion for Pakistanis to discuss rather then having a stiring Indian involved
First, religions should never be allowed to enter politics, let alone use to govern any country.

Second, we need more religion toleration and crash any religion fanatics, no matter it is from Muslim, Christian, Hinduism or even Buddhism.

I do not think any religion or its representatives can force anyone, let alone family members (e.g. a new born child), to convert to that religion. Any human being should be able to choose whatever he prefers as long as his choice does not hurt others in the society.

If it is his/her choice to be Muslim, we should respect that. Later if he/she chooses to convert to other religions or abandon his/her original belief, we should respect that as well. Any violence put upon those people simply because they change their mind about what they believe should be against. Any country should not hesitate a little bit to crash those so called religion protectors/religion fanatics.

At this point, China has done such a better job and I have my 100% support towards my government in this matter.
^^we need more people who thinks the same.

Actually, majority of Chinese think the same. In China, we have multiple religions co-existing peacefully.

If there is any religion who wants to enter politics or challenge government, they will get crashed. E.g. certain catholics or Muslim Uighurs. In this point, we have never hesitated to act and have no concern what outsiders will say. For Falun Gong, it was not even a religion.

I am glad our country does not listen to the complaints by the pope. He is just a religious figure. British broke away from him since he complained too much against the king then. The protestants broke away from him due to his persecution. China government should guard against him very carefully. Be careful, China can learn from the U.K. in this point. One suggestion, China may invite the descendants of Mary from France to set up its own version of Christian religion. Isn't pope only from the branch of Jesus Christ's disciples? Its legality was destroyed/established by the emperors of old times. In the current age, I see no difference why new powers cannot establish something new.
The problem with some people who are pro religious type of gov is that they are selective when it comes to democracy, most of the time they condemn democracy, but once it is their turn to raise their voice then demo is a good thing.
Then we should establish universal standard that no religions should be allowed to enter politics or used to govern any country.

In this regard, no side, pro-religion or no-religion, can complain against each other again.
We need to send these jamati Mullahs back to where they came from. Same people that called Quaid e Azam Kafir e Azam and Pakistan Kafiristan are spreading venom here.

I wish a suicide bomber would blow himself in these pathetic protests for blasphemy law.

God forbid! Why will you say that? May God keep everyone safe. I intensely dislike JUI but that doesn't mean that i want them dead. Protest is a democratic right, so we can't stop that. In case where they are warning of anarchy, they should be arrested. Govt should show toughness where required.

Unfortunately on the issue of blasphemy all religious parties, organizations are in the same page that blasphemy law will not be amended even. It's not only JUI and other conservative parties but even moderate Sunni ittehad council is against repealing the law. We can't ignore this wide support. This clearly indicates that even moderates want it.

For the time being we should leave this issue and wait for the right time until a consensus is developed to repeal this law.
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from an outsiders point of view..

i would say blasphemy law should be removed(a nation has much more important things to worry about)...but i think they have strong opposition from religious parties and the government does not have the will to take on them and repeal them..

So y not have blasphemy law which covers not only islam but also other religions..i.e., it is punishable by law if u insult islam and also hinduism, christianity etc...

i no this will create more confusion...but it might also deter any 1 from accusing another..as the other guy also can accuse him/her..:cheers:
Mullah's the biggest fagots on the planet. Anyone who heed's their advice is destined to failure. For god's sake fellow Muslims. The first command from Lord God to Mohammad (PBUH) was Iqra = Read...

We have the Quran, read it and make sense of it yourself, these bigots only want us to stay locked behind a wall of ignorance, hatred and fear of change and development.
from an outsiders point of view..

i would say blasphemy law should be removed(a nation has much more important things to worry about)...but i think they have strong opposition from religious parties and the government does not have the will to take on them and repeal them..

So y not have blasphemy law which covers not only islam but also other religions..i.e., it is punishable by law if u insult islam and also hinduism, christianity etc...

i no this will create more confusion...but it might also deter any 1 from accusing another..as the other guy also can accuse him/her..:cheers:

Govt is na mard. After Taseer was martyred no one has the guts to repeal this. Everyone was talking big about repealing this law before Taseer graced martyrdom and now everyone's silent.

Blasphemy law in Pakistan doesn't cover other religions because they are not important. Well that's what the constitution says because non Muslims are not allowed to become President or Prime Minister (insult to democracy).
I read about India's blasphemy laws and if someone insult any religion they get fined but here you say something accidentally or do something then your off to the gallows. Just a few days ago a student was jailed for blasphemy because he wrote something "offensive" about the Prophet.

These Mullis and govt are more interested in hanging innocent people rather than the real criminals like terrorists, rapists, murders or kidnappers that have been kidnapping innocent hindus in interior sindh or the mullahs that incited violence against Christians in Gojra, cuz of that Mullah dozens of innocent christians died and hundreds of homes burnt.

And then we ask why Pakistan is in turmoil, it's not only cuz of the govt but also cuz of the people. These illiterates that go out in masses and support this black law or support the killings of minorities.

btw lol one thing I noticed both Indian and Pakistan Hyderabads are very diverse when it comes to religion. Both have great amounts of both Hindus and Muslims.
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God forbid! Why will you say that? May God keep everyone safe. I intensely dislike JUI but that doesn't mean that i want them dead. Protest is a democratic right, so we can't stop that. In case where they are warning of anarchy, they should be arrested. Govt should show toughness where required.

Unfortunately on the issue of blasphemy all religious parties, organizations are in the same page that blasphemy law will not be amended even. It's not only JUI and other conservative parties but even moderate Sunni ittehad council is against repealing the law. We can't ignore this wide support. This clearly indicates that even moderates want it.

For the time being we should leave this issue and wait for the right time until a consensus is developed to repeal this law.

I probably over reacted but you can't ignore that Pakistan is pretty much done now. Day by day people are leaning towards extremism. We blame the government but it is the masses that come out and support barbaric laws like this. We are corrupt people, wherever we go we ruin that place. Look at Pakistanis evading taxes and living off of govt money in UK. Everyday innocent hindus are forcefully converted and kidnapped.
The minorities are aliens even in their own land. And it's sad because Pakistan is filled with culture and great history but sadly I don't think any good is going to be done now.
I agree! I just wish our government was more tough on these people, so that they dont go around shaming Pakistan around the world. These people should move back to their homeland india or Saudi Arabia.

India??? India?????

There's a reason why pakistan's liberals are ineffective, its because it seems they are in deep denial too.

Ilm Ud Din... ring a bell??
This is because people have no trust in this inept Government.Any fool can see, that the implementation of this law, rather than the law is faulty, ie people should allow the high court to investigate matters first beforeto establish whether blasphemy ever occured rather than bundle the poor stigmatized person into jail and endanger his/her life.People need to understand what is involved in the law and what proposals are in place and the religious reasons for the implementation of the law to be changed. But then who will come and answer the questions of the people , crooks like Rehman malik, whose knowledge has been adequately exposed. One needs honest people who can be listened to. unfortunately there are none that i can see in the current setup. That more so than the law is the root of the problem.
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