Can you tell us about any Buddhist archaeological remains in Sindh like that of Gandhara. If Buddhism was so widespread in Sindh once why isn't there a trace of any Buddhist heritage in Sindh while there are so many in Gandhara.
First suppressed in the brahmin buddhist civil wars and then totally destroyed by islamic invaders. Many hindus still fought and resisted.Buddhists did not resist much as they initally thought that invaders were liberators only to be later killed,enslaved (though this is not so in Gandhara where buddhist and hindu several times defeated arab muslim invaders.This was a trend in Central Asia also where islamic invaders converted the central asian buddhists and tengris to islam by sword,but ultimately it was reversed by half-buddhist Genghis Khan and his buddhist grandson hulagu khan who totally plummelled islam retribution for what islamic invaders did in central asia.