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Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown

Good. Great news and a good move by China.
Let all the BNO holders leave Hong Kong.

China move should be able to quicken UK approval process of visa for all these people.

Let hope all the 3 million BNO holders will get their UK citizenship and move there after all UK is very a FREE nation. Freer than Hong Kong today although internationally Hong Kong ranked 3rd.
And if they return to Hong Kong, they will be treated like all the other tourists.

I believe the next move by China NPC will be on dual citizenship.

These people must choose.
If they choose UK residency or citizenship then they must give up their Hong Kong China citizenship.

:coffee: :cheers:

Those who choose to stay must pledge alliance to PRC. After Hong Kong is indeed a part of China. There is no dispute on this.
it is the best news ever happened to Hong kong in years !!
I strongly hope --- all these BRAINWASHED * Treacherous * Chinese western
SLAVES will be infected by the new deadly UK COVID viruses variants and
suffering so much PAIN and mental TORTURES ...
and they wish they are born as cockroaches to be stomped until their
innards are splashed all over the floor.


de Deadly Lesson to all Non--Whitey Person is ... ...

de Western whitey FAKE * Freedom & Backward DemoCrazy
governments * ( 5 eyes nations ) have proven to ALWAYS
* FAIL ... time and time again.

~ UPDATE: ... ...

Meanwhile, on the Land of the very RACIST Snakes n
STUPID n DESTRUCTIVE Freedom, ... ...

As of this minute, the Snakes USA already has 484,445 COVID deaths and the death numbers are growing ASTRONomically every day.

The undeniable Scientific fact has shown that the COVID viruses were originated and fabricated in Fort Detrick Lab, Maryland, USA on APR 2018.

ProoF: ~ Go read the LANCET & NATURE journal.
actually, Indian constitution was written by the British. English unites India. Did British imperialism in India ever stopped? China ceded Hong Kong to Britain. What part of India was ceded to Britain? The answer is actually none. India never ceded any land to Britain. And you know why.
What have you smoked? Our Constitution was written by Dr. BR Ambedkar.
I don't know why.

HK leaders? I allow you to re-edit your inputs. Say riots gang heads.

India never ceded land to Britain as the country of India was created by Britain. Just like Australia never ceded land to Britain as Australia was created by Britain.
actually, Indian constitution was written by the British. English unites India. Did British imperialism in India ever stopped? China ceded Hong Kong to Britain. What part of India was ceded to Britain? The answer is actually none. India never ceded any land to Britain. And you know why.
Because Indians prefer British rule to freedom

Look the Indian women below wanting British rule again


What have you smoked? Our Constitution was written by Dr. BR Ambedkar.
More like what has it been injected with

Probably a vaccine trail rodent for Chinese vaccines when visiting its motherland

And we are getting to the see the side effects on mental capabilities
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India never ceded land to Britain as the country of India was created by Britain. Just like Australia never ceded land to Britain as Australia was created by Britain.
Another myth spread by Communist China to prevent refugees from begging for entry into India.
So a few thousands of Hong kongers leave? This literally has zero impact on the pearl river delta. HK is not even the most important city in the region anymore and HKers do not have the skills to compete.
They’ll live in cold, racist Britain which has a dead end future and failing economy, full of thugs and degeneracy in its society and realize they made the wrong decision when they get their teeth kicked in on the streets.
Open you narrow mind.

What does a story of some guy (Russian?) spending a few years getting a permanent residency status in mainland China to work and live have to do with 100,000 Chinese students in the UK? Did you handout 100,000 of them last year to desperate UK people applying or something? If not...why not...probably because you have limits...just like the UK...which you can't figure out.
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Do you wanna join your fellow Chinese refugees?

They are Chinese - they have been refugees and indentured laborers around the world for centuries. They will be fine.
Do you wanna join your fellow Chinese refugees?

They are Chinese - they have been refugees and indentured laborers around the world for centuries. They will be fine.
Hey Tibetan refugee in India you don’t speak for India , wether I want to join or not is not up to you , now go back to live in your concentration camp
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