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Thousands of strong force to take on China


Then this system is more than enough.Actually Su30MKI can be detected by chinese radar.But Air launched Brahmos can attack a target that is morethan 500km away. Air launched version Brahmos
has more range ,one brahmos is enough ,hypersonic version is also in pipeline.
Well Chinese can build the Tibet railway, so also have the capacity to repair damaged rail, even bomb whole of Tibet railway China still can transport army by YunNan-Tibet/XinJiag-Tibet/SiChuan-Tibet/QingHai-Tibet roads. I had show u PLA transport-fleet running at Tibet.

U didn't see i posted EWR and S-300mpu in Tibet ? Didn't see PLAAF J-10A and J-11B fighters deployed at Tibet military airport RIGHT? If India do that, im sure China's PHL-03/A-100 MLRS, DF-11/DF-15/DF-21, CJ-10 will sent back to blow up Indian airport and military base around Sino-India border. The time back to 1962 again ?

My God what a beautiful place Tibet is. This must be added into my places to visit list.
Drive the car or take the QingHai-Tibet train, enjoy amazing travel from 200m ==> 5,000m. U will never forget it !
Also the road from SiChuan/YuNan/QingHai provice to Tibet is very GOOD, u can easily drive to Tibet.






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Well Chinese can build the Tibet railway, so also have the capitable to repair damaged rail, even bomb whole of Tibet railway China still can transport army by YunNan-Tibet/XinJiag-Tibet/SiChuan-Tibet/QingHai-Tibet roads. I had show u PLA transport-fleet running at Tibet.

U didn't see i posted EWR and S-300mpu in Tibet ? Didn't see PLAAF J-10A and J-11B fighters deployed at Tibet military airport RIGHT? If India do that, im sure China's PHL-03/A-100 MLRS, DF-11/DF-15/DF-21, CJ-10 will sent back to blow up Indian airport and military base around Sino-India border. The time back to 1962 again ?

Do you think it is so simple? .I doubt that ,,the case that show my previous post is event in a full scale war.I am sure that will not going to happen.But again we also have S-300 advanced missile system and Akash SAM system .Akash system is about 2000 missiles that is two regiment of Indian Army in north eastern sector.I show a post that is not an ordinary missile system.Even a single brahmos can destroy a bridge or entire tank column completely.Not because it s warhed because of it kinetic energy.

You also mentioned something about blow India airport.So you think you chinese forces and machinery can easily enter in Indian space and can do anything.SURE MAN THAT IS A WETDREAM. :lazy2:.we have our own agni missile series.nirbhay etc.And that scale of war not good for both India and China,both will failed and only champion is your rival USA.I am sure that not going to happen.So
thinking 'that we are invincible' not going to help both countries.
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Well Chinese can build the Tibet railway, so also have the capacity to repair damaged rail, even bomb whole of Tibet railway China still can transport army by YunNan-Tibet/XinJiag-Tibet/SiChuan-Tibet/QingHai-Tibet roads. I had show u PLA transport-fleet running at Tibet.

U didn't see i posted EWR and S-300mpu in Tibet ? Didn't see PLAAF J-10A and J-11B fighters deployed at Tibet military airport RIGHT? If India do that, im sure China's PHL-03/A-100 MLRS, DF-11/DF-15/DF-21, CJ-10 will sent back to blow up Indian airport and military base around Sino-India border. The time back to 1962 again ?

Drive the car or take the QingHai-Tibet train, enjoy amazing travel from 200m ==> 5,000m. U will never forget it !
Also the road from SiChuan/YuNan/QingHai provice to Tibet is very GOOD, u can easily drive to Tibet.







Do you think it is so simple? .I doubt that ,,the case that show my previous post is event in a full scale war.I am sure that will not going to happen.But again we also have S-300 advanced missile system and Akash SAM system .Akash system is about 2000 missiles that is two regiment of Indian Army in north eastern sector.I show a post that is not an ordinary missile system.Even a single brahmos can destroy a bridge or entire tank column completely.Not because it s warhed because of it kinetic energy.

You also mentioned something about blow India airport.So you think you chinese forces and machinery can easily enter in Indian space and can do anything.SURE MAN THAT IS A WETDREAM. :lazy2:.we have our own agni missile series.nirbhay etc.And that scale of war not good for both India and China,both will failed and only champion is your rival USA.I am sure that not going to happen.So
thinking 'that we are invincible' not going to help both countries
Do you think it is so simple? .I doubt that ,,the case that show my previous post is event in a full scale war.I am sure that will not going to happen.But again we also have S-300 advanced missile system and Akash SAM system .Akash system is about 2000 missiles that is two regiment of Indian Army in north eastern sector.I show a post that is not an ordinary missile system.Even a single brahmos can destroy a bridge or entire tank column completely.Not because it s warhed because of it kinetic energy.

