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Thousands rally in Lahore over blasphemy law

India??? India?????

There's a reason why pakistan's liberals are ineffective, its because it seems they are in deep denial too.

Ilm Ud Din... ring a bell??

I don't think that dance meant that India is centre of extremism. He is referring to JUI who broke from Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind and obviously migrated to Pakistan after partition.

JUI is a Deobandi organization, part of the Deobandi Muslim movement.The JUI formed when members broke from the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind in 1945 after that organization backed the Indian National Congress against the Muslim League's lobby for a separate Pakistan

By the way, Illumuddin was an Indian Muslim back then. At that time Pakistan was not formed.
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And why doesnt this law consider other religions? there should be a punishment for those who insult the other religions too.
I probably over reacted but you can't ignore that Pakistan is pretty much done now. Day by day people are leaning towards extremism. We blame the government but it is the masses that come out and support barbaric laws like this. We are corrupt people, wherever we go we ruin that place. Look at Pakistanis evading taxes and living off of govt money in UK. Everyday innocent hindus are forcefully converted and kidnapped.
The minorities are aliens even in their own land. And it's sad because Pakistan is filled with culture and great history but sadly I don't think any good is going to be done now.

You know what this is something that the world is not trying to understand. Support for this law was always there and still majority supports it. It's not a recent trend. Call it extremism but Muslims are very rigid when it comes to religion.

Such rigidity will take time to change. People say that education will address this problem but what we see is that educated people are extremists too. So where is the problem? I will suggest to reform Islamiat (Islamic studies) that we study upto college level. Scholars should include courses like tolerance and acceptance of other faiths including other Islamic sects, how to live in modern world etc. It's the flexibility that we are lacking. It's not like that Islamiat preaches hate but it certainly demonizes other religions. As a result you see people having less tolerance for other religions. This is something we need to change. This is my view. I could be wrong though.
I don't think that dance meant that India is centre of extremism. He is referring to JUI who broke from Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind and obviously migrated to Pakistan after partition.

JUI is a Deobandi organization, part of the Deobandi Muslim movement.The JUI formed when members broke from the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind in 1945 after that organization backed the Indian National Congress against the Muslim League's lobby for a separate Pakistan

By the way, Illumuddin was an Indian Muslim back then. At that time Pakistan was not formed.

Exactly, I wasn't referring to extremists in india ( that deserves it owns separate thread)but JUI which was formed in india and they were the same people who called Pakisatn "kafiristan" and all that because their beloved india to remain intact. Fateh do some research before spewing out wild accusations.
from an outsiders point of view..

i would say blasphemy law should be removed(a nation has much more important things to worry about)...but i think they have strong opposition from religious parties and the government does not have the will to take on them and repeal them..

So y not have blasphemy law which covers not only islam but also other religions..i.e., it is punishable by law if u insult islam and also hinduism, christianity etc...

i no this will create more confusion...but it might also deter any 1 from accusing another..as the other guy also can accuse him/her..:cheers:

The blasphemy law says, anyone insulting any Prophet of the Muslims, means, that covers, Judaism and Christianity. Remaining part, Hindus and other minorities, there's other law which states that no religion should be insulted in any manner.
You know what this is something that the world is not trying to understand. Support for this law was always there and still majority supports it. It's not a recent trend. Call it extremism but Muslims are very rigid when it comes to religion.

Such rigidity will take time to change. People say that education will address this problem but what we see is that educated people are extremists too. So where is the problem? I will suggest to reform Islamiat (Islamic studies) that we study upto college level. Scholars should include courses like tolerance and acceptance of other faiths including other Islamic sects, how to live in modern world etc. It's the flexibility that we are lacking. It's not like that Islamiat preaches hate but it certainly demonizes other religions. As a result you see people having less tolerance for other religions. This is something we need to change. This is my view. I could be wrong though.

Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan are all Muslim majority countries but they are so liberal minded. Can you imagine them coming on the streets and supporting an extremist law and a murderer that killed a government official? So I think your right about reforming Islamiat. And Madrassas should be kept under heavy watch.
With such absurd law, Pakistan won't go along well. It is always at the edge of falling into total chaos.

Many great minds do not believe in God or whatever names each religion give to him. In today's world, people like Einstein may also be sentenced to death by such idiotic law.
With such absurd law, Pakistan won't go along well. It is always at the edge of falling into total chaos.

Many great minds do not believe in God or whatever names each religion give to him. In today's world, people like Einstein may also be sentenced to death by such idiotic law.

If you're a Chinese!

You know what I like about our Chinese friends, they never interfere in our internal matters like the Uncle Same do :)

Check previous threads about this issue, you'll hardly find any comment by any chinese because they know these things will make us to go in conflict, My request is, please avoid being too much into it, you told us your view, now respect what's in our constitution :)

On a lighter note, You know we have different ideologies still we're best of the allies in the World, why? Because we never interfere in each other's matters :)
Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan are all Muslim majority countries but they are so liberal minded. Can you imagine them coming on the streets and supporting an extremist law and a murderer that killed a government official? So I think your right about reforming Islamiat. And Madrassas should be kept under heavy watch.

Does that mean by their own right, they too can interfere in any judicial or politicial forum, as you wish to reform "Islamiat" and keep the Madrassa under watch.............

We all seem to ignore one thing......the religious elite are fast becoming fed up of this Military rule followed by this so called Democracy.......they have made it absolutely and clearly obvious, they want Islamic Shariah..........they have been vocal and pushing for it for the last 60 or more years but to no avail........

I have a better solution........split Pakistan and give them their part and you keep yours...........those who want Shariah Law with blasphemy Acts can live as they see fit........

We should have more Islamic influence within our laws, but not full-on Islamic laws like Saudi Arabia or Iran.

We should have more Islamic influence within our laws, but not full-on Islamic laws like Saudi Arabia or Iran.

O believers enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan, surely he is your clear-cut enemy. (Surah Al-Baqara, Ayah 208)
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We should have more Islamic influence within our laws, but not full-on Islamic laws like Saudi Arabia or Iran.

I doubt Saudi Arabia is following complete Sharia'ah laws..

That's not a pure Islamic state!

Sharia'ah laws means that there's complete Islamic rule in the country but there, Country is ruled by the "above the law" elite and the Laws are misused at extreme level..

Pakistan should be modeled like Quaid and Iqbal wanted, a modern Islamic state, Islamic economic system first of all, as Quaid said in his last speech ad then Islamic Judicial system..

These two basic changes will make Pakistan a very better place to live..
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