You also mentioned something about blow India airport.So you think you chinese forces and machinery can easily enter in Indian space and can do anything.SURE MAN THAT IS A WETDREAM. :lazy2:.we have our own agni missile series.nirbhay etc.And that scale of war not good for both India and China,both will failed and only champion is your rival USA.I am sure that not going to happen.So
thinking 'that we are invincible' not going to help both countries
will not harder than that you use Brahmos bombing the target in china.
we are not invincible, but seems you think Brahmos is invincible.

Is that why you ran back in 67 and 87 ?? Was that part of another glorious tradition initiated by chinese .

You Chinese seem to be stuck in a time warp. You conveniently forget the pasting the PLA got at Nathula in 1967! 400 Chinese soldiers met their maker and scores of bunkers and pill boxes were destroyed by Indian artillery barrages, helped by OPs on dominating heights that brought down accurate and massive volumes of fire.
And having learned their lesson and getting their butts burnt at Nathula, the PLA quietly withdrew from Somdorong Chu in Arunachal Pradesh in 1987 after Gen Sundarjee, the then Chief, warned them of similar action!

Now, you won't find that in any Chinese media or books because of your mind boggling censorship and the propaganda machine of the CCP.
You guys need to get out of your 1962 fixation. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge. Smell the coffee and get real instead of being in a perpetual state of hallucination, existing in a world of fantasy and make-believe.
67 87? know some about it, solved by high ranking official of China and India through diplomatic channel, I know your army want another war with China, for avenging 1962 failure, and in your plan you will win, the war not happened at last, you can say anything that how good you are, forcing china back, China is coward etc, but for China, we don't care, for us, 1962 war is a real happened war, and the end is that we China won.
BTW, you guys needn't to get out of your 1967&1987 non-happened war that you india will win in you paper plan!
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Wow Chinese fanboys responding by posting pictures from past 3 years of Military exercises.... looks like that they are still to get a briefing from "you know who".
Wow Chinese fanboys responding by posting pictures from past 3 years of Military exercises.... looks like that they are still to get a briefing from "you know who".
You indian mouth is still that big.
Picture is more believable than indian mouth and plan!
Keep this in mind when posting pictures of the PLA:

They have spent the last 30 years crushing unarmed civilians, not fighting professional armies or hardened terrorists.

If the PRC were to attack India the conflict could go badly for the PRC. Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong are all within range of Indias ICBM's. Wars are easy to start, hard to end. Just look at the Americans in Afghanistan.
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But not as big as Chinese... posting some training pics in response to a news item is a great representation of oh SO High Chinese IQ.
Titling the thread such a "good" name show you indian low IQ!

Keep this in mind when posting pictures of the PLA:
They have spent the last 30 years crushing unarmed civilians, not fighting professional armies.
Are indian army a professional army?!!!!!!

Then this system is more than enough.Actually Su30MKI can be detected by chinese radar.But Air launched Brahmos can attack a target that is morethan 500km away. Air launched version Brahmos
has more range ,one brahmos is enough ,hypersonic version is also in pipeline.

I posted a question on the air launch air to ground Brahmos a few month ago. But no reply.

First of all I am not a military expert but I believe today there is no such thing as a air launch Brahmos... right ? :blink:

Secondly Brahmos was designed as a anti ship missile so it fly over the flat sea.
How will it work over a mountainous terrain ? :what:

Thirdly I think it is a waste of expensive asset to use the SUXX whatever to launch long range ground attack cruise missiles. Don't you think.

Look what clever Chinese use...1st generation nuclear bomber.
Can carry 6 missiles ! :cheesy:

Look what US use...An old nuclear bomber.
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WTF is this thread all about? Looks some brochure of the Chinese publicity department for their tourism industry!

If the Chinese fan boys are trying to show off their infrastructure in Tibet, it also exposes their vulnerability to strikes by the IAF in a war scenario, that would render them defunct. All this talk of their ability to pump in up to 30 infantry divisions will come a cropper.

Those bridges shown in the pics above, look sexy as hell........yeah, I mean sexy mouthwatering targets for the IAF! :man_in_love:
WTF is this thread all about? Looks some brochure of the Chinese publicity department for their tourism industry!

If the Chinese fan boys are trying to show off their infrastructure in Tibet, it also exposes their vulnerability to strikes by the IAF in a war scenario, that would render them defunct. All this talk of their ability to pump in up to 30 infantry divisions will come a cropper.

Those bridges shown in the pics above, look sexy as hell........yeah, I mean sexy mouthwatering targets for the IAF! :man_in_love:

So why don't IAF strike the bridge? The whole world knows why...but some Indians do not.

We are preparing for an attack from China...

Than you will be dissappointed.
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